A sense of purpose

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"Floita, I need to do this. That planet, it felt like it was calling to me.

"But Lily, you already lost your arm and leg, and almost your artificial wings. This is extremely dangerous!"

"Don't you think I know that! You don't understand this whole situation, if you were with me instead of on a planet guarding the king of another species, you would know what I am feeling!"

"Lily, please. Be careful at least. You remember, her, when you had come to your old home from a long mission. I don't want to find you on a distant planet mauled to death. You are like a sister to me."

"Good bye Floita, and peace be with the florans."

"Good bye Lily, and peace be with the avians."

I finally found a design that I might like for Lily Hawk, and I have created a new OC who will be going through some design changes so I am satisfied with her but she is a Floran (a carnivorous plant species) who works as a guard for Cesserian.

So Lily found a purpose again. She had lost it after she had lost her one love, another avian. Now she is in search of a planet that she had passed, but for some odd reason the planet called to her. She now wants to find it. She doesn't know why but she can't find it again and now she is on a manhunt for the planet.

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