Chapter 4: Woolf

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WARNING: Mentions of blood and injuries.

I suddenly woke up to the sound of harsh droplets of rain hitting the metal parts of the helicopter that I named "The Banana Blade" and the tree's branches from outside. I looked out the windowsill of the Banana Blade and noticed that it had turned dark. If I decided to go out, I'd be soaked wet. Guess I'll just have to stay here a little longer.  I smiled at the thought as I stretched and laid back in my seat once again, glad that I have an excuse to stay in my beloved helicopter a little longer.
Before I closed my eyes to sleep, I saw a dark silhouette in the distance through the helicopter's window. I took off my sunglasses and rubbed my eyes to squint at the silhouette that was coming closer and closer towards my direction. Even without my sunglasses, I couldn't clearly see in the dark. Now what is that?
Thinking that it's just another annoying mob out to get me, I grabbed the closest weapon that I could get: a wrench. And watched as the silhouette figure came towards the Banana Blade and went around to get inside.
As I expected.
Gripping on the wrench in hand, I watched the handle of the helicopter's door slowly turn. And before it opened, I raised the wrench in the air and started to strike it down towards the direction of the door. A person with a gas mask and a black raincoat stepped in. In that split moment, I realized that the silhouette figure wasn't any mob, but it was Laff!  Then I instantly paled when I realized what my target was. Before the wrench hit Laff's head, I stepped back to stop myself but instead slipped and fell that had the wrench thrown into the air. Laff seems to have noticed the wrench too and at that exact moment, he swiftly caught the wrench before it hit his head. Then he looked down at me and chuckled.
"Don't tell me you were actually trying to hit me with this wrench were ya?"
Laff held up the wrench in front of me, his British accent still loud and clear.
"I- I- I-thought you were another one of those mobs!"
I sputtered, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins, but also relieved that Laff was ok. Woo- I gotta promise myself to not do something like that again. I reminded myself.
"I'm sorry about almost hitting you with the wrench."
I apologized as I got up and pointed at the wrench. Laff shrugged and handed the wrench back to me. His raincoat dripping droplets of water to the floor.
"Didn't hurt a fly."
Laff replied calmly.
"So... what brings you here 'boogie man'?"
I asked jokingly, putting my sunglasses back on.
"I need you to come with me out of the SMP."
Laff answered simply. I looked at him a bit bewildered. What does Laff need me for outside of the SMP?
I asked, curious.
"I'll explain everything later after we get out of this SMP."
Laff demanded, his tone serious. I sighed.
"Okay,  fine, I don't like how you're keeping this so mysterious though."
I responded, though was still irritated at how Laff wasn't telling me now why he needed me out of the SMP. Laff opened the Banana Blade's door.
"So, shall we go then?"
He said as he held the door open, droplets of water were raining down on the doorstep of the helicopter.
"Let's just get this over with."
I groaned , not wanting to step into the cold rain and tightened my hoodie as I followed Laff out in the shivering soaking rain, leaving my helicopter behind. Wherever Laff was leading me to, it better be good.

I pushed down the brake of my car. The moment Laff and I exited out of the SMP, Laff told Meme to lengthen the SMP time period longer. Which now caused an hour in the real world to be a day in the SMP. Then Laff instructed me to drive my car towards an unknown address. He says he'll explain everything during the drive. Luckily, the road was smooth and mostly empty so I was able to talk and listen as I drove.
"Now would you tell me why you are making me drive to this unknown address and why I needed to follow you earlier?"
I asked, my eyes still focused on the road.
"Sure, but listen carefully because I won't be repeating it twice."
Then I let Laff explain what was going on. To summarize it, the address leads to Woolf's apartment, and we're supposed to convince Woolf to come with us to join the SMP. I mean, he's talking about WOOLF! The one who legit just disappeared without a trace weeks ago! Laff explained how Woolf needed a proper place to stay so it was up to Laff and I to convince Woolf to live in a temporary place like the SMP.
"Any questions?"
Laff finished explaining about the plan.
