I was gonna draw a new character, but...

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I decided to try figuring out the plot of a new story. Here is a sample.

Since the beginning of time, one deity has ruled over the flow of time and the cycle of life, one has ruled over justice and the climate, one has ruled over predictors instinct and the waters, and one has ruled over emotions and heat. These four make sure the earth is under control and balanced.

The humans, oblivious to who really controls it all, let their arrogance rise far too much. They now pollute the earth, modify organism to develop faster and mess with the natural order, and let criminals go free when they should be punished. These four deities now want to raise a new generation of rulers, but with one problem. There is only one male deity, so all four must find a human mate.

"Wait, slow down there. We have to what?!" A voice rings, interrupting the story.

"Child, you heard me. You are no exception. You must find a mate. If need be you can change your-"

"I know but why?! Humans should be what we are against and yet you want to have all of us mate with one?!" The voice interrupts, in disgust and frustration.

"If need be, yes. If any of you want more than one child, be my guest." The voice is calm, deep, and without expression.

"Yeah Ieesa, you may not have anything but you can change to have something!" A female voice rings, although not from her visible mouth.

"Come on Keliaf, you know Ieesa doesn't like changing." A fourth womanly voice, deep and smooth, mentions, causing the other three to look at her. She shrugs and the conversation continues.

"Thank you Firliano. See kelp hair! At least she understands me!" Ieesa says, sticking her tongue out.

"I do understand you but we need to do this! Humanity is destroying everything!" Keliaf says, frowning.

"ENOUGH! I KNOW THAT IT SOUNDS ODD BUT WE NEED HEIRS!!!! Sorry, but you all are acting immature!" The emotionless voice sighs, starting to get a headache.

"Come on Timion, at least you look mostly normal! I have one eye and have pastel colors for pigment. Firliano has a fire Mohawk and four arms. Heck, Keliaf has no arms, two mouths, and fins where her arms should be! You expect us to find mates?!" Ieesa yells, smelling her four fingered fists on the table all four are sitting at.

"You all can fix that. Ieesa, you can hide your wings, change your colors, and make it so that humans see two eyes instead of one. Firliano has normal skin, but she can hide her arms and say her hair is just dye. Keliaf, well she does have a land look where she just doesn't have arms and she has a blindfold over her second mouth. Not to mention that her skin turns into a human color and her tail disappears. You all can do this." Timion, the only guy, explains without any real emotion.

"Fine, now what should we do?" Keliaf questions, facing Timion.

"I have a plan," Firliano smiles while placing her hands together.

To be continued (possible in comic form)

Should I make this a comic? Like it would take me while but idk. Would you read it? Or at least be interested in it? Please, some suggestions please.

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