Chapter 48| Revenge

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Dedicated to sparklestar25 for helping me write this and HpFanStarlight who requested this chapter

Previously on Welcome Back

Harry the whole day didn't feel jealous of Ron at all. Did he ask himself why he didn't get the badge? Of course, he did, but he honestly did feel happy for Ron, It would also be a confidence booster for him. Being an authority figure. Harry was just glad he didn't feel jealous because he would feel guilty as well


When everyone got back home at night from Diagon Alley, they saw that Molly had prepared a feast with Lily. No one could figure out when the meal was cooked but no one questioned it either. Lily and Molly both led them into the dining room where a banner that read "CONGRATULATIONS RON AND HERMIONE— NEW PREFECTS" was hung.

Ron and Hermione both hugged Mrs. Weasley and Lily tightly to show their gratitude

After they all ate and celebrated they saw that the kids were really tired. So Lily smiled at them and sent them off to bed.

When the kids wished everyone good night and headed up. James and Sirius made sure that they went to their rooms before lowering their voices ominously and James then whispered "guys, we have an idea"

No one trusted the look that James and Sirius had on their face but they still huddled up around them

"We want to get revenge on the Dursley's," Sirius said with an evil look on his face.

Mrs. Weasley who didn't know what had exactly happened got filled in and when she heard of everything that had happened she had a horrified look on her face and said "but-but that's inhumane! How could they mistreat him like that? I saw the scars he had but never imagined that he was getting abused! I don't know what I thought but it certainly wasn't that."

They all let Mrs. Weasley absorb the news before Sirius continued their sinister plan.

"We can't just let them get away with it. They need to be punished"

"We were thinking of an elaborate week-long plan, every day there will be a little something to make them pay" James explained

"and what exactly were you thinking of?" Remus said cautiously

"So we were thinking that on the first day we fill their house with dung bombs that go off randomly. For the second day, we put charms and such around their house and we have a trigger word. So whenever that word is said a charm goes off. The third day we could have some charm eggs that bounce on and off them constantly and if they try to stop the eggs then the number of eggs will multiply." James explained and then let Sirius continue

"For the fourth day, we make them into something the muggles call Aliens. So their hair will turn bright purple and their skin will look green and lumpy. The fifth day we can fill their house with hate letters like Dumbledore did during Harry's first year. The sixth day we can have all of their electronic devices break down and we know that Muggles depend on them. The seventh day I say we hex them with a bat bogey hex but this one stays for a couple of days" Sirius said finishing their plan

When they finished explaining everyone looked at them in perplexment and awe.

"James, are you sure this is a good idea?" Molly asked

"Yea guys, this is so... you know, mean I guess? I mean they deserve every bit of it but we don't have to go down to their standards" Remus argued. He looked at Lily for support but Lily surprised them all by saying

"Actually, I agree with James and Sirius. They hurt my Harry, and they are going to regret everything they have done to him" Lily said fiercely

"Ok, fine, but are we going to tell Harry about this?" Remus said surrendering

"no, let him enjoy his summer, if all goes to plan then maybe we'll tell him," James said thoughtfully

"Also, what exactly are charm eggs?" Remus asked

"They are like easter eggs but they have spells inside them" Sirius explained

"Well then, I guess let's go and make those Dursley's pay," Mrs. Weasley said getting into battle mode

After everyone had agreed and altered the plans a bit they set to work, they worked quietly and efficiently. They all had all of their equipment ready by midnight and stored it in the storage room.

"The Dursley's aren't going to know what hit them," Lily said after placing the equipment into the storage room which was placed outside. When she said this everyone cheered.

a/n: heyo!!! whats up? Here is another chapter and yea... idk about the next chapter, cuz again... im really busy, but ill try to post it asap, ik this week thing is annoying but.... its either this or no chapters for 2 momths....that's all I have to say i guess, thank u so much for reading, I hope u enjoy it and see ya





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