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Midnightwhisper stood alone. Rain clouded her vision and darkness seemed to be drawing closer with every breath. She took another gulp of the sweet, fresh air as a silent tear rolled down her cheek. She stood there alone - mourning.

"Hailstar," she said, coughing a little from crying. "You were so good to me. I - I can't believe you're gone".

Midnightwhisper shared tongues with her former leader for the last time before she carefully pulled Hailstar to her favourite holly bush and left her forever in Starclan's care. A light pattering of paws startled Midnightwhisper but she did not look back. A gentle voice spoke.

"Midnightwhisper, you really should rest. Hailstar would not be happy if you are tired for dawn patrol tomorrow"

"Hail - Hailstar's dead" she replied trying to not cry as she spoke.

"What do you mean Midnightwhisper?" The gentle voice asked with worry clouding his voice

"I mean, a fox attacked her whilst I was fending off some stray two leg dogs" she paused clearing her throat. "I feel so guilty but at the same time I wonder what would've happened if  those two legs had kept hold of their dogs"

"You can't blame yourself and you know that. Hailstar was doing her duty to protect the clan"

Midnightwhisper paused and shared tongues with the Tom. He always made her feel better. That's why she loved him.

"Oh Cloverspark, thank you."

"Now let's go and sit vigil for Hailstar, Midnightstar"

— later that night —

"My dear Meadowclan, we've faced a lot this year. From Blossomtail losing her kit, Sweetkit, to the loss of our leader Hailstar. I, Midnightwhisper, as Hailstar's deputy, will start my trek to Highstones with Sandstripe tomorrow and we will start at dawn. For now, friends of Hailstar, please sit vigil for our respected leader" Midnightstar lay down in the moonlight with Cloverspark at her side. Blossomtail strode over and sat down close by.

"I always understood why Hailstar chose you to be deputy, Midnightstar. That was beautifully said too" said Blossomtail in her sweet, soft voice.

"Thank you, Blossomtail. And for you my brave friend, I want you to be deputy. You're kind, brave and always manage to calm everyone down. I know you will do you duty well"

To be continued...

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