Haunted house

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Most people don't know but, the Avengers love Halloween.

"Okay people move it move it! I have everybody in this tower working on transforming this place into the scariest haunted house in history! The Avengers (and others) can at least do something besides lay around and watch the "Nightmare Before Christmas"!" Tony yelled as he looked at:

The Avengers on numbers 1 and 2 couch

Peter, MJ, and Ned all sprawled out on the 5th couch

the Guardians either standing still in the back (Drax) or on number 4 couch and 1st love seat

Loki and Valkeri both at the bar in the kitchen watching it both planning how to sneak away from the events of Halloween to destroy one of Tony's suits

Wakanda crew (of course Bucky with them) on couch 6

and Doctor Strange and Wong watching through a sorcerer portal from their house in NY on their very awesome couch

who was doing nothing to help Tony and the workers at all. So Tony took drastic measures.

he turned off all power to TV, plus having FRIDAY ban them from watching TV on any sort of tech in the tower

"Get off your asses and start working people!" He screamed before walking out.

the whole group sort of groaned, yes they loved Halloween, but they did know like decorating the WHOLE tower.

"How long have they been doing this?" Shuri asked as she ran up to Peter, MJ, and Ned who were trudging their way to their designated spot, floor 21.

"Since the year I bet dad that he couldn't make a haunted house scarier than the one we went to when I was 7," Peter told her starting to make webs along the walls since the group decided they were making a Spider's nest, which you will be chased by a 10 feet tall spider (Shuri will provide graphics) in the maze of webs.

Peter tosed MJ and Ned some of their own web shooters special for this occasion, filled with so many cartridges that it was basically a sleeve they wore while Shuri started designing the Spider with her bracelet, throwing out one of the balls and making it without a computer screen and just her bare hands to modify it all.

Steve, Sam, Bucky, T'challa, and Wanda made an escape room

Tony, Rhodes, Bruce, Dr. Strange, and Vision made a room where you had to fight (they wouldn't harm you at all) robots who were trying to destroy humanity on their way out of the floor with some magic involved

Nat and Clint made a night vision laser tag with Scott, Hope and help from Casey

Thor, Valkeri, and Loki made their floor into a haunted planet that Thor and Loki had once visited

and the Guardians made a virtual reality battleground, with some kinks and for some reason, Bucky's arm was on the ground, meant to trip the players

Yea, it was something. 16 years and older allowed inside and some even 18 cause there was one floor with a bar for a quick breather from the chaos

and finally, the day came. It was Halloween.

"Hey! It's about to be 7:00! Everyone get to your places and get ready for everyone!" Tony yelled as he walked back into the living room where the group was, once again, watching the Nightmare Before Christmas.

"What are you supposed to be? Someone who works in an office?" Peter Quill asked Tony who was indeed dressed as someone who worked in an office.

"Why yes. I am Micheal from the Office." Peter looked at Tony with a blank face, " That TV show on Netflix? Never mind, just remind me to get you an account." Tony said as he grabbed a drink from the fridge as he wore his suit and had some sort of tech that disguised his goatee.

Peter, MJ, and Ned groaned as they stood up. Peter was dressed up as Poe from The Force Awakens, MJ was Rey, while Ned was BB-8. "Where's Shuri?" Peter asked as they walked into the elevator.

Suddenly a dark shadow fell from the ceiling of the small room, Peter shrieked in fright jumping into MJ's arms (who had a surprised look as well but it quickly vanished) and Ned hid in his costume that became a life-size BB-8 (He could work it like how that one dude played R2-D2)

It was Shuri. She was dressed up as Batman, the most realistic costume of Batman any of them had ever seen, "I'm Batman." She said in a deep voice and turned back around to face the doors of the elevator, waiting for them to close, trying her best to hold a snicker as her mask videotaped their reactions and automatically saved it with the video of T'challa being blasted away from his new suit. (From the movie, she never deleted it)

But before they did Clint and Nat walked in dressed up as Peeta and Katniss.

"Isn't Clint supposed to be Peeta?" Bucky asked as he joined them in the elevator dressed as the terminator.

"Nope." Clint and Nat replied in unison. (Clint begged her to let him go as Katniss and nobody was going to ruin it for him)

After Wanda (Eleven), Vision (Demogorgon and also sometimes Mike), and Steve (Shiro) entered the elevator the doors finally closed, with them all squished inside.

They all departed to their floors and started making the final touches to the floors waiting for victims to arrive.

"So Shuri? What is T'challa dressed as?" Ned asked as he rolled around the room.

"Catwoman from the Dark Night Series." She replied nonchalantly.

"REALLY!" The trio asked super excited

"Nah I wish, he just has cat ears, a tail, and the collar was driving us all nuts, there is no way to mute that madness." She replied, and the trio was disappointed until Tony spoke in there comms.

"Kids! You guys got some coming up to your floor, make me proud!"

The four gave each other wicked grins as the lights turned off and the effects turned on.

All around the room, there was a greenish, whitish, bluish light barley brightening the place and sticky webs all around with some cocoons of human-shaped figures trapped in them (which would come to life and chase them and disappear when the spider came out) And the floors had webs too but they wouldn't stick to your feet.

