19| What an eventful day

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26th August 2017


I kept glancing at Preeti as we made our way to other rides. She seemed to be enjoying none of them and looked as if lost in deep thought. Around 1:30 pm we made our way to the canteen to have lunch.

"Hey, where's Utkarsh?", Preeti asked as everyone glanced around to notice his disappearance.

"Oh. There he is. By that tree!", Aisha said, and I followed her gaze to find Utkarsh leaning against a tree, staring at the sky.

"Looks like you always have your eyes on him~", Preeti teased as Aisha glared at her and went to talk to Utkarsh. The rest of us sat down at a table with some food to eat. Just as we were going to eat, I saw Preeti being dragged by her best friend, away from us. A few minutes later both of them came back-Aisha looking redder than a tomato and Preeti laughing at her expressions.

"What happened?", I asked as Preeti took her seat.

"Utkarsh kissed Aisha behind that tree back there and she's all red about it cause it was her first kiss", Preeti whispered to me and giggled.

Her smile is so pretty.

Word got around as Utkarsh took his seat and everyone was passing teasing comments while Preeti and I were endorsed in our conversations. She was hesitating about telling me what she saw back in the scary house so I changed the topic. After lunch, we all proceeded to the spinning teacups and Preeti had finally started enjoying her time. I felt this warm, fuzzy feeling inside of me when I saw her smile which I had never felt before.

What is this feeling?

All of a sudden Aisha nudged my elbow and asked, "What's that tune you're humming?"

At that moment I realized I was humming a new melody, unconsciously all this time.

"Uh... Nothing. Just picked up a new idea for a song", I lied.

"And your muse happens to be her", Aisha spoke glancing towards Preeti who was laughing around with Abhinav.

"What? No!", I immediately opposed the idea cause there was only one muse for me and that was Marinette.

"Say whatever you want but let me give you a heads up. She likes lilies. Also, if you ever hurt mah girl then I'll come to Paris and hunt you down.", Aisha said and sarcastically smiled at me while I nervously laughed.

Not a chance I would hurt her cause she's never gonna see me in a romantic sort of way. Nobody does, not even the girl I love...


"Looks nothing like the real one though", Preeti says as she looks up to the model of the Eiffel Tower.

"You've been to Paris before?", I asked as she settled down on a bench nearby.

"Yup. Once, when I was ten months old so I don't remember anything about that. The second time was when I was five and I still don't remember that trip. The third and the last time I went to Paris was when I was around 10 years old, during Christmas Holidays and I only remember a few things about that trip", Preeti said and chuckled.

"Looks like someone doesn't have a good memory", I teased and she tried to push me off the bench but in vain.

"How much do you eat Couffaine?", Preeti asked and acted like she was exhausted.

"I don't eat too much but I'm stronger than you", I said and winked at her.

"Whatever", she said and laid her head on my shoulder as she was already tired from trying out so many rides today. Utkarsh and Aisha had run off somewhere and everyone else went to look for the couple that had eloped. Both of us were already tired of our search so we had sat down to rest. Minutes passed by and when I decided to continue the search, I heard snoring from beside me.

Preeti had dozed off and her sleeping form was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I placed my arm across her shoulders and look at the sun about to set.

"The sunset looks beautiful", Preeti mumbles and I nod in the positive.

"Paris is also beautiful you know. The people there are kind and friendly so you don't have to worry about it", I said and smiled at her as she rubbed her hand over her eyes.

"I'm not worried about going to Paris Luka. Really..."

"Yeah. You clearly didn't text me last night wanting to talk about whether or not you will be able to adapt in the new city and ranted about it till 2 or 3 in the morning?", I said and chuckled as she scratched the nape of her neck.

"Sorry. I just blabbered out whatever was on my mind last night."

"I don't mind. It was perhaps the longest chat I had with someone till date. Let's just enjoy the beautiful sunset, shall we?"

Preeti nodded and we gazed at the sun as it disappeared out of view, leaving the sky with beautiful hues of yellow and orange.



"When is this rain gonna stop, Tikki", I whined and my kwami did nothing but giggle at my reaction.

"Not funny...", I said and pouted at her.

"You could transform back again and go back home you know", Tikki said and I immediately opposed the idea saying," I don't want you to get sick again cause of the rain."

"You could use the aqua power-up Marinette."

"No way! The last time I used my powers for my own purposes I nearly led the Earth... No the whole UNIVERSE to its downfall!"

Tikki looked at me and I looked back at her and we both chuckled.

"But you were the one who saved the world from ending Marinette. And I know you always find a solution", Tikki said and smiled at me.

"Thanks, Tikki but I guess for now we should wait till the rain stops", I said and leaned onto the glass window of a music shop, behind me. I heard the tingling of the bell and the door to the shop open and close. A boy about my age came and stood right beside me with two umbrellas in his hand.

"Maybe you can take this one as it's a spare", he said, handing me the umbrella and I looked at him. He had dark brown eyes, messy black hair and a genuine smile painted on his face.

"Oh um no don't worry. I'll just wait for the rain to stop. I mean- thanks but no thanks", I said and nervously scratched my head.

"Please? I don't want a beautiful girl like you getting wet in the rain", he said, giving me a polite smile.

"Oh- uh- yeah- I mean thank you. Have g-good day", I stuttered as I took the umbrella from him.

"Welp. My day isn't that good cause my girlfriend literally dumped me in a music shop for some lame guy she met in high school. But... it's how life wanna treats me."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"You're not my girlfriend. You don't have to be sorry. See you around?"

"Yeah see you around."

With that, he left for wherever his destination was and I started walking towards my home as well.

"He was cute. But you didn't ask him his name, Marinette", Tikki said, tucking her head out of my purse.

"Oh shoot. I should've asked his name so I could give him the umbrella back. God, I'm so forgetful", I said and facepalmed at my stupidity.

"Anything wrong, Princess?", I heard a familiar voice say and looked up to see Chat getting wet in the rain.

"Hey! You'll get wet in the rain. Come over here", I said and pulled him under the shade of the umbrella.

"Don't worry Princess. This cat isn't going to catch a cold cause it's already habituated to getting wet in the rain."

"Oh shut up. You shouldn't be out on a rainy day. If you catch a cold by chance then who's gonna save Paris? Don't leave all the responsibility on me- Ladybug", I said and mentally slapped myself for the slip-up.

"Right you are Princess. Then let me have the honour to walk you home then?", he requested by giving me baby doll eyes, knowing that I couldn't say no to them.

"Okay...", I said and he wrapped a hand around my shoulder, took the umbrella from my hands and we started walking towards the bakery.

What an eventful day...



So... Hi?
Sorry for not updating for months.

Marichat? You bet 😏

So... Quick question: Have you guys ever been in love with someone? If so then how did it feel like? Lemme know in the comments!

One more chapter left till this book comes to an end. After this book I'll be working on completing The Two-Sided Snake who's Prologue is already available on DevilNoirRose

The Two-Sided Snake is just for practicing my skills on writing action scenes, actual romance and mystery. As you can see, Welcome To India is a kinda cute love story but near the end I added some odd happenings to make a base for the next book in this series: Welcome To Paris.

Well, that's it for now! Do lemme know your thoughts in the comments about this new chapter!



Thank you!

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