Intersting...but cute

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So, my family and I were on a walking trail, seeing if we could bring our dog the next time we go there. It is welcome to dogs as long as their on a leash. We saw some fawns and red squirrels, but the most interesting thing we saw was we we were head back.

An man was walking on the trail and he didn't seem to be alone. "Do you have a dog with you?" He asks. "No." We answer. "Alright, c'mon Elsa." He calls back.

My sister thought he was calling for a child, I thought he was calling for a dog that wasn't on a leash. I'm not a park ranger, so why should I care of the dog wasn't on a leash.

But we ended up being both wrong and were faced with a cat on a leash. It was trailing behind its owner without a care. Sure, I've seen videos cats being active, but I never thought I'd see one because I have a fat lazy cat.


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