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He ran like the speed  of lightning and untied her immediately Skye fell into his hands she was unconscious. He let her get hurt he was dead.

Beatrice didn't want her father to see her. All of a sudden a dark figure appeared and untied the woman and disappeared as soon as it came she couldn't see the person's face or the woman's face.

Her father looked around seeing that the woman he tied had disappeared he became angry.

"No!" he shouted kicking  a tree. Beatrice couldn't actually believe that her father had tied up a woman and tried to rape her in the woods at the dead of night.

She shook her head and left she now found the man disgusting.

"Do you want me to kill him? " She suddenly heard a voice turning around she couldn't see the person but she could see his build in between the trees blending in with the darkness.

"No" she simplyreplied.

"He hurt my sister I can't let him be free" the voice said more in a warning tone urging her to make a decision quicker.

So that woman was his sister.

"I'm sorry for his behaviour don't harm him" she pleaded and the figure walked closer the height was dominating making her feel like an ant he could easily crush she moved back trying to avoid him but she crashed on something hard it was a tree and he immediately trapped her.

She brought her bow out planning to hit his head but he was quick and he trapped her two hands in the bow putting it above her head and she couldn't move anymore her body was crushed between a hard panel of wood and brick like chest her breathing became harsh.

His scent wafted into her nose it was a drug she needed to inhale. She became afraid no man had even made her feel this way she felt her self trembling softly.

"Decide his faith or I would do it for you" the voice warned his breathe hot against her face.

She didn't dare look up as she replied "do as you please but don't kill him" she pleaded the man smiled.

He released her though her hands were still in the bow.

"It's so late come I'll take you back he stretched out his hand and she received it . He was freezing feeling how cold his hands were she became afraid .

"Are you Okay?" She asked.

"Yes" he simply replied

He pulled her into his embrace and they appeared at her room.

"Be careful" he warned


The maids squealed and screamed the king had returned .

"Your highness" everyone bowed some people didn't even know of his departure it has been seven days and his aura felt more dangerous.

"Sire" every one he came across greeted him the king of varlish had returned back to his kingdom with his troops ignoring everyone he kept walking with sturdy dominant steps as Pharian naratted everything that happened in his absence except the part of Skye almost being raped.

He could feel that his brother was different after the trip but it didn't seem like a good difference. Zed pursed his lips when pharian told him of how Gwen tortured Skye he had even forgotten that he had a wife it was late in the night when he returned.

Pharian bid him goodbye and left he entered into the room with an oppressing aura Skye had just bathed and was on the bed about to sleep when the light dimmed more than usual she immediately sat up.

Looking up she saw the imposing figure by the table staring at her for some reason she felt afraid he seemed more dangerous and powerful. Without thinking anymore she ran to him hugging him tight in her hands Zed stiffened as he recalled she was his wife he looked down at the little figure in front of him slowly stroking her hair . Though she was his wife he couldn't feel anything something was off about him and he knew, he just didn't know what.

"I've missed you" she sniffed and Zed could hear her tears through her voice no one ever cried for him.

"I'm back now " he simply replied

"Don't ever leave again" she pleaded but he didn't answer.

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