M| What was your name?

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24th December 2012

The snow continued to fall gracefully on the pavements of the city of love. Everyone was in the festive mood for it was the night of Christmas Eve. Every now and then laughter erupted from one of the Parisian houses which were decorated for Christmas. It was normal for every house on the streets to be lit up on this festive occasion however, no one dared to ask why the houseboat on the river Seine was the only one, to be dully lit and why its occupants wore black. For everyone knew that it wasn't, their day to celebrate.


"Watch out!"

And with that faint warning, the sound of a loud crash echoed through the Agreste mansion.

"What happened? What was that sound?", a very worried Gabriel, asked.

The black haired girl-who was sprawled on the floor-gave off a nervous laugh while Emilie and Adrien ran to her aid.

"What happened? Oh my god! Preeti what happened to your knee?", Priyanka asked as her eyes remained glued on the unwanted bruise, clearly visible on Preeti's left knee.

"Oh, M-mom uh- ", Preeti stuttered and nervously scratched her head, whilst rummaging through her brain, trying to find a reasonable explanation.

"Oh Priyanka, you worry too much dear. It's just a bruise", Peter came to save his daughter, from yet another long lecture from the overprotective Indian mother.

"Adrien was trying to teach Preeti how to skate. I was keeping an eye on them, but Preeti lost her balance and... this happened", Emilie said, feeling a bit guilty that she couldn't even take care of two kids on her own.

"Mom, Emilie don't worry I'm fine it's just- ", she was cut off by a sharp sting of pain in her left ankle when Adrien tried to help her up," It's just a bruise and a sprain. I'll be fine", she said and cheekily smiled at her mom who still wasn't satisfied.

"Yeah aunty, she'll be fine", Adrien said and intentionally poked his finger on Preeti's left knee making her yelp.

All of the adults burst into laughter while Preeti grumbled, under her breath and a sly grin appeared on the blonde boy's face.



Preeti woke up with a start and she looked around until her eyes landed on the beautiful green orbs that appeared to be shining in the dark.

She rubbed her right eye with the back of her hand and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Sorry to disturb your beauty sleep, your highness but did you forget what we had planned to do tonight?"

Preeti's eyes widened when she finally remembered the real reason Adrien had sneaked into her room.

"Wait wait. Let me grab some warm clothes or I'll freeze in this cold", Preeti said and rushed to her wardrobe.


Preeti groaned for the umpteenth time in the last hour as she tried to climb down the vines.

"You okay?", Adrien whisper shouted.

"Yeah. I guess", she said and stuck another foot in the jumble of vines to lower herself down but instead, found herself wincing again when the sharp pain coursed through her ankle.

"Okay then come down fast", Adrien said and Preeti heard him trying to contain his laughter.

"You think this is funny, Agreste? It's not easy to climb down a 30 feet wall with a sprained ankle", Preeti said, somewhat annoyed and shot a death glare in the blonde boy's direction who was clutching his stomach while trying to constrain his laughter.

Finally, Preeti reached the end of the plants covering the fence-around the house at the back-and jumped down. She hissed in pain yet again when her feet slammed against the cold pavement.

"I'm so dead."

"I told you to reconsider this."

"But I don't want to miss an opportunity like this."

The two kids started to walk away from the mansion with the French-Indian girl leaning for support on the French-British boy.

Adrien and Preeti wanted to break the rules at least once in their childhood so they decided to go on a small trip in the neighbourhood on the night of Christmas Eve. They had quietly slipped out of the mansion and by the means of a ladder, climbed up the high fence. However, on the other side of the high wall, the vines were the only option available to help them reach the other side and that was the most uncomfortable thing, Preeti ever experienced. But now that they had crossed the biggest hurdle in their mission, they could think about it later as for now, they wanted to have a little fun before the clock struck twelve for Christmas.


"You'll stay rooted to this spot. Promise me."

"C'mon. I'll go and settle down on the bench by the river."


"Yes! Now go before you wet your pants right here!", Preeti shouted like she was his big sister and Adrien surrendered.

"Okay. But don't run off to somewhere else!", Adrien said and ran away in the direction of the washroom.

"As if I can."

Preeti facepalmed at her best friend's behaviour and walked down the steps to sit on one of the benches by the river. But her attention was drawn by the figure of a small boy whose legs were swaying a few feet above the water. His hands were placed on either side of his body and when Preeti went nearer to him, she heard him sobbing. The moonlight shone over his face and as Preeti approached him, she could clearly see the right side of his face streaked with tears which continued to drip down his chin and fall on his lap. She was unsure about approaching him and asking him the reason about which he was crying. She didn't even know him and was worried that he might shout on her.

It's worth a try.

"A-are you okay?", the ten year old girl asked and her voice clearly showed how nervous she felt about this. After a few seconds of contemplating what to say, the boy shouted, "Go away!", but he choked on his own words, because of crying for who knows how long, and his voice came in a rather hushed whisper.

Preeti took a deep breath in and let it out creating a faint mist in front of her face. She settled down on the pavement right next to the boy and immediately froze because of how cold the sidewalk was.

