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Zed was beyond thirsty and he felt like he would have to kill Skye but he was also driven by another need since he was in his demon form.

His claws slightly grazed her skin while he continued sucking blood from her lips he released her for a second to let her breathe and she gasped and pushed him.

"Zed let me go!" she cried but his red eyes only stared at her while his claws found the front part of her dress and she screamed as he tore it off her after a few seconds she was completely bare and entrapped by him.


Desdemona forced herself up again and glared at Halcyone.

"Just let me release him you will still get to see him" Halcyone's voice was cold.

"Over my dead body" she said knowing why they wanted to release the demon Lord.

"As you wish then fair-lady" Halcyone said about to launch at her when something hit him from back.

"Eason!" Alvara rushed to him and he caught her hugging her tight.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded looking at him he was bruised and his sweat glistened on his skin that was open from his torn shirt revealing heavy muscles and His hair stuck to his forehead and shoulders

"You betray us for a woman?" Halcyone laughed.

"Go find safety I'll deal with this one" Eason said.

"Are you sure?" She asked and he nodded.

"Don't die"she kissed his cheek and ran leaving Eason and Halcyone to fight.

If only they knew where she was going.


Royel had given up on Sinan as the witch did not die and was only distracting him.

He would kill her later.

Sinan found Beatrice who looked frantic.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Skye is missing! I can't find her" Beatrice declared.

"How?" Sinan asked confused
When a large stone came almost falling on her head when she moved back.

"A falling pillar separated us I can't find her!" Beatrice was scared Skye barely knew how to protect herself.


Zed looked at Skye who had passed out he cussed and sat up.

He was drunk with the need for blood he almost drank her dry. He looked at her one more time she was unconscious and covered with red marks some able to draw blood and she had an injury on her lips caused by his fangs.

He was overwhelmed with need he didn't realize what he was doing till now.

He also couldn't leave Skye like this. He pulled off his coat which was a little bloody and covered her bare body before carrying her he had cleared this area of any danger when he saw her here so they were literally alone.

He walked towards one of the rooms forcing the door open he found it to be a small room with a small bed if he had found it out earlier he would have brought her here instead of taking her in the corridor against the wall.

He laid her down using the bed clothes to cover her he searched the wardrobe beside them which was filled with only maid clothes, his queen couldn't wear this.

He put on the dress for her and it turned into a more pleasant one not heavy but not plain.

He looked at her shutting his eyes he groaned he was glad that she had passed out cause he was still heavy with different needs.

He left the room and closed the door he dug his claws into his own skin and his blood trickled on the floor of the door's entrance he closed his eyes opening them back he looked at the door whose edges now looked like it leaked blood he opened the door then shut it back before going, this way the door could be opened by nobody except him and her.


"You are pathetic" Halcyone laughed at Eason.

"Shut up!" Eason was not in the mood. He felt a little drained as he had been fighting for days none stop he only came to check if Alvara was okay as he had known she had come to the underworld. They had become closer and she had given him a necklace to enable him step foot into the underworld though he wondered how she acquired it as the living were not allowed to step foot here.

But Halcyone was here he didn't need to know how he managed to enter cause he was used to getting what he wanted the god of fire was a proud bastard.

"You actually trust her?" Halcyone snickered twisting Eason's neck while Eason kicked him away. Halcyone glared at the child who was too strong for his age and also too tall.

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