"Nope, this sounds good enough to me."
I answered, turning the car to the left pretending that I was able to take in the information easily. Laff nodded in approval. Then during the rest of that trip, it was silent. Which is a first since I'm used to a lot of chaos during the drive, I almost, and I mean almost felt awkward being silent like this. I wonder what everyone's doing in the SMP now. I wondered, deciding to check on everyone after this.
It took another thirty minutes before arriving to the destination. I stepped on the brakes and looked out the window to see a crooked and worn out apartment building. The building had a painted gray coloring on it that faded within age, the gray looked so light that almost made me think that it was white instead. I could see piles and piles of black garbage bags that stacked up on each other everywhere. My face turned to disgust looking at the sight of it.
"Is this... really the place?"
I asked as I continued staring out the window. Laff pulled out an envelope from his briefcase and examined it before nodding.
"Yes, this is the place."
He confirmed and put away the envelope back to where it belonged.
"Woooh! This place looks s-c-a-r-y!"
I rolled down my window then inhaled the air and immediately regretted it. It smelt like dead animal's corpses all over the place, I could feel the smell stinging my nose and making my eyes water. I quickly rolled the window back up and gagged.
"Bleugh- why does this place smell so bad!?"
I turned and looked at Laff. He tilted his head as if he were eyeing me and replied,
"Innit obvious?"
And gestured his hand towards the piles of garbage outside.
"Right, righttt, trashh."
I grabbed my car keys out and put it away in my pocket.
"Do we really have to go out there? Can I just borrow your mask or something Laff?"
I complained lamely. This place really sucks.
"No, but I could give you this,"
Laff handed me a small metal needle that had some sort of purple liquid inside.
"What's this for?"
I asked, accepting the needle from Laff's hands.
"This is for an emergency, it's a weapon for self defense."
He pointed towards the needle as he explained.
"Uhm... that still doesn't explain why you're handing this me now."
"The more you ask, the less I'll give you a detailed information about it."
I slouched against my seat and groaned. Knowing that this was Laff's 'polite' way to say: shut up and just get along with it thing.
"Fineeee I won't ask anymore questions about it."
"Now that's settled, why don't we head out?"
Without a response, I inhaled and exhaled the last bit of the nice non dreadful air. Then used my hand to cover my nose and stepped out of the car to enter the building where Woolf lived, into this large 'ancient' apartment building that loomed over me.
- - - - - -
I walked up to the apartment room's door and knocked, I felt my knuckles hit the old red splintered wood. The door clearly had no effort to be stable, it looked like it was about to fall apart. But I wouldn't dare to knock it down yet. There were some loud shuffling sounds coming from behind the red door.
"No room service today."
A grumpy and depressing voice called from inside.
"It's not the room service but ey, it's your nerdy Br'i'ish friend Laff! I know you're in there, may we come in to talk mate?"
I said cheekily. I tried to speak in a British accent but it horribly failed. The accent was either too high or too thick, or just unnatural.
"I do not talk like that."
Laff whispered, eyeing me with an offended and disapproving look.
"Well, this is a little payback for not telling me everything!"
I counter whispered to him. Before getting into the building, Laff and I decided to introduce ourselves to Woolf slowly at a time. And Laff suggested that I should be the first to talk to Woolf before him. But he didn't tell me how I should talk with Woolf, so, yeah.
"And shush, I'm trying my best!"
I whispered back to Laff dismissively. I heard him sigh and backoff to check his briefcase for probably the tenth time and took out two needles filled with purple liquid. Before I could say anything else, Woolf spoke back,
"Blaza, your impression on Laff was soo great."
Woolf commented sarcastically.
"Oh thank- wait a minute, how?"
"I could recognize the high energetic tone in your voice to answer your question."
He answered grumpily. Does my voice actually have a tone like that? I always imagined my voice as upbeat and very manly. Laff tapped on my shoulder to focus on the main task and I nodded in response.
"Never mind my bad impression, we-"
I cleared my throat.
"I mean- I also brought some snacks to share! All you have to do is just open your door and talk."