Peter's job was to change the maze as the group walked through, adding and taking away walls. Ned's job was to lead the group in a little way then get attacked by a small spider and get webbed into a cocoon. And MJ's job was to control the cocoons and web up Ned and control the small spider from above.

Shuri was in charge of the main event. The big Spider. It was made to look like a real-life one so much that you could feel the hairs on it and the eyes would follow you and the breath smelled like they suspected a spider's breath would smell like, crushed bugs.

It was told to be the scariest floor in the tower.

The elevator doors opened to reveal the Decathlon team dressed as the Avengers and Flash as Spider-man. Flash did have a part in this too, the five had met up the day before decided they would make this groups as real as it could get, Flash was to be eaten by the big spider.

"Hey, guys!" Ned said as he rolled up to the group, popping out of the ball, "So glad you could stop by our floor!" he started to lead them telling them how he was going to take them behind scenes to help him scare other groups, "Also don't worry about the little spiders, they aren't real at all, Shuri designed them to act like mountain spiders but when anyone walks in they are sprayed with something that tells the 'spiders' to not attack."

And one of those 'harmless spiders showed up, scaring a few of them. "Oh! We named this one Jarvis after Tony's first AI partially cause this one he built! It's okay to touch him." Ned said as he leaned down to pet it, but as the others were about to too, it made a screeching noise, jumped on top on Ned, and webbed him to the floor.

Ned screamed and struggled, trying his best to stifle his laughs as he heard the spider run through the group and the team screaming and running away freaking out.

Once they were out of sight, MJ jumped down and helped Ned out.

"That was awesome!" He whispered yelled as they both took out there web shooters and started to follow the victims cueing the sound effects of Spiders running by.

They followed them and watched as they took 2 rights, a left, and another right until one noticed something. "Isn't that Ned's cocoon?" Abraham asked

"What are we waiting for? Open up!"

The cocoon was found perfectly intact, a replica with a fake lifeless Ned, shriveled skin, worms breaking through it, and frozen in a mid-scream (Peter isn't allowed to look at the face, he did but threw up after remembering...May)

Screams from the group, even Flash, as they ran forward and almost into a wall.

"What? There wasn't a wall before?!"

"Is the maze changing?!"

They all screamed again

But stopped when they heard another spider, but much larger was on the other side of the wall of webs

Peter swung right by Ned and MJ hi diving the two and watched after he made the exit from where the group was, a one person at a time exit

The group was huddled together clamping their mouths shut till it was gone

"Ned never said that had a big one!"

"He told us they only used small ones," Flash told them walking back up against the wall "they made a big one but it wouldn't work"

The groups face turned to horror


Someone screamed as the big spider tore through the wall and 'ate' Flash whole as the ex-bully screamed in agony, and even reached his hand out for a little extra touch

MJ, Ned, and Peter both watched as Shuri ran along the top of the walls, cackling as she watched her Spider chase their classmates (they couldn't hear her over their own screaming)

Finally, Peter was up again. Shuri had led them to phase 5, end game. He jumped ahead of them and webbed up a dead end, and as soon the classmates entered, he webbed up the exit trapping them with the Spider.

The whole group clung onto each other, some were on the break of tears, and screaming their heads off begging for their lives when the Spider shot 'webs' at them.

the screaming stopped as soon as the 'webs' hit them. It wasn't the spider webs Ned was cocooned with, it was silly string.

The whole group was frozen in place as MJ, Ned got down from the wall they were watching from, collapsing on the ground laughing so hard, and Peter, well he didn't make it to the floor before he fell over. As he was about to get down, he rolled off of the wall laughing his head off as Shuri and Flash joined in the laughing from on top of the fake spider.

"We got you guys *wheeze* so good!" Peter laughed as he and MJ used each other for support as they stood up.

"That was not funny," Abraham said, leaving the still frozen group.

*** Time Skip ***

Peter, MJ, Ned, Flash, and Shuri took it down a notch.

Flash would be apart of the groups and would be 'eaten' by the spider.

But the groups entered alone thinking right from the start that the spiders were here to attack them.

At the end of the night ( 3 in the morning) the Avengers, Guardians, Sorcerers, Wakandans, and more all joined each other in the living room, each with a video of the best scare they had and they would all pick who's was the scariest.

Bruce was Bill Nye, Thor had a rag on his head???, Loki was occasionally a snake on Thor's neck or anything that came to his mind, Doctor Strange was Sherlock Holmes, Bucky was the Terminator, Casey was the Wasp ( Scott was disappointed that she wasn't him), Scott was Fix it, Felix, Hope was Calhoun (that one lady who married Felix), And the Guardians were themselves.

They watched everyone's tape, but after the kid's video. It was hands down, they win

"Is there a prize?" They asked hopefully. Steve started to shake his head telling them "no" but Tony came out handing them each 12 pounds of candy


Hey guys happy Halloween!!!
But hey look at this!!

But anyways I love ya guys and all of your support!!

Thanks y'all

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