03| Can't Wait For Tomorrow

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14th August 2017


"Hopefully the sky will be clear tomorrow evening as well", said Abhishek.

"Ya, I hope so too", I said and slightly tilted my head back to focus my eyes on the clear blue sky above. Abhishek and I were currently standing under a tree at the main ground. The dahi-handi event just ended a few minutes ago and the crowd dispersed right after that leaving only the people from our neighbourhood to enjoy the food at the temporary stalls that were set up on the main ground. Abhishek sat-with his legs crossed-on the ground and leaned against the tree. He was tired since he was the one who had climbed the whole human pyramid and broken the handi while standing on Abhinav's shoulders.

"I'm so hungry right now. Where are those two?", said Abhishek as if he hadn't eaten anything in days.

"The stalls might be crowded Abhishek. I'm sure they'll arrive as soon as they can grab a plate", I said although I myself didn't believe that they would arrive any time soon. Aisha and Abhinav had left fifteen minutes ago to grab some food and told me to wait here with Abhishek. It was actually Aisha's idea and Abhinav wasn't so happy with it because he didn't trust Abhishek at all, especially the fact that I was the one going to give him company while they were not around. Abhishek had been a new student in our school just a year ago but, he and I eventually became good friends in the first half of this year. Abhinav wasn't so happy with the fact that Abhishek and I talked so frequently with each other since he had seen Abhishek flirting with a few girls many times at school and he believes that he would do the same with me and later on break my heart or something like that. I ignored him because one... I had never seen it myself, two... I know that Abhishek respects my personal space so he would never do anything like that with me and three... I don't think he is my type.

"Say, have you ever been in a relationship before?", Abhishek asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Uhm, no", I replied confused as to why he was asking me this all of a sudden.

"Seriously? Nobody has ever asked you out?"

"Yes. A few of them from our school but I wasn't interested in them. Why are you asking me this?"

"Nothing. Just like tha- ", Abhishek said but he was cut off by none other than Aisha's cheerful voice.

"Okay, we are back! Hopefully, I did not miss out on anything right?", said Aisha with a smirk on her face and raising an eyebrow at me. She and her brother were holding two plates each, of aloo-poori. I gave her a displeased look because I knew what she was hinting at. Aisha has always been shipping me and Abhishek for some unknown reason ever since we became friends, while Abhinav, being the overprotective brother, he is, was never pleased by that notion and nor am I.

"Nope we were just discussing tomorrow's performance", said Abhishek as he took his plate of food from Aisha.

And about my love life.

I decided to keep my mouth shut about it or else Aisha will start teasing me non-stop. We all sat down in a circle under the shade of the tree and started eating.

"So, both of you are going to perform the dance routine Aisha and Preeti used to do before, right?", Abhinav said before filling his mouth with a piece of poori.

"Yes of course. The same old thing but with a few more advanced dance steps added to it", replied Abhishek.

"Not to forget it will be the last dance of the evening this year!", I added excitedly. Mrs. Sharma had never allowed me and Aisha to do the final act of the programme but, this year she allowed me and Abhishek to do the last dance. It was a bit strange but I shrugged it off.

A few minutes passed while the four of us ate our food in silence. I always feel like ever since Abhishek joined our group, a lot of things have changed. We used to be the most talkative group in our class but nowadays we would just suddenly fall silent as if nobody had anything to say to keep the conversation going.

"Well, I finished my food so I'll have to leave early to catch some rest", Abhishek said-breaking the awkward silence-getting up and wiping his mouth with a napkin. He threw the plastic plate in the bin and went to the public washroom to wash his hands.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd how Mrs. Sharma allowed him to join her dance classes just a few months ago when she hardly allowed any person to join her classes mid-session?", Abhinav asked.

"He's a very good dancer Abhi that's why she let him join her classes. Now don't be too suspicious about it", I said and the tone of my voice clearly indicated that this topic was closed.

When will he stop doubting him?

He is a good person but, due to a few rumours, people have started doubting him.

Abhishek returned and picked up his bag while I stood up to dispose of my plate. He suddenly leaned towards me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "See you at my house at 4", he whispered in my ear and winked at me as he walked away. I just stood there dumbfounded for a moment not knowing what to do.

When I finally regained my senses, I saw Abhinav with his jaw hanging open while Aisha started laughing at our reactions. I threw my plate in the bin and slapped Aisha's arm to stop her from laughing but instead, she asked me: "Did he ask you on a date?"

"No! He just told me to meet up at his house at 4 so we can go for the rehearsals from there."

"Oh. But why were you so flustered about it then", she asked in a mocking way with a grin plastered on her face.

"It was nothing!", I declared and headed towards the washroom to wash my hands.

I could still hear Aisha laughing like a madwoman behind me but, I chose to ignore it.

I'm never gonna hear the end of this.


"Seriously though I still think you two will make a perfect couple", said Aisha.

"He's not my type", I said and I was a bit surprised how the conversation from me going to Paris was turned towards why Abhishek should me my boyfriend. We were walking to Abhishek's house and I don't know why but Aisha wanted to accompany me to the dance class. I was wearing a pink top paired with black leggings while Aisha wore a yellow top paired with blue jeans.

Must be to fill my ears with more reasons as to why I should date Abhishek.

"Oh! I totally forgot to ask you! Who was that boy you were talking to in the morning? You know the one with black hair and blue tips. He didn't seem like an Indian."

"Well, I think he's from France since he mistakenly slipped some words in French out of his mouth."

"Hmm, so a French boy. Interesting. Did you get his name?"

"Ah...no. Because you pulled me away from him before we had the chance to introduce ourselves."

"How did you bump into him?"

I told Aisha what had happened in the morning. I didn't get the chance to see him again since there were so many people on the ground. I slightly blushed at the memory of how swiftly he caught me before I fell.

"Hmm, someone's blushing...", Aisha said whilst poking my cheek. I slapped her hand away.

"It's not what you think. Besides I don't think I'll get to see him again" I said and sighed.

"Maybe you'll see him in Paris. Who knows? Maybe he has come for a vacation in India?"

"Aisha there are many cities in France where he might live. It's not like all French people stay in Paris."

"Maybe you'll see him tomorrow. Many people are going to come and if that boy is staying somewhere in our neighbourhood then he'll surely come."

"I don't know", I said and looked down at the road. I don't know why but there was this urge inside of me to meet him again.

"He was attractive though."

"Don't you already have a boyfriend?", I asked and eyed her suspiciously.

"Ya, I know. I was just voicing your thoughts."

"Yeah. And now you'll start shipping me with a complete stranger?"

"Well, Abhishek is still available. Speaking of him he's standing right there staring at you dreamily."

I followed her gaze to find Abhishek standing outside his house. He smiled on seeing me. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black jogging pants. We all walked together to the dance class for practising our choreography. Once we entered the class Mrs. Sharma told me and Abhishek to immediately start practising. My hands were shaking a bit at the mere thought of performing tomorrow in front of so many people. Suddenly, someone held my hand and I looked up to a pair of warm brown eyes.

"Don't worry. We'll nail it", Abhishek spoke softly. I smiled at him and blushed. It's not like every day a boy holds your hand. We went to grab our 'dandiyas'.

I can't wait for tomorrow!


So hope you liked Preeti's friends, their conversations and a bit of moments between Abhishek and Preeti.

Now first things first. For those who don't know, these are called 'dandiyas'

These are used in dandiya dance, a Gujrati folk dance mostly performed on Navratri. More information will be in the next chapter.

The above pic is of a dahi handi event at Mumbai. But the one's held in Kolkata attract a smaller crowd.

P.S. All pics taken from Google and none belong to me



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