I said without realizing how cheesy and optimistic I sounded. And also lied because neither Laff and I actually had snacks.
"I don't see a reason why you two would need to talk to me."
Woolf responded, sounding more irritated the longer I talked to him. Oof, I think I made it obvious that another person was with me. Without thinking, I said:
"Alright, alright, you got us Woolf. Laff is actually with me too."
I heard Woolf snort in satisfaction. I turned then smiled wearily and gave Laff an apologetic look. He facepalmed.
"Okay but, are you letting us talk with you inside or not?"
I asked hopefully, facing my direction back to the door.
Woolf denied grumpily.
"Okay... what about- uhh.."
I tried to think of the next words to say that may not offend or annoy Woolf but I just couldn't think of any. Talking to Woolf is harder than I thought. So I shrugged at Laff, trying to tell him that I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do at this point. But Laff just encouraged me to keep going by making the "go on" gesture with his hand. I sighed and recollected my thoughts before speaking:
"Woolf, it won't be anything big. We just want to talk to our friend and to see if you're okay. We want to know why you suddenly left without telling any of us weeks ago."
"I don't know how you found me but it's not your guy's job to worry about me."
Woolf said stubbornly. Why wouldn't he just let Laff and I IN!? I was starting to feel a little frustrated myself, I've never seen Woolf being this stubborn before. In fact, he was rarely stubborn at all. This won't be easy. I realized.
"Woolf, of course we're going to worry if one of our friends just disappeared and never gave us a reason on why they left! We all care about you. So would you please let us talk for one moment and see if we can help you with what you're going through? Even help you just a little bit? What was the reason you left?"
I bursted out and stopped myself from ranting about more. For a moment, Woolf didn't reply.
"Maybe we should've done a calmer approach."
Laff sighed, probably knowing that I already messed up the plan. I nodded in agreement and mouthed out "sorry" to Laff . Minutes later, thinking that Woolf left the conversation, I turned to Laff and was about to walk back to my car before I heard a huge sigh from Woolf. Then there were more shuffling sounds coming from inside. Moments later, the door slightly cracked open. Standing behind it was Woolf in his black hoodie. His hood was tightly sealed around his head that almost covered all of his black ruffled hair. There were two deep dark shadows underneath his eyes, it looked as though he hadn't slept in forever, his face was unusually pale, and he looked really tired and miserable. Seeing Woolf like this freaked me out and made me very concerned for his health. I'm not a real doctor but I do know a few tips and tricks that might help him.
"Whoa, you good Woolf?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
The word 'fine' was louder and harsher than the rest of his sentence. Still, I obviously knew he was NOT OK because of how poorly his condition looks right now. But I didn't want to point that out just yet. I'm in a wobbly situation, I'll have to deal with it carefully by choosing the right words and action, or else Woolf might change his mind.
"Does this mean we can talk?"
I asked to make sure.
"Yeah, sure I guess."
Woolf cracked the door open for me to get in. Laff trotted behind but before he stepped in, Woolf put up a finger in front of Laff's face and said,
"Uh bup, up, up. Holddd up I didn't say both of you can come in didn't I?"
Woolf blocked Laff's way in through the door. I imagined Laff with an annoyed look on his face. I tried not to smirk at the thought.
"So, you don't want both of us coming in?"
Laff repeated the sentence in case he heard him wrong.
"Well, I don't mean to be rude but I prefer to not talk with you Laff."
Woolf admitted without hesitation, waving a hand.
"For what reason mate?"
Laff asked calmly, clearly not bothered by what Woolf said. Woolf slowly yawned before he answered,
"I just don't feel like it."
I'm pretty sure Laff and I knew there was more to it than that, it was pretty obvious. But I didn't say anything about it and neither did Laff.
"You sure that's your actual reason?"
Laff asked to make sure again.
"Yeah I'm sure."
Before Woolf closed the door as I went inside. Guess it's just up to me to convince Woolf.
