Mother's Day Special

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Lee: *checking all the list* ok everything is set
battletasque: meow *holding the phone*
Lee: nice and now we wait for reservations

*42 minutes later*

Lee: nothing *sigh*
battletasque: meow
Lee: yeah, your right probably not everyone have parents or single parent *sad* I miss my adopted parents but at least toriel took care of me same with kris
battletasque: meow
Lee: yeah

*at hell*

axl: *holding a mic* ive come to make announcement, happy mothers day for the moms of imps, hellhounds, sinners and demons

*everyone cheered*

axl: *mic* thank you, for the mothers you will get a day off and double pay for that day only, for the husbands you will also receive day off and spent your time with your wife. kids and pups your will get 2 school day off, for those still want work then you can work and pay for overtime

*everyone cheered*

axl: *smile* have a nice day everyone! *left*

*everyone is happy and very glad that they have a nice overlord that understood the hardship*

*at axl home*

axl: *enter his room and look at the picture frame* I should probably visit my adopted grandparents they took care of me when I was little *smile* yeah I should go
*when to change to a Southern and mexican style hat and a old worn cloak when he was a little imp*
axl: good thing I sew it to add for the cloak, man ive grown so much since I wore it

*left and went to wrath ring to visit his grandparents *

*back the cafe*
Lee: *sad* man this mothers day suck and no one have started a reservation, I should probably close it today
*a phone call ring*
Lee: *answer it* hello?
Elijah: can I have reservation for me and my mom?
Lee: yes of course actually I was about to close due of no one didn't reservation but your in luck, so you have the whole cafe with your mom
Elijah: thank you
Lee: your welcome
*phone call end*
battletasque: meow?
Lee: we gonna make this special

*back to wrath ring*

axl: I think almost there
*a small house with a small landscape full of plant*
axl: *smile* nothing change since I left
*on the door and knocked it*
???: who's there!
axl: don't you recognize my voice?
???: axl!?!?
axl:yes its me *crying* abuela
*a old female hellhound with black hair and some white hair *
???: we miss you hijo
axl: yeah me too
???: now Vicente is coming back to bring some tortillas and start your favorite food
axl: 0-0 homemade quesadillas?
???: yes with loved
axl: thank you Irma! *hug his abuela*
Irma: yeh still the same old one
axl: also happy mother's day even though your my abuela
Irma: its okay
???: I'm back!
*a older imp with white hair, white mustache, white freckles and wearing glasses*
Irma: vicente! our grandson is here!
vicente: *shocked* wait he's here!?!?
axl: hey abuelo
vicente: oh come on give me your grandfather a hug
axl: *hug abuelo* its been a long while since I left
Irma: yeah ever since we heard that you become a overlord, I'm so proud of you
vicente: helping imps and hellhounds sounds very perfect, hope princess charlie would do the same that you did
axl: I'm so happy that you 2 took care of me and I return the favor
Irma: *cooking* yeah we're glad that we took care of you
vicente: good thing I brought some sodas
axl: nice and cold one *took it and drink it*
Irma: axl here your food *place it*
axl: thanks abuela
*2 hours later*
vicente: and thats how we met joe and lin when we were younger
Irma: yeah me and lin are the best one ever
axl: thats a nice story *look at the time* I should go
Irma: thank you for visiting us
vicente: remember get a girlfriend and grandkids, adoptions is a good backup plan
axl: *blush* grandpa

*axl left and back to the cafe*

Lee: ok we have everything set
battletasque: *wearing a chef hat* meow
Lee: at least we won't get in trouble for it
*a limousine come by*
Elijah: were here mom
???: this is a very interesting place for me son
battletasque: meow
???: is this a cat cafe
Elijah: nope *look at  battletasque* can we enter?
battletasque: *nodded* meow
* both of them enter*
Lee: well hello there Elijah and you?
Elijah: this is my mom charlie
charlie: are you demon/sinner in human disguise?
Lee: no actually I'm half lightner and half darkner
charlie: lightner and darkner?
Lee: you can ignore that and here is your table for tonight *give charlie a menu*
charlie: can I have your best sushi?
Lee: on it, battletasque!
battletasque: meow?
Lee: meow
battletasque: *nodded*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(2:47-2:54 battletasque using his mouth and tail to cut the fish*

battletasque: meow *have 2 plate of good sushi*

charlie: it look beautiful and delicious
Elijah: I'm amaze that your cat did this amazing
Lee: enjoy your meal *whistler to elijah* I have the necklace for it
Elijah: *whisper back* thanks

*elijah and charlie enjoy their meal *

elijah: hey mom I have a gift for you
charlie: was is it?
*Lee walked by holding a tray plate cover it*
Lee: here is it *open it*
charlie: *stare at the necklace* this is beautiful
Elijah: heh hope you like mom

*20 minutes later*

charlie: this a excellent night
Elijah: we should
Lee: hope have a nice night
* the limousine came*
Elijah: thanks for making my mom happy and your great service
Lee: your welcome
charlie: see yah
Lee: bye
*charlie and elijah left*
Lee: battletasque did you finish cleaning?
battletasque: meow * the cafe been cleaned*
Lee: lets closed it and go home but first gonna her some gift

*in hell*

axl: man looking a girlfriend is hard since I'm a overlord and a imp *sigh* I want loved and not lust, even adopting is difficult since I'm already a father, uncle and grandpa for the hellhounds and imps. really wish god or someone will give me one

A/N: you got it dude *snapped *

???: *poof* pow?
axl: well hello there
???: pow?
axl: why I'm sad? well because I want a kid to adopt but its difficult
???: pow pow
axl: what? your seriously want me to adopt you?
???: pow! *smile*
axl: *smile and crying * thank you and whats your name?
ski: ski
axl: ok ski, welcome to my family
ski: pow

*at the hometown*

toriel: *saw a gift on her door* who gave me those gift? *a note attached to it* "happy mother's day toriel loved Lee" thats so sweet of him and a nice gift Lee, thank you my son *smile*


Elijah belong to Jazz2064

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