Chapter 15| To The Hospital Wing

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dedicated to xMione_Rubyx who gave me this awesome idea

Previously on Welcome Back

Then they all headed outside to go see Harry who James and Lily wanted to pull close to them as if they could keep the danger away, but when they went inside the living room, all they saw was Harry lying down on the floor with beads of sweat and his scar looking bloody and raw

"HARRY!!!" Lily yelled rushing at him followed by everyone else


Lily reached Harry and instantly checked his pulse, it felt really weak. Lily's face paled and she yelled "SOMEONE HELP ME CARRY HIM SO THAT WE CAN TAKE HIM TO THE INFIRMARY" Ron immediately went on over to help Lily support Harry while Remus grabbed the floo powder and James took Harry off of Lily and told him to pack his stuff to which Lily obliged. James and Ron then carried Harry into the Floo and threw the powder into the fireplace with James yelling "Hogwarts Infirmary" followed by Hermione, and Sirius and Remus

As soon as Madam Pomfrey heard the multiple roars of her floo she emerged out of her office and ushered Harry into a bed when she saw that the people who came out of the floo were James and Ron who were carrying Harry.

Madam Pomfrey told all of them to step aside, at which James argued a little but he stepped aside after the look on Madam Pomfrey's face.

Madam Pomfrey then waved her diagnostic wand and muttered a few words. Then a machine that none of the others noticed sprung to life and began printing something really short on a piece of parchment.

Madam Pomfrey took the piece parchment the machine sprouted out and read it while frowning.

"What's wrong Madam Pomfrey?" Lily asked failing to keep the worry out of her voice

Madam Pomfrey gave her a worried smile and said "I don't know, The machine just says fever on one line and critical on the next and in the causes column, it just says unknown"

(So basically there are 2 columns 1 states how bad it is and what is happening and the 2nd one states what is the reason for it)

Lily just stood there, feeling numb, shocked, not willing to believe what Madam Pomfrey said, 'I mean there is a reason for every disease, right?' She thought

She stumbled back and James caught her and helped her to a chair, James was worried as well but masked his feeling, he knew that he had to stay strong for Lily's sake. Remus as well was hiding his emotions while the worry on Sirius's face was evident. Hermione was just being comforted by Ron who also thought that he should stay strong for her.

Madam Pomfrey then shooed them all away saying that Harry needed rest. She only let Lily stay because she knew of her infamous temper and knew that she wouldn't leave her son alone. James, Sirius, Ron, Hermione, and Remus, however, were kicked out of the hospital wing, literally, Madam Pomfrey cast a spell that kicked them out of the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey then went into her office and wrote a letter to one of the healers at St Mungos. This healer was an old student of hers who developed a passion for medicine and had come to her at least once a week for lessons.

Then she went on out to check on Harry and saw that Lily fell asleep in the armchair beside Harry, 'Mothers' Madam Pomfrey thought and then walked over to Harry's bed and felt his forehead. She frowned, it was warmer than it was before she entered her office. She went into her potions cupboard and pulled out a potion that she filled into a syringe and injected it into Harry. Feeling confident that the potion would work overnight she headed to bed.

3 hours later

Madam Pomfrey was woken up by a shrill scream that pierced the night. She awoke with a start and headed outside her bedroom (which was attached to her office). When she got there she saw that the others had snuck in when she was asleep and were staring at Harry's bed looking mortified. She moved past the pillar that was right beside her office to see that Harry was floating, 5 feet into the air, His eyes were wide open and it looked like he was awake, but asleep at the same time.

"Harry!!!" Lily yelled tears falling down her face

a/n: and cliffhanger, sorry y'all, ik ik not posting on Tuesday and giving u a short chapter and then telling u guys that I'm taking a break for a week, oops forgot to mention that. Yea, I am so sorry but my spring break is coming up and I wont have time then and I also have a huge case of writers block which wont go away. So so so sorry but I promise that I will try to write better chapters after this. Hope u can forgive me. please, for a cookie?

ps: lets give a hand to xMione_Rubyx for giving me this amazing idea

Click the star if Harry shouldn't die here


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