REQUESTED Say something! (Opposite Wally x shy reader)

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Opposite stood in front of Neighbors house, and Wally sat behind a bush, motioning him to continue on. This was the boldest decision he ever made. Opposite motioned him to duck down. He didn't want Neighbor to know he had Wally for emotional support. It was time to just get this over with. He walked up to the door, and with a heavy sigh, he rang the doorbell fighting every urge and instinct to abort the plan and retreat. The worst she could do was say no.


As you were folding laundry you sprang to alertness when to he doorbell rang. It was him. The redhead you pined for. The one you caught sneaking glances all the time. Whenever you went out of the house he was always stand-offish, but now here he is ringing your doorbell? Why would he be ringing your doorbell? He rang a second time. You decided he rang enough and it was time to answer him. You sprang up dropping your clothing, and answered the door. You cracked it open a bit. "He-h-hello?" Your whole body trembled, looking at one of the more intimidating Wally's you knew. You were unsure if he was going to scold you, or force you to do something that only you were able to do.

"Hey, Neighbor. I need to talk to you. Open the door all the way, or step out of it." He said with an annoyed expression. You did as told. "I gotta tell you something." He was acting so strange. You were starting to wonder bc wether or not to escape back into your house. He began to pace walking from side to side in front of you. After that he grabbed his forehead. "Alright, look." His face turned red. "I can't believe I'm doing this." He took a deep breath and let it out. "Neighbor I... I want to let you know that... for the past week, I've been thinking about y-you."

You couldn't believe this. Was this really happening? "D-d-don't look at me like that!" You winced in discomfort. This didn't go unnoticed by him. "Jeez, I'm such an asshole." He took your hand. "Look, I've never done anything like this before, so listen up and listen good, Neighbor!" You could feel your face turning red. "I like you...a lot." You felt your heart nearly pound out of your chest. As flustered as you were a smile came on your face.

"I like you too."

His eyes got wide. "Don't say things like that! It embarrasses me!" He turned away from you. "Why do you even like me?! I'm always in a pissed off mood! I'm always giving you an attitude, but you still like me?" He turned sharply back. "This is your only warning. I'm not the easiest guy to be involved with. I can get really nasty. Seriously, my temper is like a volcano. I won't be all rainbows and sunshine like Wally, and you're alright with that?" You nodded.

You took his hand, and gave it a kiss. "You don't have to be so tense. I'm perfectly fine with you. Maybe with my company your hot temper will even cool down a bit." When you said that, you saw Wally peek out from behind the bushes. "That would be a great improvement!" He called out. Opposite snarled and mouthed the words "You are dead." As he dragged a finger across his throat. "Look can we just start out by taking things s-steady?! Does that work?" You grin. "Don't give me that look. Say something!" You took his hand and blushed. "Screw it. Fine. I'll take that as a yes."

*one week later*

It was a Saturday morning, and you slept so soundly. However upon waking up, you smelled smoke. You ran to the kitchen to see Opposite coughing and fanning away the smoke taking something out of the oven. "No! I don't understand! I FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS PERFECTLY!" He pulled a tray of blackened hockey pucks out of the oven and hung his head over the sink. His knuckles gripped the rim. He shook with anger, and you decided to alert him of your presence. When you placed a hand on his shoulder, he failed to look up but acknowledged you. "Oh, good morning Neighbor." He groaned.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He stood up straight. "What's wrong?! Take a look around! I wanted to surprise you with a nice breakfast, but I fucked that up too. I suck as a boyfriend!" You took a look at the wonderful food that he already made. "Well, you didn't fail in surprising me." You snickered. "It's alright Opposite. You cooked plenty of things already. If you want biscuits, I can make them. You just relax on the couch. You've done enough." He was fuming but nodded. This was truly kind of him. You could tell he wasn't used to doing things like this, and was struggling. It was the thought that counted.

In no time you had a big plate set out for him, with sausages, eggs, biscuits, and hash browns. His lips trembled as he muttered out. "Thanks, I guess." Sometimes he was too adorable. You sat with your own plate, and ate with him in silence. He was still pretty upset things didn't go as planned. He was trying too hard. You waited patiently till he was done,and took his plate. "I'll put these in the sink then I want you to do something for me." He crossed his arms. "Well that's great, something else I can screw up."

You took his hand, and led him back to the loveseat. He was confused. "What do want me to-" There a tense intake of breath, when you felt him stiffen. He was not expecting you to cuddle him. "Come on Neighbor. I'm not used to this." You sighed against his shoulder trying to relax him. Eventually he eased up.

"Your really.....cute, Neighbor."

"I am?"

"Please don't make me say it again,"

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