- - - - -

Woolf's apartment room was a mess, just like the building and the parking lot. I wasn't too surprised about it at this point. But that still didn't stop my eyes water from the smells that lingered around this place, it almost felt like this place was filled with  toxic gas. I tried to not make weird faces and cover my nose from the smell. And this will be the ONLY time I'm not telling Woolf that his place stinks. I scanned around the place and guessed that the apartment room only had three rooms. One was the main room with the couch, dining table, doorway, and the kitchen. There is a closed wooden door across the doorway, poorly painted in black. And then there was another door painted white that was right next to the kitchen's counters.
"Sit here and you tell me what you need to tell me. After that, you'll leave."
Woolf immediately planned with a stern look on his face.
"I'll give you..."
He looked at the clock that was above the white door.
"Twenty minutes."
"Twenty minutes!? But I have a lot to talk about!"
I protested, not satisfied with the time. Woolf had his arms crossed, he looked down at the floor and showed no effort to not look annoyed.
"Okay, okay, what about twenty five minutes?"
"Thirty minutes?"
"Well, thirty minutes was the max, I guess I'll have to make you leave then."
Before Woolf could escort me back outside, I quickly said:
"Wait, wait wait- acually, thirty minutes is fine, I'll take it, I'll take it."
I agreed, knowing I'll have to accept whatever time I can get to talk to him.
Woolf responded and gestured with his hands towards me at the dining table with only two chairs. When we both sat down, Woolf gave me a tired boresome look to let me blabber out the things that I wanted to say to him. I immediately started off with:
"Hey Woolf, I wanted to tell you about this SMP that a lot of our friends got interested in."
Woolf's eyebrows raised up.
"You mean a Minecraft server?"
"Similar to Minecraft but more like VR without any weird equipments and is very similar to how we interact in real life."
Woolf gave me a questioning look. Hopefully, Woolf was taking some interest in what I was about to tell him.
"In case you didn't know, Meme made this SMP for the group that's been going on for... I guess one or two days? It's kind of confusing when you don't get the context."
Woolf slowly nods, he didn't seem to look really interested in the topic though. His eyelids were dropping and his expression always seemed to be a frown. Maybe I should crack a joke or two at some point. I decided. Then I started explaining about the SMP and its mechanics for the next ten minutes, answering any questions that Woolf had, which...was barely. When I finished explaining, Woolf asked me one final question:
"And you're telling me about this SMP that you speak of because...?"
"Because I was wondering..."
I clapped my hands together.
"If you could come with Laff and I to join the SMP."
Woolf's face darkened, his burrows pressed together then looked at me and answered:,
Woolf shook his head in disapproval.
"Absolutely no."
I put my finger up, trying to argue.
"I have a reason why I left, and going back to this SMP will just cause me to meet with the others."
Woolf excused.
"And two of you guys somehow knowing where I live and meeting me here is enough. And also, it's just plain creepy."
He finished and leaned his chair back up then slowly yawned again.
"Can't you just tell me why you don't want to meet with the others? What's wrong with doing that?"
I asked, wanting answers.
Woolf rubbed his temples and yawned.
"It's... it's really hard to explain. But let me hear this from you:"
I nodded to show that I was listening.
"How badly do you want me to answer all of your questions?"
Woolf asked and cocked his head to the side.
"Oh I have lots of questions."
I flung my arms in the air to sympathize with my words.
"Alright, if you promise me that you won't tell anyone about the answers that I'm going to give you, because I'll give you two chances to ask me any questions."
Woolf decided. My eyebrows shot up and looked at him, eyes wide. Woolf seemed to be so mysterious up until he offered me this small deal.
"Hold up a second, why would you want to do that?"
I questioned. I totally didn't expect Woolf to be open about this so quickly.
Woolf was rocking back and forth on his chair now, making the floor creak a lot. His arms were flung to the sides of the chair.
"If anything happens to me in the future, in case I need someone to back me up..."
Woolf stopped rocking on his chair.
"I'll know who to ask for."
He faced me and smiled just slightly.
"Oh coo, I feel so special now!"
I replied with an optimistic tone.
