First Part: Freddy Fazbear's

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A/N: Okay so this is one of my first fanfics I came up with before I found Wattpad, as I stated in the description, and I decided to start writing it again because it's still a good idea to me and I do want to get through it. Some of the chapters will be fillers due to not much happening in the night cannonly, so just be aware of that. In this fanfic, Chica and Bonnie are my two besties in real life(not their real names or ages, obviously), so if you guys want to imagine yourself and your besties, don't let me stop you ^^ Now on with night one!

"AAAAH-" A teenage, blonde hothead yelled and grunted as he fell through the warp and onto the pavement of the blacktop. He lifted himself up onto his forearms and spat out some blood before turning back to see the warp close.

"WAIT, NO. TAKE ME BACK YOU B***ARDS!!" He yelled in fury and slammed into the wall, punching it until it cracked under the pressure of his fists, once the portal vanished into a purple mist and faded away. The blonde couldn't contain the curses that spilled from his mouth. Once he had somewhat calmed down, he turned to assess the situation and analyze the area surrounding him. He noticed the doors leading into what appeared to be a restaurant and he backed up into the empty parking lot to see a sign above the building.

"Freddy's Family Diner, huh? Sounds cheesy and lame. Like that damn Deku..." he said the boy's name, with venom on his tongue. "Why did they bring me here, anyway? What do they gain from this?" He scoffed, glaring at the chaos going on within the building. He noticed the shadow of a man in a bunny suit pass by the doors, seemingly leading on the shadows of four children. They appeared to be around the age of ten to fourteen or younger. The blonde slowly made his way towards the doors and cautiously walked inside, making sure he wasn't spotted as he followed the children, who almost disappeared around a corner. He noticed a door saying "Parts and Service" and his eyebrows furrowed even further, getting a bad feeling. He slightly opened the door, just enough to see inside and trying to stay quiet.

"Alright, what do you want. I don't like mascots, buddy." The older girl of the group spat. "What, you think we want autographs? Go see my little sister for that. I'm sure she'd—" The man cut her off.

"Oh, no no no. I just wanted to give you a little present." The man's eyes widened, glinting with a hint of crazy.

"No way these kids are gonna fall for this bull****, that older one seems smart enough." The blonde muttered to himself.

"Dude... back off... I said back off!" The girl blocked her friends with her arm, backing away as the man crept closer. He chuckled softly, pulling a knife from behind his back. The kids' eyes widened in fear.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" The blonde lunged towards them, only to hit the wall across the room. He groaned and stared at his hands in shock. He had phased right through them.

"BACK OFF!" The girl yelled, noticing they were against the wall. The man laughed more audibly, lifting the knife above his head.

"NO!!" The blonde reached out for them and watched in horror as the crazed man had begun stabbing them all, slicing the older girl's throat as the others screamed in agony and fear. She coughed up some blood and gasped for breath as she was forced to watch her friends die as her own life was slipping from her grasp. The only boy among the girls dragged his way over to her and grasped her hand as his stomach had bled out and his eyes gazed over, going limp onto the floor and exhaling a raspy breath. The blonde ran over to her and tried to help, trying to make sense of what is going on and he stared in fear as the girl looked him directly in the eyes.

"K-K-K..... Kat...." she stuttered. He couldn't help but feel a connection with her. As if he had seen her before.

"What.... Y-you can... s-see me...?" he breathed, hoping he could at least keep her talking or keep her awake.

"Katsu-ki...." a tear ran down her face before her eyes glazed over and her hand, that was originally holding onto her neck, fell to her side. He panted and looked back at the man who just stood and watched.

"YOU B***ARD!! HOW COULD YOU KILL INNOCENT CHILDREN?!!" The man chuckled and hid the bodies in four springlock suits. The eleven-year-old in a purple bunny, the thirteen-year-old in a yellow chicken, the fifteen-year-old male in a brown bear, and finally... the fourteen-year-old girl the blonde named Katsuki had grown attached to so quickly... in a red fox. Katsuki stood up, staring down at the four, immobile suits as the man walked out to clean his costume before returning to the stage.

"I... I don't understand... what just happened...?" Katsuki's wide gaze never left the fox. "How could you see me... let alone know my name...?" He was about to crouch near her again when a strong wind blew him back and into another warp. He yelled and cursed, not wanting to end up more lost than he already was. When the warp vanished, he was sitting on a bed with a clock saying 11:30 PM, alarm blaring. He growled and smashed it. He looked around and noticed a text appearing on his phone.

"You ready for your new job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza? Can't wait to see you in the office for your first nightshift, newbie! See you at midnight! —- Scott"

"What? Nightshift? What the hell is this guy talking about? Freddy's, huh..? Like that Diner... Might as well.. Maybe I can get more info about all that went down just now..." Katsuki grumbled at the thought of being in a suit. After a moment, he decided to just wear his casual clothes, only putting on the hat, already feeling his spiky hair weave itself into a mess. He walked outside and followed his GPS to the building known as Freddy Fazbear's. Once he arrived, he couldn't get the image of the girl's face out of his head. She seemed like she wanted to say more... but what could he do?

"Where's the other guards? Don't tell me I'm supposed to stay here by myself!" He kept himself calm and only let out an occasional growl as he stepped within the building's doors, exploring the restaurant. He noticed three animatronics standing on a stage, motionless.

"Bear, rabbit, and chicken.... Just like them... But where's..." he looked around some more as he muttered to himself before his gaze landed on a smaller stage, disguised as purple, star-covered curtains. He walked up to it and noticed a sign saying "out of order." He looked up at the curtains again and sighed.

"She must be somewhere else... There's no way they'd stick her somewhere dark and dusty like that..." He continued exploring until he found the back office. He sat in the chair and jumped when he heard the phone ring. He cursed, annoyed he got startled by something so simple. He picked up the phone and answered.

"Hey! You made it! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Here, we——" Katsuki groaned and barely listened to the guy. At least, until he heard him say..

"It's amazing how a person can live without their frontal lobe, isn't it?"

"What...?" he breathed. Once the call ended, he watched the cameras and noticed the animatronics had moved, flinching when he saw they were staring directly at him through the cameras. Throughout the night, he kept checking the cameras. He grew more on edge the longer the night dragged on to the point where he sighed heavily when he heard the 6AM chime. He made his way back to the front, but he turned back to see the bear, Freddy, he guessed, staring at him. Katsuki froze, his breath halting.

" me..." He widened his eyes, hearing the whisper coming from another room. He backed up and ran back to his "new home."

"What in the hell was that..." he muttered, slamming the door and leaning against it. Without a word, he made his way over to the bed, taking off the mandatory hat and laid there until he finally gave in to the darkness and allowing himself to rest. 


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