How is he even sitting here? My butt is about to freeze!

"I told you to go away", the boy said in an irritated voice. He didn't like people walking in on him while he was crying and that too a stranger. He didn't want to trouble others with his own problems to which he couldn't find a solution.

"Sorry but, you don't own this street", she said.

Preeti! This isn't the time to joke! How stupid can you be?

To her surprise she heard a faint chuckle come from beside her and she smiled at him. The boy immediately faked a cough to try to cover up his recent actions but in vain.

"Why are you here?"

"What's wrong?"

Yeah. Nice move Preeti. Now he surely wouldn't hesitate to push you into the ice-cold water.

"Nothing you should be concerned about."

"I just wanted to help if- "

"There's nothing you can do. What's done is done", he said and turned his face away from her.

I want to let it all out. But I can't! I have to control it.

"Keeping your feelings locked up in a jar isn't going to do you any good."

He was surprised when she read his mind so quickly and looked at her.

Preeti was stunned to see his face. Red puffy eyes with blue orbs filled with despair and tears continuously rolling down his pink tinted cheeks. His nose was red from the sniffing and his black hair was dishevelled. The blue eyed boy rubbed his cheeks to remove the stray tears but they kept falling. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration and Preeti felt like someone had just pierced her heart with a knife to see the boy, who must be of her age, to be so heartbroken on Christmas Eve.

Whatever he's going through, he doesn't deserve it.

To Luka's surprise, she wrapped her arms around him and drew him into a hug. He was so startled by her actions that he just sat still and didn't move. Luka hugged her back and the warmth that radiated from her comforted his heart which had turned as cold as ice. On the other hand, chills ran down her spine when she fell in his cold embrace but decided to ignore it because he clearly needed someone by his side.

After what felt like hours they pulled away and Luka muttered, "Sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry. Do you wanna talk about it?"

Preeti tilted her head to the side hoping the boy would unfurl and talk about whatever was bothering him.

"D-Dad...h-he left u-us", Luka managed to utter before he burst into a fresh set of tears.

Preeti wrapped her arm across his shoulders, while Luka continued to speak.

"He d-died, two days a-ago. Today was his funeral a-and I m-miss him s-so much", he said and cried on Preeti's shoulder.

Preeti continued to rub his back as a sign of comfort as she couldn't find the right words to say. She remembered how lonely she used to feel when her Dad wasn't home. But she had grown accustomed to it by now and she couldn't compare his situation to hers, because there was a huge contrast between them.

"Have you talked about how you feel, to someone? Like your Mom or a close friend?"

Luka lifted his head and looked into her eyes. He hung his head low and shook his head in the negative.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to be a burden on anyone. My Mom and s-sister are already s-so depressed that I have to stay strong... but it's becoming more and more impossible with each passing day."

"You don't have to be strong all the time. How old are you?"


"You should talk to your Mom and sister about it. In times like these, family stick together an- "

"What family? He's gone. W-we'll never be complete anymore. Our f-family will always re-"

"He's still here you know. In your heart", she said, cutting him off and pointed her index finger at the boy's heart.

Noticing the utter confusion written on the boy's face she explained what she meant to say.

"When people die, they don't leave us forever. They always stay by our side and live on in the hearts of their loved ones", she said and smiled.

For the first time in the past few days, a wonderful smile shone on Luka's face.

"Is it true?"

"Hundred percent."

Luka gazed at the river and fumbled with something in his hands. Preeti's attention was now concentrated on the brown leather thing, Luka was holding onto. Noticing the girl's curiosity, he said, "This is a leather bracelet my dad used to wear. I know it sounds weird but, he had his own distinct style."

"It's not weird at all."

Both of them smiled at each other until a gust of wind made Luka shiver. Luka was only wearing a thin jacket over his white shirt which was already drenched from his tears. The young girl opened her coat and put it across Luka's shoulder.

"You'll catch a cold", the boy instantly replied.

"I'm wearing a sweater so I'll be fine."

Suddenly, the phone vibrated in Preeti's pocket which startled both of them. She took out her phone to see that the alarm she had set-before leaving the house-was the cause of the sudden vibrations. Preeti showed Luka, the phone which displayed the time.

25th December 2012

"Merry Christmas", the black haired girl, said with an eye-closed smile.

"Merry Christmas to you too", the blue eyed boy said, returning the gesture.

When Preeti faintly heard Adrien shouting and calling for her on top of his lungs, she knew it was time to bid goodbye.

"Where do you live?"

"Right there. That houseboat which looks more like a pirate ship", Luka replied whilst pointing at the boat docked a few feet away from them.

They bid their goodbyes and went on their separate paths. However, before entering their homes, one thought crossed both of their minds which made them look back. But they both knew that it was to late to ask their question.

What was your name?


2,110 words.

Longest chapter in the book yet.

I changed the chapter titles, if you've noticed and added an extra point in the author's note so please do read it.

I would like to take this opportunity on the occasion of Christmas to thank all of you for reading my book this far. Love you all!

Also this mémoire is a bit inspired by enma_shikiten 's (On Insta/Twitter) comic →



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