getting ready for the holidays

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"Okay gang, before I make a huge announcement I need to ask," Tony said as he walked into the Avengers common room in the Compound, they were all watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade that they recorded the day before since none of them had time to watch it as they were getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner, "Who the hell is buying tons of cement and bricks?! I mean there is enough rooms here, you don't have to add any more!"

"Oh, that's Sam" Bucky answered as he cuddled next to Steve.

"And why is he doing it?" Tony asked, angry that Sam was using his credit card to buy all of it

"I broke it," Sam said as he entered the room with a bucket of cement and bricks, "I broke the 4th wall and it's still not fixed." And he left the room leaving them all very confused, and Peter (from his web hammock above them as he played with MJ's hair in his lap) remembered someone saying something about a broken 4th wall, his name was ... Deadtool? Debtpool? something like that.

"Well anyways," Tony continued, "It's time to start Christmas decorating!"

Everyone immediately sat up and started getting to work, decorating was one of the Avengers favorite things to do, Halloween, Christmas, Parties, Easter, New Year's Eve, and even for Pride Month.

Wanda started hanging up lights around the compound with Vision using their telekinesis, Cap, Thor, and Bruce (in the hulk buster) brought in the Christmas tree that was about over 10 feet high, MJ, Peter, Ned, Flash, and Shuri's job was to decorate it, Peter stuck himself to the ceiling and put on the Star as the others sang the mission impossible theme, Pepper, Nat, and many workers set up stockings, replaced pillows and blankets, added the decorations to the kitchen, common room, gym, the front desk, hallways, basically anywhere that the workers were allowed, and the others helped with outside stuff, a north pole sign in the snow, and possibly anything that made the compound look like the North Pole.

It took 2 days to get it all done, and everyone had to decorate their own rooms, and Pete's friends decorated their own since their parents told them that they won't come back for the Holidays and will enjoy it in Paris, and even Flash's mom and dad joined the traveling parents.

Once it was all done they went outside to enjoy their hard work.

Until Peter found the perfect moment to throw a snowball at Sam and Bucky, they were in the middle of building a snowman, he hit Bucky first, he faceplanted into the snowman's head. Sam was laughing his butt off, till he was hit and too faceplanted into their snowman's head, Bucky laughed his ass off at Sam when he saw that Sam had coal and a carrot stuck to his face. The two grown men turned around to see Peter rolling around in the snow laughing like a maniac at them it was the start to the biggest snowball fight you have ever seen

Sam and Bucky aimed for Peter and Peter only covering him in snow till he took shelter behind his friend's snow fort and they bombarded them. Steve had to stop Sam and Bucky as they started putting pebbles in the snowballs aimed for Peter and his friends, Tony helped the kids out by giving them a robot who could make 20 snowballs at once and another robot that constantly added onto their fort making it sturdy enough that you could run up and down the stairs of their mini castle 

Nat and Clint traveled through Clint's underground snow tunnels popping up everywhere, stealing the others snowballs and taking them out

Bruce decided to sit back and watch them, but he did make a snowball cannon that he hid in a bush, nobody expected him at all

Wanda joined the kids and hovered above everyone taking them all out

Vision and Thor were a team, Vision would turn invisible and appear out of know where taking them out as thor brought a light rain over his fort icing over his snow barrier and making more snow for snowballs

Rhodey and Toy were a team, they overpowered Thor and Vision with their unlimited snowballs and their army of tiny robots that melted forts and threw snowballs.

T'challa hid in a tree and took them out from there, never missing a shot thanks to the wakandan tech that changed the snowballs course and hitting their target every time, and Scott sometimes stuck to his snowballs and attacking the other teams from the inside

Nobody really won, but they all claimed that they did. But the war ended when Pepper came out telling them dinner was ready

they had hot cocoa and homemade apple cider (my fav) and tacos 

After they finally finsihed the Macy's Parade, congradulated Sam for fixing the wal, even though they did not know what he meant, and fell asleep on the couch

"You know," Sam said as they were all drifting asleep, "The author should have saved this for the Christmas special instead."



I have got to agree with Sam, it did sound like a Christmas Special but it wasn't

rn my family is putting up Christmas decor and it did end with a snowball fight, not as intense, but pretty intense for non-super powered, non-super spy, super soldier, multi-billionaire, family

And yes I added Stucky cause it is a totally cute ship

And yes Deadpool was mentioned, but I will not write him in because I am unworthy of writing that merch with a mouth

and I just wanted to say that I have already planned out the final chapter, it isn't coming soon unless you count the next Marvel movie soon, and that will be the end of this series and I promise it is going to be sad, and a HUGE  plot twist

After that ends I promise either that day or the next my story "A New World" will be published

its a reader x Peter Parker during Spider-Man homecoming, I have already started it and It's really hard cause I want to put in a character I have made up in my mind, her name is Alex Rodgers that I use for whenever I read reader x character book cause my name is ... okay?

But anyways I hope y'all had an amazing thanksgiving and I love you all that thanks for the support you give!!!

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