Lee origin-ish

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(This Lee origin but I'm bad at it and since we have chapter 2 on deltarune. His full backstory will be done when deltarune chapter is fully completed)

Lee: *sigh and see his calendar* its time for my therapy
battletasque: meow
Lee: huh? * see a note* who gave a me a note?
battletasque: meow
Lee: *pick up the note* "get well lee, from T.M" does it mean that me and T.M are a thing or something?
battletasque: meow

(Credit to tabiwesa from Twitter)

*at A/N place*

A/N: hey lee, ready?
Lee: yeah
A/N: *wearing glasses* so can we began your issue
Lee: well it started when I was alone have no memory of my parents and been adopted by a human and a monster, I don't know what happen to them but my adopted parents took care of me
A/N: ok this is a good start lee
Lee: so my mom is a human and my dad is a goat monster they told me that I need be careful since that monster and human don't trust each other monster and human since they are paranoid a lot
A/N: that make sense for human instincts to kick in but not when did your soul appear?
Lee: yeah, mom and goat dad did their job right since I'm a pacifist and make lots of friends but there is some enemies blocking it
A/N: ok and what happen to them?
Lee: oh...... my parents died but they told me I need to absorb they soul since they time is coming but I tell them why this is the moment that change my life
A/N: this is gonna be interesting

(am= adopted mom and gd=goat dad)
Lee: why do you mean dying?
am: well son me and your father have a very special soul that is very powerful
gd: me and your mother have very strong soul but anyone will steal it for evil, even good one can turn evil by it corruption
Lee: but why me?
am: because your soul is have no emotions and heartless, so you have a blank soul, son
gd: yeah your is very special and your fate is your hand
Lee: what?
gd: please be kind and spare no matter what the cost lee
am: but their is some do not accept mercy and you have choice but to it
lee: really?
gd: yeah and its ready honey
am: yeah before we go, you will become a half monster and human for combine our soul to you son
gd: as a darkner you will receive special magic to make others darkener think your part of them
am: same with lightner but you are the leader and good one
lee: *crying* please don't go
*both of lee adopted parents began to disappear and magic around with lee*

Lee: *hear someone singing inside his soul*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Lee: *crying and smile* thank you mom and goat dad, I'm gonna make you proud

*flashback end*

A/N: wow
Lee: yeah but there is more about it, ever since that happens ive been looking a place to stay, the first one is the dark world since the light world wasn't ready for me yet, so I went to card kingdom
A/N: ok do you meet new friends?
Lee: yeah then I meet ralsei the prince of darkness I'm his first friend and told me the prophecy, let me try it remember it

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Lee: ralsei telling the prophecy is cool and mysterious, so I was ralsei first friend and went to the castle town it was empty then I went to the field and the door didn't closed so I left to enter the forest the darkners is pretty cool especially seam and jevil those guys are awesome
A/N: you know what happened to jevil?
Lee:yeah after that he started get crazy some reason something about a "knight" and jevil is a cool guy before he went crazy about "this world its just a game for the players to play" or "you are a part of this fanfic that others many did for it" thinking about it he kinda right about it but still haunt me sometimes
A/N: ok what next?
Lee: so after that I went to a new kingdom is called "cyber world" and meet some new peoples and so many shops, good thing I have lots of dark money
A/N: sparing lots of enemies?
Lee: yup and bought some health items, a sword give 1+ defense up and meet a guy name spamton
A/N: before he was crazy or before he answered the phone call
Lee: he didn't answer the phone call, so since I'm bored and need some money to buy/rent a place
A/N: one house or multiple houses?
Lee: one house/apartment since I'm not those rich ones that spend many houses and didn't used it, so I pick a medium one and its perfect, started helping spamton business despite his success is low and I'm the only one support it until he received a phone call
A/N: garbage noise?
Lee: yes, his business is getting higher and when to the queen mansion to rent I also decline his offer to join his booming success since I'm very suspicious from the sudden booming, after that decline I'm still helping him but he started to get changed

Lee: spamton are you ok?
spamton: wow my dear [[costumer]] what your business with me?
Lee: something is wrong spamton why did you change and act very oddly
spamton: well you see [[eel]] your a unknown fish to understand this successful from the hungry [[sharks]] that buying it thanks to my [[supplier]] for so much [[KROMMER]]!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Lee: why did you call me eel? I'm not a fish, I'm a darkner (well half lightner and half darkner)
spamton: anyways, back to [[corrupt]] business for more [[BIG SHOT]]!

