Day One

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Weather: clear sky
Time of day: dawn

Midnightstar (sometimes known as Nightstar) and Sandstripe start their journey to Highstones. Sandstripe's apprentice Tornadopaw is awaiting his naming day as he is more than capable of looking after the ever growing MeadowClan. Blossomtail awaits excitedly in her new role as deputy.

— Later that day —

Around sunhigh, Nightstar has to stop. She is slow and not as slim as she once was. Outsiders could say that she was lazy and slacking on the job however this was not the case. Sandstripe encourages her to carry on but she's weak.

"Nightstar, whatever is the matter?" He asks curiously.

"S-Sandstripe" she replies quietly and short of breath. "I shouldn't have gone to Highstones. I -I'm sure StarClan would understand if I delayed it a little"

"Nonsense!" Says Sandstripe with a spring in his step. "You're just weak because of  Hailstar. I've made this journey many of times. Trust me, it gets better yet" he says encouragingly.

"No, my only strength is coming from Hailstar to save the clan. My dear Sandstripe, I'm expecting kits sometime this moon!" Replies Nightstar with a weak smile.

"There are a bush of travelling herbs over there, take some more and we'll rest until dusk. I wondered why you wanted to leave at dawn I thought at this rate we'll be there by dusk!"

"Thank you" she mutters almost silently.

— to be continued—

Please role play the characters back at camp while Sandstripe and Nightstar are at Highstones.

Weather: hot and sunny
Time: Sunhigh

You can still choose to play as Sandstripe but he won't be any use to you while he's at Highstones.

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