megaman (log #2)

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A/N: oof omega is coming for dive festival and raidboss, good thing I'm in a guild for it
rico: player-san are you gonna spend your metals?
A/N: so rico how's everyone on my team
rico: from you got from rewards and gacha you have, then yes
A/N: hmm I'm feeling more generous since I got zero white day skin
rico: okay player-san I'm bringing zero
A/N: also bring zero(z) since this is a good opportunity
rico: okay player-san


ash: I need more training
ren: yeah but you can uppercut with your sword but only works once
ash: yeah, but I don't know how I used it correctly
axl: you can ask A/N for help
ash: your right axl
ren: I'm gonna try used my cane and magic to practice

*back to A/N and rico*

rico: player-san, zero and zero(z) are coming with you
A/N: alright, leg go

*teleported to hell*

A/N: *sent a text t ash and ren for the location*
rico: player-san where are we?
A/N: oh right, I forgot to meet my friends (more like my ocs)
rico: are your friend gonna help us for the guild?
A/N: no rico, just wanna train them
rico: okay player-san
* couple of minutes later *
ash: *brought his z saber* who's that girl?
ren: ash just relax
rico: player-san, is that your friend?
A/N: yup, meet ash and ren
ash: sup
ren: huh, is she new?
rico: *nod* yeah and ash, right?
ash: yeah?
rico: why are you a furry?
ash:....... did you call me a furry
rico: I'm curious since I didn't know much about it
ash: is that a insult for calling me that *getting angry*
rico: no of course not I'm really curious and didn't meant to insult you
ash: that what others said to us
rico: us?
A/N: huh can you calm down ash
ash: I'm going wil----

sorry for the interrupt but ash need to calm down while rico apologizing ash, while waiting you can hear battletasque sing

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Probably battletasque should win singer got talent, so anyway back to the story

A/N: you ok ash?
ash: *calm down* yeah
rico: I'm very sorry I didn't know its a insult
A/N: yeah peoples shouldn't make fun of other being a furry or friends with them
*everyone on this story of my ocs are disappointed at the peoples are making fun of others being a furry or friends with them, not cool for bullying at them*
ren: yeah but rico remember be careful
rico: okay
A/N: anyway, ash ready for a new technique and style
ash: yes of course
A/N: let me summon him

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(0:00-0:06 when zero been summoned)

zero: hello I'm zero * holding his blue sword*
ash: * holding his z saber* an enemy!
zero: huh a strong fighter, I really like this
A/N: ash meet zero a expert sword fighter
ash: can you teach?
zero sure but do you have shooting type
ash: *fire on his paw* does this work
zero: that should work

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*during the training ash z saber sword is broke*
ash: man my sword broke
zero: we can tell A/N for another one
ash: ok


A/N: while ash is training you can train your cane attack
ren: but how?
A/N: im gonna summon zero(z)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(0:12-0:20 when zero(z) is summon)

ren: thats very interesting
zero(z): hello I'm zero
A/N: you should train your cane sword for defense
zero(z): huh a cane but a sword in disguise, thats a interesting weapon
ren: thanks
A/N: got that idea from a friend
zero(z): lets start training ren
ren: ok

*zero(z) and ren left*

A/N: *looking at his metals* one day my old friend, one day I will pull you
*zero and ash came*
ash: hey A/N I need a replacement for my sword
zero: can you modify and copy my sword?
A/N: on it

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: I'm back, here ash

ash: this is nice
A/N: I can give you the description but thats another day and future chapter
zero: remember ash you can used the technique that I taught you
ash: yup
zero: you can used all 3 passive skill, since I only need pick 1 modifier chip for those skill
ash: nice
zero: see yah kid
*zero left*
ash: I'm not a kid!!!
A/N: *check his notification* ugh, reaper sigma is back for round 2
*zero(z) and ren come*
ren: thank you so much to teach me to used my cane sword
zero(z): your welcome
ash: wait zero!?!? I thought you left and wearing different
zero(z): well I'm zero (z)
ash: can you teach something
zero(z): well I'm getting tired from training ren, hmmmm how about shield boomerang?
ash: boomerang? sounds interesting
zero(z): ok * pull out shield boomerang* this is a shield boomerang, ready?
ash: yes of course

*couples of hours later*

zero(z): your training is finished but some more times you can master it
ash: yeah those passive abilities look great
zero(z): any I need to go see yah
*zero(z) left*
A/N: thats was interesting
ash: I need to keep training to fully mastered it
ren: at least I was able to train my cane sword
A/N: yeah I should start drawing something for commission and waiting for poliwiki commission to open
ash: how long will you introduce our weapons
ren: yeah
A/N: well I'm thinking a weapon chapter and update or 2.5
ash: seriously?
A/N: well excuse me I'm gonna grinding lots of metals to get berserk sword, limited time. which is gonna spend my metals for it
rico: player-san who will get berserk sword?
A/N: I'm thinking to give axl since he's the only one doesn't have a melee weapon yet
rico: okay player-san
A/N: at least I finish drawing for manzana other form and weapons, other 2 have references and poses for it
*looking the locked screen*
A/N: one day my friend, I will free you once I got it


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