*flashback end*

A/N: yikes
Lee: yeah he very and he's not himself
A/N: what the last time you work for him before you left?
Lee: well *search his innovatory * got it, let play it first but I have 2 versions
A/N: do both actually
Lee: ok if say so *played it*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Lee: yeah...... I'm the one who recorded it and thats it

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: did you edited it?
Lee: no actually it was spamton doing it
A/N: I can see the issue but what happen before you left?
Lee: well

Lee: man I need to tell him that I'm done
*before lee left he saw a mirror to his clothe been changed*
Lee:huh!?!?! * does a pose*

Lee: I kinda like this clothes style *smile*
*couple of minutes later*
spamton: *rush in* [[eel]]!!! I need your [[life]] for help me my business and my [[KROMMER]] are lowered to the [[TOILET]]!!
Lee: spamton I'm done! and tired of it you just broke my limit for you ever since the phone call
spamton: come on [[eel]] I just need your [[soul]] to ente---
Lee: No!!!!!!! I'm done of your [[bulldog]] and [[50%]]ing done, I'm sorry spamton but your actions cause me to leave you and your business, remember this spamton I'm still your best friend but we need to cool off
spamton: *speechless*
Lee: here take this [[KROMMER]] hope this helped for the queen mansion rent and at least I'm a good friend to you spamton, remember it we need to cool off

*flashback end*

A/N: how do you feel it?
Lee: I don't know
A/N: any positive after it?
Lee: yeah actually


Lee: can't believe it spamton, hope you feeling better later time
*saw a tasque cat covered in dirt*
Lee: you ok?
tasque cat: meow? *smile at him*
Lee: *stare* your abandoned by your parents due of your new look so they reject you right?
tasque cat: meow? *smile and confused*
Lee: *smile* im gonna adopted you (your so innocent and don't understand it but ill be your best friend)
tasque cat: meow
Lee: *closer* welcome to the family battletasque

*flashback end*

A/N: how nice
Lee: yeah I feel kinda better now
A/N: your right
Lee: *about to leave* thanks for helping me and maybe another therapy next time
A/N: next time Lee

*at hell*

ash: hey loona brought some meat to eat carne sada
loona: [50%] yeah!
millie: you know how to cook it!?
ash: yes of course *brought the meat, limes, cilantro and avocado*
blitzo: how did you got those?
ash: uh........ I used the grimoire book to the human world to get some stuff
loona: was it worth it after you finish cooking it
ash: yup

*45 minutes later*

ash:ok everything is finished and only missing is to cook it *removed his visor*
loona: I have some cherry woods
ash: *throw some fire* ok time to cook
*the carne sada starting smell good*
millie: nice ash!
ash: yup
*12 minutes later*
ash: its finished!
loona: lets eat!
ash: *received a text from axl* I be back

*at axl place*
axl: 0-0
???: so your telling me that you want be trained to unlock to new power?
???: ugh don't tell me you need "the power of link power" *sarcasm*
ash: im here axl! *see 2 very familiar figure*
ash: who are you!? *battle stance*
???: heh like this one already
???: seriously rouge
rouge: *battle stance* I'm taking this one megaman

megaman(SF): *sigh* here we go again

*at Lee home*

Lee: *sleeping with his pet, battletasque*
* behind to unknown location from Lee soul*
???: heh I will get your [[life]] since I have the power of NEO
???: * laughing * I have a perfect monster to take his body to play my devil knife! CHAOS! CHAOS! CHAOS!
Ralsei(?): I'm the princes of darkness or should I said "THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS!"


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