S| Happy Halloween To Me

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Warning: Rated T+
Read at your own discretion

31st October 2017


I rushed towards the drawer that lay in the corner of my room to grab the red yo-yo with black spots, which I had bought a week ago. I attached it to the belt of my dress and took one final look in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect. I smoothed out my knee-length red dress with black spots and a sweetheart neckline, to avoid any unwanted creases on the dress, made by my father. The toy yo-yo was securely clipped on the black high-waist belt. My black ballet flats, with a red ribbon on the tips of each shoe were polished nicely. I ran my fingers through my hair which were pulled back into two pigtails.

Hopefully I'm looking good.

"Preeti! Come down this instant!" Aisha's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I proceeded towards the living room.

It was Halloween. A day, when people pay respect to the dead. A day, the children eagerly wait for, so that they can dawn their Halloween costumes and go trick or treating in their neighbourhood. In India, Halloween did not hold much special significance but what's the harm in having a bit of fun?

This year the theme of our Halloween party was the infamous, miraculous superheroes of Paris. Two weeks ago, my friends and I had decided to pick a piece of paper, from a bowl on which the name of one of the superheroes was mentioned. We had not revealed the name of the hero we got, cause we wanted to surprise each other.

The party was going to be held today at my house and my nerves were going haywire.


Because this year, my "friends" not only included Aisha, Abhinav, Utkarsh and Abhishek but also the Parisian twins who were in India for a vacation. Luka and I had got to know a lot about each other over the past few days and I had started to develop a small crush on him.

Perhaps not just a tiny crush.

I entered the living room where the small Halloween party was being held. Everyone in the room stopped talking and their eyes remained fixed on me. So, I started to fidget with the end of my Ladybug inspired dress.

"You're looking awesome Preeti", Abhinav said. He was himself looking smart in the King Monkey inspired suit.

"You're looking gorgeous in that dress", Abhishek said and placed a gentle kiss on the top of my hand. I giggled and looked at his Viperion themed costume. He was looking handsome in the colours of one of my favourite heroes.

"Well. Preeti's in luck as she has the perfect Cat Noir to partner up with", Aisha said. Aisha and Juleka pushed Luka towards me and he was about to fall on me, but regained his balance. My cheeks turned a light shade of red when I noticed his outfit. Luka looked charming in his black suit with a green tie and the set of cat ears on his head made him look cute at the same time.

"Well. Now that we have our leading superhero pair... Let's get this party started!", Aisha said and went to grab some snacks from the table. She was wearing a Rena Rouge inspired dress which went well with Utkarsh's Carapace themed outfit.

Made for each other.

"So m'lady. Wanna go and grab some drinks", Luka said in a flirty tone and wrapped his arm around my waist. He was acting totally like Cat Noir while I felt like a complete mess and my face turned as red as my dress.

"Sure Kitty", I replied with a playful smirk on my face, after getting a hold of my nerves. I could feel a pair of eyes looking at us as we proceeded to get the drinks. I turned around to see Abhishek look away.



I was going to my room followed by Aisha as she told me that someone was waiting for me there. I opened the door to see Luka looking at my bookshelf.


"Preeti? Oh well I asked Aisha where the washroom is and she gave me a few directions but I ended up here", Luka said and shrugged. Suddenly the door slammed shut behind me, locking me and Luka inside. I knocked on the door several times and Luka also joined me, but all we got from the other side were a few chuckles.

"Aisha." I groaned.

"And Juleka", Luka said and rested his forehead on the door in defeat.

We sat down on my bed, hoping that we will be soon freed from our imprisonment.

"Actually I know why Jule and Aisha did that", Luka said, breaking the silence.

"What? Why?", I asked with curiosity laced in my voice.

He leaned closer to my face and said, "Can I kiss you?" I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"Yes", I said. I was surprised by my own words. I was no longer in control of my body. Luka leaned in, closer and I felt myself doing the same. I felt his lips on mine and it ignited millions of sparks in my body. I kissed him back and he pulled me closer to him by wrapping his arms around my waist. I circled my hands around his neck and started playing with his ever-so-soft hair. Luka pulled me onto his lap, not breaking the kiss, for even a moment.

He licked my bottom lip and I parted my lips to grant him full access to mouth. We pulled away at the same time.

"I love you", he said, out of breath from our recent intimate kiss.

I love you.

Those three words echoed in my ears. My happiness, on this new discovery, knew no bounds. But I decided to hide my excitement and pressed my forehead against his.

"I love you too."

Luka chuckled and we together burst into laughter. I don't know why but this situation seemed funny. How Aisha and Juleka got us trapped in a room just so that we confessed to each other.

I saw that the door was slightly open and noticed a shadow pass by. Someone had seen us. I looked at Luka and he shrugged. It didn't matter if someone had seen us. Because I knew, and so did he, that we weren't afraid to tell the world about our love for each other.

However, when all my friends caught me and Luka having a make-out session in the bathroom, it did become a matter to be concerned about as, my dress did not hide the red marks on my neck which were in plain view of the unwanted witnesses.

The scariest part of the day?

When Luka's Mom entered the bathroom and said in a voice full of surprise and shock:

"What's going on in here?"

Well, Happy Halloween to me.



So how was the Halloween special? Well this took a while to post because I completely forgot about it. 🤦🏻‍♀️

This was my first time writing a chapter like this. I don't write things like these because I have no love life whatsoever.


P.S. This is only a Special and has no connection with the story.



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