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I want creativity! I want to do something with you readers and voters. I have my roleplay book but no one wants to look at it but I want to try something a little different here since at least someone will see.

I want to creative a universe, but through the process of role playing, I create a character and mold them into an image fit for my liking, but it requires others to take part. So, I decided to ask you all if you would like to join me in...

God Mode Roleplaying! Basically we as users create a universe like a god, and we create the main characters in it. I am not sure how it would go, but I want to try it. So please, consider trying it. If you think someone you know will enjoy this, please tag them or something. I will also accept God Mode Roleplaying in my PMs and message board.

1. No sexy times unless I say so because idk how old my readers are
2. Swearing is fine, as long as the words that Wattpad doesn't like are censored as to avoid the annoying red text
3. Anything can happen, but don't make a Mary Sue please.

Those are the rules. Now, I want you all to either pick a scenario or start your own. If you start your own then others can join you. Now don't be afraid to join a roleplay session as long as you read the comments from before. Roleplaying is a nice and fun way to talk to new people and I want to meet new people on here!!!! So please, spread the word of this, for me.

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