12| Sweet Dreams, Preeti

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19th August 2017


The beginning of a new day.
The beginning of a new chapter.

It's a new day.
A different routine to follow.
A different way, to live.

And just when I was gonna introduce my protagonist, someone rang the doorbell. I groaned and lifted my gaze to the clock to look at the time.

3:30 pm

Who on Earth is at the door now?

I simply despised distractions, when I was writing a story.

I mean, you always need a peaceful, calm environment to let the words flow onto the paper.

But no. Life has it against me and that's why someone rang the doorbell at the exact moment, I was going to present my lead female role.

I trudged down the stairs and opened the door to see Aisha grinning like an idiot she is, wearing a white shirt with blue shorts. Abhinav was standing next to her wearing a sap green shirt, with his hands buried in the pockets of his black jeans. Standing behind them were...


Juleka and Luka. Juleka was wearing a purple top paired with black shorts but she wasn't the reason for the sudden tension that built up in my head. It was Luka who was looking so cool and hot at the same time wearing a black shirt with blue jeans. What was I wearing? Oh, I was standing there-with my eyes wide open-in my pyjamas. White top and baby pink shorts with the black round, thin framed spectacles resting on the bridge of my nose. My hair was in a small messy bun so I untied it, and ran my hands through it.

Thank god I have straight hair unlike Aisha.

I saw Luka staring at me with his lips parted as if it's the first time he was seeing me.

"Uh... What are you doing here? Wasn't the sleepover party scheduled for 4?", I said, whilst fidgeting with the hair tie, in my hands.

"Four? But Aisha told us it was 3:30", Abhishek said appearing out of nowhere. I was shocked. First of all, he was mad at me for not telling him about me moving to Paris, not less than 2 days ago and now he was standing, casually at my doorstep wearing a sky blue shirt and black jeans.

"Wait, Preeti said to arrive at her house at 4 but, Aisha said that she changed her mind and asked us to come at 3:30 instead", Luka said, who was as surprised as I was.

I simply glared at Aisha and she laughed saying," Sorry guys, but that was a joke. I just wanted to surprise Preeti."

My glare became even more intense and all she did was stick out her tongue at me.

"Come inside everyone", I mumbled and opened the door fully, to allow all of them to enter. Abhishek entered last and I closed the door. There was a kind of awkward silence that started to settle between us.

"Sorry", he said and I immediately enveloped him in a hug and muttered a small sorry as well.

"You don't have to apologise."

"But it's my fault that I didn't tell you sooner", I said whilst, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"It's all good now", he said and I smiled.

"You guys can settle down on that couch and I-I'll be r-right back", I said and dashed towards my room like a flash of lightning.

My room was the proper definition of a mess. Books scattered here and there. The bed was undone. Some sheets with a few lyrics inscribed on them, lay on my bed. So, I ran around my room picking up the books and shoving them in the shelves. I straightened the bedsheets and blankets on my bed and picked up my guitar which was lying near my desk, to hung it on the support from the wall beside my bed.

Throwing on a white top, and black shorts, I proceeded to go downstairs and invited the others to my room. Aisha, Juleka and Abhinav sat down on the couch near the door while Abhishek-after seeking my permission- sat down on the edge of the bed. Luka however, was looking at my bookshelf, attached to my desk by the window. The sunlight slightly illuminated his features as I approached him and inquisitively asked," Do you like reading books too?"

"Yeah. I read mostly fantasy or sci-fi books with a hint of romance. There are a few words that I come across while reading them, which helps me write a few songs."

"You write songs as well?"

"Yeah, he does sometimes, when he is 'inspired' but he never sings the songs he wrote in front of other people. Now can you tell me where the washroom is?", Juleka said, all in one go, air quoting the word 'inspired'.

"I'll show you", Abhinav said and got up from the couch to help the French girl find her way.

"I always wanted to read the full series of Harry Potter though. But I never got my hands on the 'Goblet of Fire'."

"Dad bought that one online because I also never found one, at a bookstore. Goblet of Fire is a good one. I can lend it to you if you like?"

"Oh. No need. It's alright. I watched the movie so- "

"The movie and the book are two completely different things", I said cutting him off and rolled my eyes while he gave out a soft chuckle.

"Tomorrow Mom is gonna pack all the books and ship them to Paris straightaway. I'll miss them so much."

I wiped an imaginary tear from my eyes and Aisha spoke up," Come on Preeti. It's just a week."

"Une semaine c'est beaucoup!", I said in an irritated tone, knowing full well she didn't catch a word of what I spoke just now. I was already irritated because of the prank, she pulled off, not 10 minutes ago. It was a habit of mine to speak French whenever I lost my temper. Luka started laughing while Abhishek and Aisha looked at us in bewilderment.

"Bien dit."


I leaned on the side of the desk while Luka's eyes continued to dance their way across the spines of the books. He took out a book covered in brown leather and opened the first page.

"Mon journal?"

I immediately panicked and snatched my diary from him putting it back in the shelf. I really didn't want him to read my thoughts that I had penned down, especially the ones I wrote in the past few days, ever since I met him.

Aisha clicked her tongue and said," I'll steal that at night while you're sleeping."

"No chance. It will have a new place by that time."

"What do hidden secrets do you have girl?"

"Oh, shut up and Luka stop laughing this isn't funny!"

The blue eyed boy stopped laughing and muttered some words, under his breath, which made me glare at him, "Ne peut pas l'aider."

"Desole desole! Don't give me that look, Preeti", he said, pouting like a sweet 5 year old baby and I burst into laughter at his cute behaviour and he joined in as well.

"What are you both laughing about?", Juleka asked, as she appeared, at the door whilst Abhinav sat down cross-legged, on the floor.

"Who knows? They both are blabbering in French", Aisha responded in a not so amused tone.

I looked at Abhishek who had been sitting, silently like a statue carved out of limestone. When his eyes lifted up from the floor to meet mine, he motioned me to sit next to him and I obliged.

"Let's play some game", Abhishek suggested and we started playing various games throughout the evening starting from ludo to cards. We had a lot of fun. After dinner, we all changed into our pyjamas and got ready for bed. I was going to sleep on my own bed, while Juleka occupied the couch, Aisha the armchair, and the three boys tucked themselves in their blankets on the floor. I did suggest them to move into the living room, but they were adamant on their decision.

"Boys", Juleka whispered to Aisha and I and we giggled.

When I finally got comfortable, under the covers, my eyes travelled to the floor, to see blue eyes staring at me, seeming to glow in the dark. I blushed profusely but thanks to the dark, he probably didn't notice.

"Good night, Luka."

"Sweet dreams, Preeti."


French → English Translation Time!

Une semaine c'est beaucoup! : A week is a lot

Bien dit : Well said

Merci : Thank you

Mon journal : My Journal/Diary

Ne peut pas l'aider : Can't help it

Desole : Sorry


I'm back with a new chapter so how was it?

I entered my book in a few awards and some are saying that my title is irrelevant to the story so can you guys tell me if it is so or not.♡

Thanks for supporting me all along. Love you all! ♡

P.S. Fan Art in media box not mine. Rights to the rightful artist.

Also, the two paragraphs in the beginning...



It's going to be the starting of my new MLB fan fic after I finish this one. No, not another Luka Couffaine love story thingy... It's gonna have the love square with a pinch of Lukanette and a hint of betrayal. So stay tuned.




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