Chapter 37| Good News

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Previously on Welcome Back

Harry nodded he took a deep breath and said: "He-he c-carved the w-word f-freak on me as well as u-useless." Harry tried to say more but he couldn't. Harry tried his best to keep his tears at bay but a few escaped his eyes. He stayed like that for a while, while his friends hugged him. They sent all their unsaid feelings into the hug and Harry understood them. After a while Harry stood up and wiped his tears from his face

"thank you guys" Harry said hoarsely and was met by another group hug


After a while, they all headed indoors. When they got indoors they saw James running around the house like a hooligan and screaming for joy. Sirius was sitting on the couch looking really pale, Remus had a letter in his hands and was reading it carefully with Lily.

"Guys, what's going on?" Harry asked them

James stopped running and screaming and said: "Sirius' trial, we got a date, its 3 days from today!"

Harry felt the energy and the feeling of shock coursing through his veins when he heard that.

"Your kidding!" Harry exclaimed when James nodded his head viciously and then he grabbed Harry's arms and swung him around.

"Oh my Merlin, I can not believe this" Sirius said still in shock

"Believe it Padfoot" James exclaimed

Sirius turned to Remus and Lily and asked "is the letter real? Did James do this as a prank?"

Remus and Lily chuckled, "No, it's real," Remus told him

Slowly color started to return to Sirius' face and when he got over the shock, he joined James into running around the house like lunatics and screaming their lungs out.

After a while, Lily got tired of all the noise in the house. "Enough, Sirius I am really happy for you, but you and James have been yelling for 20 minutes now. I don't want to hear another scream out of anyone's mouth. Its lunch time, I want everyone in the kitchen now!"

Everyone looked at Lily with a scared expression for a second and they all quickly washed their hands and went into the kitchen not wanting to anger the red-headed witch anymore

"You know that your mum and my mum could have a contest for who's scarier" Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione who chuckled but tried to pass it as a cough.

They all headed to the table and sat down. Harry was sitting in between Ginny (who was on Harry's left) and Hermione (who was on Harry's right) Fred sat next to Ginny and George sat right beside Fred. Ron sat next to Hermione. Sirius was sitting next to Ron and Remus was sitting next to George. James was sitting next to Sirius and Lily was sitting next to him.

For lunch, Lily had made cheeseburgers with bacon and a salad with Pepsi and Coke, etc. It took Lily, Hermione, and Harry 15 minutes to explain to the rest of the wizards and witches at the table what soft drinks were. When they all drank the soft drink they all felt surprised at its bubbly taste. All the pureblood wizards and witches loved it and tried all the various soft drinks like 7up, Sprite, Mirinda, Fanta, Pepsi, and Coke.

After lunch, Ron asked Harry to play Quidditch. Harry ran his hand through his hair and said: "I don't know whether mum would let me."

After a lot of persuading Ron managed to get Harry to ask his mum. Lily was washing the dishes when Harry asked her "mum, can I please play Quidditch today?"

Lily turned around and looked at her son, scanning him for any reason he could not play. After a few seconds, she sighed and said "I don't see why not, go ahead, but be careful"

Harry nodded in shock and hugged him. He ran out of the kitchen and told Ron what his mother had said.

"Did we hear Quidditch?" James and Sirius asked coming into Harrys room which was where they were situated.

"Yea, do you wanna play?" Harry asked them

"Of course!" James exclaimed giving an answer for both of them.

Harry then went into the living room where he found Fred, George, Ginny, and Hermione.

"Hey, we are going to play Quidditch. Do you guys want to join?" Harry asked them. Fred, George, and Ginny immediately got up at the offer while Hermione mumbled something along the lines of 'no thanks'

The newly recruited members of the Quidditch game hurried along to Harry's room with Harry where James, Sirius, and Ron were still waiting for them with Remus.

"Look pup, we have a goody two shoes who wants to play with us," Sirius said which earned him a smack on the head courtesy of Remus.

"Ok, so here's what I was thinking for teams" Harry announced "We have two teams, Team A and Team B. I say that I am seeker for team A while dad is seeker for Team B, since I know he has practiced seeking a little" James nodded at this and Harry continued "Sirius is chaser for Team A and Ginny is chaser for Team B, no one has any objections?" Harry asked them to which no one nodded. After seeing this Harry continued "Ron is the keeper for Team A while Moony can be the keeper for Team B. Fred is the beater for Team A while George is the beater for Team B. Fair?"

Everyone nodded their agreement and headed out on the law to play Quidditch

The final teams were:

Team A:

Harry- seeker

Sirius- chaser

Ron- keeper

Fred- beater

Team B:

James- seeker

Ginny- chaser

Remus- keeper

George- beater

They all separated themselves into their respective teams and began planning their strategies.

a/n: im going to stop that there. HI GUYS!!!! How are u all? Hope u r having an amazing day. I hope that you are having an amazing day. I just wanted to tell you that the next chapter will be the Quidditch game and then two chapters after probably will be Sirius' trial. So that is my plan for now. I hope u guys like my stories and yes. BYE!!!


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