Prologue: First Day We Met

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers. As you probably can see, Weiss is next for my romance story. So, I hope you enjoy this. Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

8 years ago

??? P.O.V

It was a day at school that every kid was in class and it was recess, and my name is Kevin, a son of the billionaire playboy of Tony Stark and I was seen sitting under the tree and watching the kids play, I was alone and never had much friends, my friends was staying in for the trouble they did involving an entire bottle of glue and paper.

Kevin: "Well, this is boring. Need to find something to do."

I was gonna walk around when I looked to the left and noticed a girl with white hair also sitting alone, I felt really for her and I decided to go and sat next to her.

Weiss P.O.V

I was sitting alone under the tree and I felt sad, when I was sitting here, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I look up to see a white hair boy looking at me, and he sits next to me.

Kevin: "Hello."

Weiss: "Hello."

Kevin: "What's your name?"

Weiss: "Weiss. Weiss Schnee."

Kevin: "I'm Kevin Stark. Nice to meet you. So, why are sitting here alone?"

I remained silent from that question he ask.

Kevin: "It's okay. You don't have to tell me."

Weiss: *looks at him surprised* "Really?"

Kevin: "Yeah, my friends are staying in for something bad they did."

Weiss: "So, I guess your alone out there as well?"

Kevin: *nods* "Yes."

There was a brief silence when...

Kevin: "Hey you want to go on a swing? Nobody is there right now."

Weiss: "Do you mind?"

Kevin: "Sure."

Weiss: "Okay."

Then we get up and go to the swing, as we arrive, I was nervous and Kevin looks at me.

Kevin: "Is something wrong Weiss?"

Weiss: "I never been on a swing before. I wanted to but, I never got the chance."

Kevin: "Don't worry, I let you go first."

Weiss: "Really?"

Kevin: "Of course. It won't be bad. Just sit down and I'll push you."

I complied and sat on the swing and Kevin goes behind me and pushes me and then I swing forward and when I came back, Kevin pushed me again and I went higher. I was nervous then, but after a couple of minutes I started to enjoy it, I started smiling and laughing as I was having fun with someone, I look back and saw Kevin having fun too, I was then smiling that I finally made a friend.

Weiss: *laughing* "This is fun."

Kevin: "I told you it would be fun."

Kevin then gets to the other swing and swings with me and we all had fun together.

Time skip - After School

It was after school, and Kevin was sitting beside me on a bench waiting for our dads to come pick us up, as we waited, I decided to talk to Kevin.

Weiss: "Hey Kevin."

Kevin: *looks at her* "Yeah?"

Weiss: "I just wanted to say thank you for today. I feel like you and me are actually friends."

Kevin: "Well, of course we are friends. I'm happy that we are. And I'm happy that I really met you."

Weiss: *smiles and hugs him* "Thank you, thank you."

Kevin: *hugs back* "You're welcome."

???: "Weiss."

???: "Kevin."

We look to see our fathers have arrived and walking towards us when they suddenly meet face to face.

???: "Jacques Schnee."

Jacques: "Tony Stark."

They stared at each other, then they shook hands and smiled and they are happy to see each other.

Tony: "Hello old friend."

Jacques: "Same to you."

Tony: *looks at Weiss* "I take it this here's your daughter?"

Jacques: "Yes, and I believe this is your son, Kevin?"

Tony: "Yes, and if I heard it right. Your daughter and my son are friends now?"

Jacques: "I believe so, and I think it would be a great if their friendship continues."

Tony: "I agree."

Jacques: "Your son is free to come by anytime to visit."

Tony: "Thank you. Same goes to you daughter too."

Me and Kevin were happy that we can spend time together whenever we want, after we had a long conversation, Kevin goes to his father and I go to my father, and as we are walking away, me and Kevin waved at each other as we knew that we would be friends forever.


3rd P.O.V

Team RWBY Dorm

Some of the members of Team RWBY was in the cafeteria eating while Weiss and Blake was in their dorm, Weiss was doing her homework and Blake was reading her book, as Weiss was doing her homework, Ruby and Yang burst and they startled them.

Ruby: "HEY."

Weiss: "Will you please stop doing that?"

Yang: "Sorry, couldn't help it."

What Weiss just noticed is one of her pictures are flying around and lands on the floor, she quickly picks them up and looks at them and notices one missing. She turns around to see Ruby and Yang looking at it.

Ruby: "Oh, who is this?"

Weiss: *takes the picture from Ruby* "Um, that's mine. Thank you." *puts picture back*

Yang: "Who was that boy Weiss? Someone you know?"

Weiss: "Maybe."

Yang: "Weiss..."

Ruby: "...What are you not telling us?"

Yang: *smirks* "Never knew you were friends with a boy, Weiss."

Weiss: "Sh-shut up. I'm going for a walk."

Ruby: "Hey, wait. Really Yang?"

Yang: "What?"

Weiss was walking around after that, then she goes to the courtyard and sits down, then she hears a Bullhead engine and she looks to see a Bullhead landing on the landing pad next to the ship with new students that are coming to Beacon, she looks at the Bullhead and notices a symbol on it that she seen before, she was gonna approach it when is was cut off by new students running to Beacon. Then she is suddenly dizzy and almost falls on the ground she feels someone caught her in time.

???: "Whoa, you're okay miss?"

Weiss: "Yeah, thanks."

???: "No problem. If I wasn't there you could've hit the ground hard."

Weiss then see's a Bullhead flying off and she looks to see the Bullhead still there and she signs in relief that it wasn't the Bullhead she wanted to check.

???: "Something wrong?"

Weiss: "I was gonna see what that symbol was about on the Bullhead, and I was curious to see it."

???: "Oh, the Symbol. Yeah that's..."

That's when Kevin's supporter, A.S.H.L.E.Y. calls in.

A.S.H.L.E.Y.: "Sorry for the interruption, but here's your stuff, Mister Stark."

Weiss's eyes widen as she heard the last name she never heard for a long time.

???: "Thanks Ashley."

Weiss turns around and see's the teen boy with black hair, wearing a cool Tracksuit with shoulder pads, wearing black pants and boots, and as he looks at her, she see's his blue eyes and she is shocked to see who she is looking at.

Weiss: *eyes widen* "K-Kevin?"

Kevin: "Huh? How do you know my... *eyes widen* W-Weiss?"

Weiss runs up and hugs Kevin and he hugs back, she then starts crying that the boy she hasn't seen in a long time is here and she is happy to see again.

To be continued...

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