Chapter 17| Decisions

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Previously on Welcome Back

"I will look into this matter, there most definitely is a cure for this, we just need to find it," Dumbledore said and with that, he left the room leaving Madam Pomfrey to give Harry a dreamless sleeping potion which Harry gratefully accepted, the last thing he saw was his parents smiling sadly at him


Harry woke up a few hours later to loud voices that were arguing. He opened his eyes and blinked, he groped for his glasses and found them beside his bed. He put them on and then he then looked around and saw that Ron and Hermione were gone and Lily, James, and Sirius were arguing against Dumbledore while Remus was sitting on Harry's bed.

"Moony?" Harry groaned

Remus was startled when he heard Harry's voice and he looked at him and smiled.

"What's going on?" Harry asked trying to get up only to be made to lie down again by Remus.

Remus sighed and said "Dumbledore has found a way to cure you"

"Then why are they arguing? It's giving me an awful headache" Harry said weakly

Remus smiled sympathetically and then casted the muffliato spell around them "better?" Remus asked

Harry nodded gratefully "so why are they arguing if he found a cure?" Harry asked again

"The cure Dumbledore has found is called Void Delirium" Remus explained

"Whats Void Delirium?" Harry asked

"It is a process which consists of you lying down on a metal table while multiple wizards cast the spell Flarus Virectus over and over again." Remus explained and then laughed at the look on Harry's face "It's not a seminar to call demons, but it is quite painful which is why they are arguing"

"How bad can it be?" Harry asked, "I've dealt with Voldemort every single year."

Remus sighed "It's complicated"

Harry groaned "I am sick of everyone telling me its complicated, I've been through worse, heck look at me now, half dead"

Remus chuckled "ok fine, I'll try you. This process is extremely painful, it is worse than the cruciatus curse, many people have died during this treatment. It is so painful that it has been branded illegal. Dumbledore has to bend quite a few rules so that you can get this treatment"

"Was that so hard?" Harry asked jokingly though Remus could see that his face had paled considerably.

Remus hugged him and said "it's ok, we'll take care of you"

Harry smiled trying to keep his tears at bay but his emotions failed him and he cried into Remus's chest. Remus smiled sadly and just rubbed soothing circles on Harry's back.

A few minutes later the Muffliato charm wore off and Harry could yet again here the arguing, he was so frustrated that he yelled "PUT A SOCK IN IT"

Everyone stopped yelling immediately and noticed that Harry was awake

"Honey, when did you wake up?" Lily asked her son

"A while ago, I was talking to Moony who casted the Muffliato charm because you guys were shouting too much" Harry replied

James and Sirius looked at him apologetically while Lily made her way over to Harry's bed and ruffled his hair.

"I'm so sorry Harry" his mom apologized

"It's fine" Harry mumbled, "Where are Ron and Hermione?"

His mother smiled at him and said "Their parents called them, said that they had been away for 3 days, and while they are worried about you they still need to see their kids, They will come and visit soon"

Harry just smiled and nodded as an answer. He then looked at Dumbledore who was still waiting around

"Harry, I am sure Remus here has told you what we were arguing about. What do you think about it?" Dumbledore asked gently

Harry looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him, waiting for him to make a decision.

On one hand it would hurt a lot and he might die, but on the other hand, He had been through pain before and he might die because of the curse now.

"I'll do it" Harry replied seriously

a/n whats up my homies, too much? Eh its fine, here is the second chapter of the week I hope u liked it, ik that they have been really short these days but hey life is annoying rn but thank u for bearing through this I really appreciate it and yea, c ya soon


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