Funny story

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A few days ago I start up steam so I could check for anything new and I spot a friend request. I think "Huh, I don't know this person. Let's see who they are." And so I click on their profile, without accepting the request, and I see a fairly normal profile, except the artwork. Keep in mind that you can post fanart or something of the sorts for games and such. I click on the artwork, and I immediately wanted to gouge my eyes out.

There were 42 pieces of Vore art. VORE ART!!! And this person who I had no idea who they were wanted to befriend me? If I had known this person or they were not a fetish artist I would still decline as I am not one for befriending strangers on Steam. But it freaked me out a little as they also commented on my profile. Idk, it just freaked me out. Like, how did they find me? Was it my Starbound Fanart? Did they somehow find me from here? I don't know.

Now I am stressing about my AP Physics class as the first reset of the quarter is tomorrow and just tonight the stuff we learned clicked. I don't know if I will pass or fail, but luckily the homework is worth more than the test so I won't start out the quarter with a 45% or something.

I am currently working on the cover for a book I want to start called Ask the Warlock in Training! It will be an ask or dare book for Bliksem, Donder, the elemental spirits, and heck even other characters I created. I know that no one will even ask anything but I can try, right? I am even trying to develop a cute and simple style that I can draw in a short period of time.

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