Chapter 5: Infiltrating The Omega Base

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At the entrance to the Omega Base, the Quinjet is seen heading down and landed on the Landing Spot. Team KTMR, Team RWBY, and Team JNPR exits the Quinjet and enters the Wrench Works area.

Pyrrha: "Where should we start Kevin?"

Kevin: *puts on his Mark Suit L and looks at the team* "We must find the Altas Soldiers and bring them back, alive. *looks at the next area* This way."

Kevin leads the team to the next area and when they walk to the next room, they see an army A.I.M Agents holding the Altas Soldiers hostage and Kevin and the team gets angry at that.

Weiss: "What do we do now Kev?"

Kevin: *activities his Repulsor Cannon* "We fight."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kevin makes noise to alerted the Agents and he fires his cannons, knocking two Agents against the wall. Ruby fires her Crescent Rose, Sniper Mode and took out two Agents. Weiss and Blake took down five Agents down with their weapons. Yang punches and kicks three Agents down. Rainbine took out seven Agents with her Gun Cannon. Tatsumi and Mine took out three Agents. Jaune and Ren took out six Agents. Pyrrha took out two and Nora breaks the Agents' legs and knocks him out.

Nora: "Eat that Agent."

Kevin goes to the next room, heard fighting nearby and the wall gets destroyed and an A.I.M Agent gets thrown by a Super Soldier and it charges at Kevin. The soldier tries to slam his fist at Kevin, but he blocks by using Nano Shields and uppercuts him to the face. Kevin then uses his Iron Cannon and pushes the Super Soldier against the wall and gets knocked out. Kevin turns around and see's everyone who are amazed from Kevin's Iron Cannon.

Ruby/Rainbine: "Where did that come from?"

Kevin: "It's Nano-Tech. You like it? A little something I-"

He got interrupted by an new figure who punched him hard and Kevin hits the wall, much to Weiss horror.

Weiss: "KEVIN!!! *goes to him and checks on him as he wakes up* Are you okay?"

Kevin: "Yeah. I'm alright. *gets back up with Weiss's help* Who did that?"

???: "Yes... this is better than I could have hoped - my old adversary. Iron Man."

Kevin: "Glad to see you remember me, Crimson Dynamo. It's been a while since I kicked your tin plated butt."

Crimson Dynamo: "You will now defeat me this time. My new battlesuit is clearly superior to your armor."

Weiss: *looks at Kevin* "You know him?"

Kevin: "Crimson Dynamo. He's one of my villains my father faced after he became the first Iron Man. He much have revived himself somehow."

Crimson Dynamo: "You are correct my friend. I will defeat Iron Man and next will be your friends."

Kevin: "Then come on and face me, if you dare."

Kevin and Crimson Dynamo faces each other with a help from his friends. Kevin uses his Energy Blades to slashed Dynamo's legs and Yang punches his head. Pyrrha and Jaune took out two Agents with their weapons. Weiss took out eight Agents with a help of Ruby and Nora. Blake and Ren took out the last two A.I.M Agents and they see Kevin fighting Crimson Dynamo on his own.

Crimson Dynamo: "Impossible. I'm the strongest here. I won't lose to the likes of you and your friends."

Kevin uses his Semblance, Proton Cannon and fires it, defeating and knocking out Crimson Dynamo.

Kevin: "I'm the Iron Avenger, Crimson Dynamo. Now stay down. *goes to the others* Are you guys alright?"

Yang: "Yeah. Thanks."

Kevin: "Go and recuse the Altas Soldiers. I'll go on ahead to find out who's responsible for this."

Weiss: "I'm going with you."

Kevin: "Absolutely not. This is gonna get dangerous."

Weiss: "Please Kevin. I can't yet you get hurt out there. Please, lemme come with you?"

Kevin: *looks away, smiles and looks back at her* "Alright. You can come. But you must stay behind me if anything happens, got it?"

Weiss nods and her and Kevin goes on ahead, leaving the others to help the Altas Soldiers.

To be continued...

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