Chapter 33| Pranks and Talks

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Previously on Welcome Back

"We are going to tell you what the Order is doing but we are not going to tell you everything," Remus told him sternly

Harry agreed immediately since he knew they wouldn't budge even if he tried to convince them. Harry was going to ask a question then but the floo roared announcing the arrival of the Weasleys and Hermione.

Harry looked at his parents and James said "go on, we will tell you the rest afterward. Just tell Molly to come in here"
Harry nodded and headed off to the fireplace to greet his guests.


"HARRY!!" Ron and Hermione both yelled excitedly. Hermione ran over to hug him and Ron just stood behind awkwardly.

"Where are Fred and George? And Mrs. Weasley?" Harry asked looking around and not being able to see the other Weasleys.

"Mum coming in a few... as for Fred and George, what do you mean they are not here? They are right behind us." Ron said looking at Harry like he was insane.

Harry ran his hand through his hair and feeling bewildered he asked: "What do you mean?"

This time it was Hermione who answered looking at Harry like he was unstable "He means, they are standing right behind us"

"Hi, Harry" a sudden voice called out to him.

"George?" Harry asked feeling befuddled

"I'm not George, he is. Honestly, you call yourself our friend" George answered him

"Wait where are you, and I am sorry Fred," Harry said feeling really confused

"Just yanking your wand, I am George. How could you tell the difference?" George said happily

"What do you mean where are we? We are right here." Fred asked his voice seeming confused

"Why can't I see you?" Harry asked fearfully

"Harry, what's wrong with you?" Hermione asked feeling confused

Harry started backing away. "Mate... your... your... I'm sorry I can't control it any longer" Ron said bursting into laughter midway his sentence

"RON" Hermione said trying to sound mad but was laughing herself.

Suddenly out of nowhere Fred and George appeared behind Harry and sat him on their shoulders

"Wait... What's going on?" Harry asked feeling even more confused now.

Fred and George grinned and said while setting him down.

"We were trying out our new batch of invisibility cloaks on you," Fred said with a full-on grin on his face.

"I'd say they worked really well, won't you say so Forge?" George said directing the question at Fred

"I do say so Gred," Fred said, and then suddenly Fred decided to go and greet Harry as he hadn't seen him

"Harry M'boy, how absolutely spiffing to see you," Fred said shaking Harry's hand pompously.

George followed Fred's lead and took Harry's other hand shook it and said "Simply splendid to see you old chum"

Harry laughed and said to Fred and George "So, It was obviously your idea to prank me"

Fred and George laughed and said "No actually, it was Hermione's idea"

Harry looked bewildered and asked "Hermione? As in Hermione Granger? Our Hermione?"

Hermione laughed and said "Yea, I thought that you would need a laugh since you are cooped up all day"

Harry was appalled but then he started laughing till his sides ached and was joined by everyone else.

It took them 5 minutes to stop laughing and when they did they turned around to see Molly, James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus standing in the doorway and Lily had a camera in her hands

Harry laughed again when he saw his mother recorded all of that and made a mental note to ask her how she was able to do that in a magical environment. For now, Harry walked up to Mrs. Weasley and greeted her. After that Harry went to his room followed with all of his friends.

They all sat down on the floor and Harry decided to tell them about the Order of the Phoenix before the started having fun

"Guys, I want to tell you something important," Harry said mysteriously

Everyone became somber and urged Harry to go on "Ok, the thing is my parents told me about this organization called the Order of the Phoenix which is an organization to stop Voldemort. We can't let many people know about it because it is a secret organization. Mrs and Mr.Weasley are in it and they are probably going to tell you about it today." Harry explained.

"We know about the Order, They were setting up when you cam here. We don't know what exactly it was but we knew it existed and that my parents were a part of it."

They spent an hour listening to Harry explaining more about the Order. After that, they got Exploding Snap about and played it while discussing how they could help the Order.

"I really want to, but I don't think they'll let us," Hermione said wisely

"True, I mean they told Harry that they wouldn't tell him everything. Just what he needs to know. So basically we can't help" Ron said thoughtfully

"I don't know. We'll figure something out. Besides mum is going to talk about this to us today so we can just persuade her then" Fred said reasonably

Everyone agreed and decided to spend the rest of the day not worrying about things like the Order.

Halfway through their exploding snap game, Harry noticed the look that everyone was giving each other. It felt like they were having a silent conversation in-between them. It took Harry a while to realize what they were silently arguing about but when he did he exasperatedly said "Ok, I know what you want to ask me, so go ahead"

Hermione looked nervously at him and said "We are just worried about you Harry"

"Hermione, I'm fine, honestly I am. I have never felt better" Harry immediately replied

"Harry mate, if you ever need anyone to talk to just know that we are here," Ron said knowing that Harry was hiding something from them.

Harry paused for a moment. He honestly felt fine, but, should he tell them about his constant fear that Vernon could still come and get him? That he had been abused for his whole life till now? That he constantly had nightmares about him?

Harry shakes those thoughts out of his head, he didn't want to think about Vernon now, he constantly had him come in his dreams.

Harry put a smile on his face and told Ron "I know, I will come to you guys if I need you"

He saw Fred and George give each other a worried and unsure glance but they dropped the subject and continued playing snap.

After a while, they all got tired of snap and they all laid down on the floor and talked till it was time for them to go home. Harry suddenly had an idea and asked all of his friends "guys, do you think that you can stay here for the rest of the summer? There are plenty of rooms here."

His friends all looked at him and assured him that they would ask their parents tonight. They all then turned to the knock on the open door and saw Mrs. Weasley there.

"Speaking of staying here. All of you can. I'm sure that Harry told you about the Order of the Phoenix, because of that, I will spend most of my time here. I think it will be for the best if you guys just stayed here. Hermione, I have already talked to your parents and they gave you their permission. All of you just go home right now and pack your stuff. You guys can come back tonight "

Everyone looked at Mrs. Weasley in awe but then they all started celebrating. The Weasleys all ran to the fireplace dragging Hermione with them. They all rushed home but not before promising Harry that they would be back tonight.


Hi guys, listen, ik I said that in the first chapter I talked about the order and how the Weasleys know about it, but its like they have heard about it but don't know the full info and it hasn't started yet. Anyways thank u for reading hope u enjoyed and yea thats all I got so bye!!! Also yes this is an extra long chapter

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