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Sorry I haven't been drawing or even posting. I have been so busy with homework, a huge project that I need to get done, and I just had a concert. After next week I may be a little more active, but I don't know yet.

Meanwhile, I have been thinking of some plots I might write about. Here they are.

The Ocean, a gigantic body of salt water. It holds many strange species of aquatic organisms. The thing about The Ocean is that it may seem that every living being has been discovered, but only 12 percent has been explored.

Ever since scientists has started advancing technologies and using up too many resources, the world has started to crumble. Volcanoes erupting when they shouldn't be, California is now in The Ocean, swallowed whole and at the bottom like Atlantis, and even tsunamis on every shore. Scientists will not stop, even if The Earth is dying. Many believe that there is a God who controls natural disasters and they are somewhat right, but not entirely.

"DAD! They are at it again!" A young female voice yells. She has bright blue eyes, deep brown hair that is almost as long as her, and light skin. Her small body is still going through some changes.

"Honey, the scientists just do not care about the beautiful Ocean. They are simple convinced that mermaids are real." An older man says, his brown long hair and emerald green eyes popping against his light skin.

"But they-" The young girl stops, remembering what her father, the older man, has repeatedly told her. Mermaids are real, they just cannot be seen. She sighs and looks past the construction on the beach. She spots a fish tail in the water and smiles.

"Queen, you know why scientists want to catch a mermaid?" He looks down at his daughter, Queen.

"So they have proof right?" She looks into his eyes so innocently.

"No, they want to dissect one and figure out how mermaids function. They do not understand that they are living beings as well. Some do not even believe that they exist." His voice goes weak, he frowns. "Honey, please let it go. You are too young to ask such questions. Now go play, I will make dinner soon."

She runs off and he smiles. A picture catches his eye, a painting of a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, like a grown up Queen. He clenches his fist and he relaxes a little. He turns and walks to the kitchen.

So how was that? Should I keep going or try something else?

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