"Now ask me your two questions, you got about fifteen minutes left, better make it quick."
Woolf's expression quickly shifted back into a frown.."
Wow, way to put more pressure on me. Good thing I already have the questions in my head.
"Did I, or the others hurt you in some way to be like this? Is it anyone's fault?"
Woolf shut his eyes for a moment before opening them back up again.
"That'll be two questions, but since it's technically the same thing, I'll take it."
He looked down at the table, not bothering to have eye contact on me.
"It's not anyone's fault really, at least not you or the others."
I sighed in relief and was reassured that it wasn't me or the other's fault. Then it must've been someone else's...
"Okay, that's good. Now for the final question...."
I slammed both of my hands on the table, and tried to look deeply into Woolf's 'soul' (If that even was possible) and said my one and final question:
"What are you hiding?"
Woolf perked back up and looked at me, he looked as if he was in a trance.
"What are you hiding Woolf?"
I repeated again, more firmly this time. Woolf's frowned deepened and his eyebrows furrowed.
"I knew you'd ask me something like that, but it still seems harder to explain with words."
He sighed as he spoke, he was leaning back on his chair again, arms crossed.
"What do you mean?"
I asked, confused why it might be hard to explain what he was hiding. Woolf leaned back up and stood beside his chair, then gave me that hard intimidating look. I felt myself starting to feel unease and alert all of a sudden. When did Woolf learn how to become so intimidating???
"I know I already told you to promise me something before but I need you to promise me again,"
I nodded. I was starting to feel intense and excited at the same time. Finally I will get to know something big, maybe what Woolf is going to reveal is the reason why and how he ended up here.
"You'll think I'm making this up but I'll tell you that I'm not. I don't care if you don't believe me when I show this to you."
Woolf grabbed the edges of his black hood.
"Just....don't freak out."
He warned as he slowly pulled down his hood, which then revealed a pair of Wolf ears coated in black fur, pointed upwards.
I sat there in shock and disbelief. It feels like I was in a weird but serious dream, my brain fuzzed looking at those realistic looking wolf ears. But then it quickly changed to curiosity and to awesomeness. Wolf ears! Actual wolf ears! Moving and alive!
Woolf yawned, then tilted his head as his ears flattened, probably in embarrassment.
"Wow, whoa- That's so COOL! Is that an actual pair of wolf ears?"
I stood up and looked around Woolf's wolf ears from different angles. My eyes gleaming in interest.
"Yeah... they are real, unfortunately."
Woolf confirmed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes darted down.
"I thought you'd have a different reaction. I expected more of like: 'Oh no, am I dreaming?' 'This is so not normal!" "And oh wow, my friend turned into an actual furry!"
I laughed at Woolf's ridiculous thoughts and slapped my knee.
"You know, I like the last one that you said,"
I crumbled down to my knees dramatically.
"Oh nooo-"
Then stretched my hand out beside my forehead.
"My friend is a furry!"
And I gave Woolf my best smug face at him.
"Don't make it official."
Woolf grumbled and narrowed his eyes at me as his ears also pinned down.
I stood up and stared into Woolf's green eyes.
I teased. Woolf's ears perked up and gave me a warning look. Oh, he's not going to joke around with me? Ok- Woolf opened his mouth to say something but then closed it back down and just shook his head.
"Anyway, I think time's up."
Woolf looked at the clock above the white door.
"Yeah, that was thirty minutes, goodbye Blaza. You better not tell anyone about what we talked about today or mention about these ears,"
Woolf pointed to his pair of wolf ears.
"And especially not even mention anything about today to Laff."
Woolf said as he was starting to escort me out his apartment room and yawned again.
Wait, time's up already? Nononono, I still needed to know more about Woolf's ears! And how he got it! Arghhh- why do I still have so many questions!? I thought frantically, thinking of an excuse that can somehow make me stay and keep talking to Woolf for a while longer.
"Hey wait- um-"
Then I heard something fall out of my pocket. It made a ca-clink sound when it hit the creaky wooden floor. I peered down to see that I dropped my car keys while I was panicking. Suddenly, looking at the keys made me remember:
The needle with the purple liquid.
