Chapter 3|Marauders Unite

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Previously on Welcome Back

"When can we see him?" Lily asked, as soon as she asked a dog Patronus came in the room which James recognized as Sirius's. It said "Harry's is ill, he was abused by the Dursley's, Laura is looking at him right now"

"YOU SENT HIM TO THE DURSLEY'S?" James asked angrily while Lily was shocked her sister would let Harry get abused


"Yes, I did" Dumbledore answered looking a little pale and losing his twinkle. "Though you must understand it was for his safety, blood wards, I never thought that there would be danger for him under the Dursley's roof"

It dawned on Lily that since she protected Harry, the blood wards must have been activated.

Dumbledore saw the look on Lily's face and said "I believe you have realized why I did this Lily"

Lily nodded, she turned to James and then softly explained: "I sacrificed myself for Harry. when I did that blood wards were activated, which means that as long as Harry lives with someone who has my blood, he will be safe."

James was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to think anymore. On one hand, Dumbledore let Harry get abused at the Dursley's, on the other hand, he didn't know, he was trying to help Harry, James waved his thoughts away, he would ponder about this later.

"So when will we get to meet him?" Lily asked

"I would like it if you both could meet Remus, and Sirius first, as we see that Harry is in no condition to meet visitors right now," Dumbledore said gravely

Lily nodded with tears threatening to fall while James was clenching his fists.

"If you would put a disillusionment charm on yourselves so that I can take you to Grimmauld Palace"

Lily and James both placed the charm on themselves, Dumbledore offered his arm to them which James took while Lily held James's arm, Dumbledore then apparated outside of Grimmauld Palace

Lily nervously held James's hand, she was scared as to how Remus and Sirius would react, she guessed that they would find out soon enough.

Grimmauld Palace became visible to them, and they all entered. Dumbledore went around looking for Sirius and Remus and soon enough found them.

Sirius and Remus were currently with Harry in his bedroom, Harry was still asleep, Sirius, James noticed had a very worried look in his eyes. James chuckled, he knew that Sirius was the perfect godfather followed by Remus as an uncle. James then tried to look at Harry but he couldn't since Dumbledore was blocking his view. Lily couldn't see either since she was behind James. So James gave up.

Dumbledore finally managed to pull Remus and Sirius out with much persuasion. Laura assured them that Harry was in good hands. As soon as Sirius was about to leave Harry groaned from the spell that Laura used to heal him, Sirius made as to go back but Dumbledore closed the door and led them to a more secluded part of the house.

Sirius was mad! How dare Dumbledore pull him away from Harry at a time when he should be with Harry, Remus was upset as well but he figured that Dumbledore would have a good reason.

"Now gentlemen, before we begin, I will need your wand as this might be... interesting" Dumbledore said mysteriously. Remus immediately gave Dumbledore his wand but Sirius was a bit reluctant but gave in at the end.

They both entered the room and as soon as they did Dumbledore cast muffliato and closed the door. Dumbledore then removed the disillusionment from James and Lily.

As they both become visible. Sirius and Remus stood there openmouthed. They couldn't, wouldn't believe it.

Sirius's expression changed from dumbfounded to pure anger. He wandlessly summoned his wand from Dumbledore and pointed it at James and then said "WHO ARE YOU" menacingly.

James just smiled, unsure of how to answer while Lily just tightened her hold on James.

Dumbledore silently summoned Sirius's wand back and then said "Gentlemen, trust me, I have tested them both with veritaserum"

"But professor," Remus finally said as he found his voice "their-their, well their dead"

"I STILL DON'T BELIEVE IT" Sirius furiously said

"Padfoot, you can ask me anything" James pleaded

Sirius was surprised when James called him Padfoot and then he said "Fine, if you were James you would know what to say"

James smiled and Lily sighed knowing what James would do.

"I know that I am alive right now, Moony and Padfoot, I hope that you are awere of it too, especially you Moony, I solemnly swear that I am Sirius when I say that I'm alive and that I am the real James, I know that Wormtail ratted us out, it is neither of your faults" said James trying not to laugh.

Sirius looked like he was convinced and then asked: "and?"

"Oh," James realized and then changed into Prongs.

Sirius had tears in his eyes, but Remus then looked at Lily and then asked: "and you?"

Lily sighed as she realized what Remus wanted out of her, this was not how she wanted James to find out. She then turned into a doe.

Remus gasped and then ran towards both of them and bear hugged them, oh sorry I meant wolf hugged them followed by Sirius. James hugged back but as soon as they all broke apart he asked: "You want to tell me something Lily?"

Lily laughed nervously and looked at Remus to explain.

Remus laughed as he told James that Sirius and he were helping Lily turn into an animagus as well as a surprise.

James was astounded. He felt so happy. He was about to say something but just then Laura came in. She looked at James and Lily in surprise but ignored her thoughts for now.

"It's Harry," she said.

a/n dun dun dun, here is another cliffhanger, thank u for reading u know I love u all. ideas, comments, suggestion? Open to all love y'all

Make that star yellow if Hagrid shouldn't have said that.


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