Chapter 1| They're Back

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Dedicated to icedteaconspiracy

It was a not so normal night at Godric's Hollow because two people found themselves awake from the dead.

"Why am I in a box... DAMN IT SIRIUS AND JAMES, Harry better not have a mohawk when I get..." Lily said but then trailed off when she remembered what had happened. She felt for her wand and blasted herself out of the box

"ugh, really Sirius?" James groaned. James then felt for his wand and blasted himself out as well.

When James got out he saw Lily crying. "What wrong Lily flower?" He asked concerned

Lily pointed at two tombstones. When James looked he saw their own graves. He was shocked and then he remembered what had happened, he remembered him telling Lily to take Harry and run. He remembered Voldemort killing him. He remembered the prophecy and how he was after... Harry, The word hit James harshly. His poor son... dead. His knees buckled and he sank to the ground, He and Lily silently grieved for their son. Suddenly James had an idea

"Lils," he said, "if we have come back wouldn't Harry be back too?" James asked eagerly.

Lily's eyes filled with hope and she said "maybe"

"We should go to Dumbledore's office, he would know what to do," James said and then they both apparated to Hogsmeade

Meanwhile At Privet Drive

"BOY" Vernon yelled

Harry came scampering to him knowing what he would get if he didn't.

"if they could just see the Boy Who Lived now" Harry thought sarcastically but went downstairs, he hoped that this beating wasn't that bad, his back was still sore from the last one, and he was pretty sure a few of his ribs were broken (from the dementor incident), luckily for him his uncle was in a good mood.

"We are going out tonight, none of your business where we are going but we will be coming back late, if I find even one thing out of place you'll wish you were never born," Uncle Vernon said fiercely

Harry just nodded not believing his luck. Uncle Vernon was satisfied with that answer and he left, but, not before giving Harry a quick punch in the face at which Dudley laughed. Harry held his face and went to the bathroom to check it. He groaned when he looked in the mirror, he had a big bruise on his eye, Harry sighed and thanked Merlin that he wasn't going to school soon or there would be some questions. Harry went upstairs to go sleep, he laid down for around half an hour but couldn't sleep since he was scared nightmares of Cedric were going to come back, Harry hadn't slept much since he came back for fear of the nightmares.

Harry then began to doze off, he suddenly woke up when he heard a sound coming from downstairs. Harry knew that the Dursley's couldn't possible by home by now so he went downstairs with his wand in case they were death eaters or worse. To his surprise when he went downstairs he saw a couple of people he knew. He didn't believe his luck so he had to make sure.

"What was one of the things you made in your school years, which you also took from me," Harry asked Remus with his wand pointing at Remus.

Remus smiled, proud that Harry was learning to be more aware and then said "The Marauder's Map" Harry was satisfied with the answer and then went towards Remus and hugged him. It was then that Remus had noticed the bruise on Harry's face.

"Harry, what happened to your face?" Remus asked concernedly

Harry was an expert in making excuses by now, but somehow he couldn't make one in front of Remus, but, he knew that he had to

"I got into a fight with Dudley" Harry lied nervously

Remus, however, didn't buy it but Mad-Eye came in just then and told them that they needed to go, Harry was thankful, he couldn't bear anyone knowing about what happens to him.

"Wotcher Harry," said a pink head

"umm, Hi," Harry said unsurely

"oh sorry, I'm Tonks," Tonks said embarrassedly

"Come on Nymphadora, " Mad-Eye said getting frustrated

Tonks' hair turned red as she said "DON'T CALL ME NYMPHADORA "

Mad-Eye just rolled his eye and said: "let's go". He then started to tell Harry about how they would go.

"but where are we going?" Harry interrupted

"Classified information, you'll know soon enough," Remus said waving Harry's question away but still looking at how thin Harry was and the bruise on his face.

They then gathered Harry's stuff and set off on their brooms

Time Lapse to after they get inside Grimmauld Palace

"is this really safe? My parents used this charm and they still got..." Harry couldn't finish his thoughts since he didn't want to think about his parent's death, or anyone else's especially Cedric.

Harry shook away his thoughts and continued walking forward until he heard a shrill scream in the house and he covered his ears.

"sorry" squeaked Tonks but was cut off by Molly who finally had got the curtains closed.

"Hello Harry dear, you're looking a little peaky but dinner I'm afraid has to wait," Molly said motherly

Harry smiled and hugged her.
"It's fine I'm not that hungry" Harry lied

Molly just smiled and headed into the sitting room where Harry spied Sirius, He began towards the sitting room as well but was stopped by Molly who said "sorry Harry, why don't you go upstairs, Ron and Hermione are waiting for you"

Harry nodded and then headed upstairs.

When he got inside the room (italicized text means straight from the book)

"HARRY! Ron, he's here, Harry's here! We didn't hear you arrive! Oh, how are you? Are you all right? Have you been furious with us? I bet you have, I know our letters were useless — but we couldn't tell you anything, Dumbledore made us swear we wouldn't, oh, we've got so much to tell you, and you've got to tell us — the dementors! When we heard — and that Ministry hearing — it's just outrageous, I've looked it all up, they can't expel you, they just can't, there's a provision in the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Sorcery for the use of magic in life-threatening situations —"

"Let him breathe, Hermione," said Ron, grinning, closing the door behind Harry. He seemed to have grown several more inches during their month apart, making him taller and more gangly looking than ever, though the long nose, bright red hair, and freckles were the same.

Hermione, still beaming, let go of Harry, but before she could say another word there was a soft whooshing sound and something white soared from the top of a dark wardrobe and landed gently on Harry's shoulder.


The snowy owl clicked her beak and nibbled his ear affectionately as Harry stroked her feathers.

"She's been in a right state," said Ron. "Pecked us half to death when she brought your last letters, look at this —"

He showed Harry the index finger of his right hand, which sported a half-healed but clearly deep cut.

"Oh yeah," Harry said. "Sorry about that, but I wanted answers, you know..."

"We wanted to give them to you, mate," said Ron. "Hermione was going spare, she kept saying you'd do something stupid if you were stuck all on your own without news, but Dumbledore made us —"

"— swear not to tell me," said Harry. "Yeah, Hermione's already said."

As Harry looked at his 2 best friends he soundly felt a feeling of hatred towards them. He saw that Hermione also had marks from when Hedwig pecked her and he found that he didn't feel sorry at all.


Hermione was in near tears and Ron just stood their awkwardly

"What even is this place" Harry snapped

Ron started to answer but couldn't since Fred and George apparated into their room and said "The Order Of the Damn Phoenix"

(sorry YerAWizardLauren had to use it too)

Harry rolled his eyes and said

a/n intermission sorry, this is already tooo long, so welcome to my new book, hope u enjoyed it please say u did since I wrote this while my fingers were frozen, I don't have a lot of time so


Ps what u think of the cover, credit goes to icedteaconspiracy

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