"This is for an emergency, it's a weapon for self defense."
That's what Laff said before we both went into the building. Was Laff trying to hint me to use it on Woolf? The more I thought about it, the more I believed that I needed to use the needle that was in my pocket. Am I thinking about this wrong? I bent down and picked up my car keys and shoved it back into my jacket's pocket.
"Blaza come on, just go. I don't have much time today."
Woolf said as he looked out the window, which the sun was now setting.
Just do it, use the needle.
I felt myself slowly reaching into the pocket where the needle was.
On who? Yourself?
I could feel the cold thin metal parts of the small object.
No.. the answer is obvious.
I slowly turned my head towards Woolf's direction, which he now put his hood back on and tightly sealed it around his head.
This is what Laff must've wanted me to do... he won't just give me any equipment left unused.
I had a grip on the needle now.
Alright, I hope that my theory is right.
I shut my eyes for a moment and opened them back up before saying,
"I'm really sorry about this Woolf..."
Before Woolf could even react, I took out the needle and stabbed it on his shoulder. The needle was sharp enough to cut through the fabric, I could hear the faint shii-kein! sound as I watched the sharp point of the needle drill into Woolf's skin and inject its liquid. Woolf tried to sustain his falling, his pupils turning dull and wary. I backed off too, panic and guilt rising in my throat. Oh no... why did I do it- why did I do it- why did I do it- why did I just inject a needle containing a suspicious purple liquid inside?! I looked at Woolf and he looked at me with clear betrayal in his eyes, but he made no expression. Whatever was in that liquid, seemed to have dazed Woolf somehow.
Woolf stumbled down to his knees, his eyelids drooping.
He struggled to get back up, but he just couldn't.
Woolf managed to sputter, his voice sounding weak.
I backed away even more but mistepped and slipped on the floor. Causing a few pieces of wood chips flying in the air. Ow.
Woolf shouted one final time, using the last of his strength and collapsed.
I exclaimed hesitantly, feeling sheer cold on my back. OH MY GOD DID I JUST KILL MY FRIEND- I immediately leaned down to see if Woolf was alive. I saw his chest slowly rise and fall, and I was able to sigh in relief. Good, he's still breathing. It's not like I could have killed him with that needle anyways hahaaa...
For a moment, nothing happened until Woolf's body twitched and his eyes shot wide open. Instead of the pair of green eyes that I was used to, I was greeted with a pair of glowing dark blue eyes, staring at me with intense pupils. I stumbled back in shock and fear. Before I knew it, Woolf, now with the blue eyes, lunged at me and pinned me to the ground, causing several small chips of stripped wood sinking and flying into the back of my neck, creating newly formed blisters. It felt like sharp needles to me and I tried not to scream. But I decided to do it anyway, as loud as I could. But it wasn't because of the pain, it was to hope that Laff would hear me. My throat felt sore after that and Woolf with now those blue glowing eyes gave me a deathly glare as he gripped my neck with his hands now forming like claws.
He gripped onto my neck harder, I could feel his claws slowly sinking into my skin and worsening the blisters, also closing my windpipe. I choked at my own breath.
"W..oolf... what... happened... to... you... u...."
My vision was starting to blur until I heard a door SLAM onto the ground. It created enough attention for Woolf to whip his head around and aim for a different target. He released me from his grasp and went towards to whatever made that sound. I sat up and quickly breathed in as much air as I could before I regained my strength. I clumsily stood up and looked to see that it was Laff who came in, who was also now fighting with Woolf. He was carrying some sort of miniature white nerf gun in hand. He shot out some sort of dart needles at Woolf, but the needles didn't seem to have any effect. Woolf just expressionlessly dodged Laff's physical attacks and tried to claw at him. Luckily for Laff, he was swift and careful at the same time. But he won't be able to keep it up forever. In sudden action, I dashed towards Woolf and knocked him over to the kitchen counters. Woolf winced as his back hit the counters, then quickly regained his footing and started to target me again. He dashed right towards me and pinned me back onto the ground like before.
I shouted, starting to feel paralyzed. Laff threw something from the kitchen, and before I could even react, a knife landed a few inches beside me. My eyes widened in fear and shock as I froze there on the ground, to soon then realize it didn't hit me, instead, the knife cut through Woolf's left shoulder, revealing a small red line. It didn't create a steep cut, but it was enough for it to drip blood from the fresh wound. The smell of iron engulfed my nose, and I gotta admit, it was even worse than the smells that've been lingering around this place combined. But something seemed to have changed, Woolf's eye pupils changed to deadly stilts as he slowly looked at the wound on his shoulder. Then slowly turned to Laff, who threw the knife. Woolf grabbed my head and slammed it on the floor as hard as he could before changing his target towards Laff. I was lucky he wasn't actually that strong enough to crush my skull. Laff's weapon suddenly slided beside me. My head still stinging from the hit, I slowly got up and grabbed the nerf weapon then aimed it at Woolf as I saw him pin Laff to to the fridgerator by gripping on Laff's neck.
"Oi, oi- what's with all the hostility Wo-"
Laff gasped for air as he tried to release from Woolf's grip.
He finished, struggling to get free. Then I pulled the trigger, nothing happened. I pressed the trigger again but nothing came out, I started to panic and looked around for any spare ammos without disturbing Woolf.
"You were with them weren't you?"
Woolf's voice rasped out, except, it wasn't the actual Woolf talking. It was someone else.
" 'scuse me, with who?"
Laff tilted his head in confusion. Woolf growled annoyingly and gripped on Laff's neck harder. Laff coughed as he kicked and thrashed to free himself. A silver glint caught my eye and I saw that there was another dart underneath the dining table. I gulped, the table was right behind Woolf. Must... approach with caution. I silently and slowly crawled towards the table.
"You know? The scientists."
Woolf remarked aggressively.
"I-might need you- to-"
Laff coughed, not being able to breathe. Woolf slightly loosened his grip from Laff's neck, enough for Laff to be able to inhale air. Laff immediately gasped for air.
He finished, given up struggling, making his arms and legs go limp. I was right in front of the table now, and I could see a piece of that dart, except it had orange liquid instead of purple like the rest. Not even bothering to question it, I stretched out my hand and reached for it.
"I could smell it in you,"
Woolf tilted his head and glared at Laff in the eye. His blue eyes glowing brighter than before. I took hold of the dart.
"You were with them,"
He pulled his claws out. I quietly loaded the dart into the gun.
"You were helping them."
He snarled and slashed on Laff's leg, blood dripping from his claws. Laff screamed but then immediately caught himself and stopped.
Laff was trying to withstand the pain. I slowly got out of the table with the gun ready.
"No need.... to lash out in a conversation,"
He paused to breathe heavily to bear the pain.
"We don't know each other yet."
Laff resumed. I stood up and aimed the gun at Woolf's neck, making sure my shakiness won't drop the gun.
"Oh but we have."
Woolf responded as he chuckled. Then I pulled the trigger. The dart shot launched and hit Woolf's neck almost perfectly. Then everything went silent. Woolf slowly turned back towards me with intense deadly blue eyes and newfound irritation. His claws were out and he lunged towards me again, dropping Laff to the floor.
Did the dart not work?
Woolf slammed me back onto the floor.
Of course it didn't, Laff already tried it multiple times.
Woolf extended his claws out and raised it in the air, opposing to strike.
If you knew that already, why did you even bother to try?
I shut my eyes, knowing what's coming for me.
Because I didn't know what else to do. I was useless.

Then I heard him slash his claw.

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Words: 5896 (Congratulations, you probably just read paragraphs worth of two chapters).
Fun fact: This chapter has been shortened, cut up, and changed since the chapter was longer than it should have. I'll try to learn from my own writing, because I feel like there's been too many info dumps here. Anyways, I am now going to work on chapter 5 >:)

Thank you for those who read this chapter!

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