Welcome to Hell (1)

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A/N: hey ranger can you capture giratina?
ranger: sure!
A/N: gonna tell them meet us there but first. hello everyone who's reading this if you want the full context and story you should read chapter 9-15 for axl, ash and ren story same with manzana
ranger: found you giratina!


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*one giratina capture later*

A/N: hope ash, axl and ren is ready
ranger: 3 of them probably excited for it
A/N: true but manzana still have his punishment
ranger: yeah but you told him that you gonna redraw him and adding new stuff
A/N: can you forget about this and focus on this, also your ability to visit others universes and timeline is back
ranger: yay!

*ash, axl and ren came*

ash(hellhound): so whats going on?
ren(owl): why is giratina there?
axl(imp): lets ride it!
A/N: so guys ready for your art?
ren(owl): no way
ash(hellhound): no [[50%]] way
axl(imp):*default fortnite dance*
A/N: oh arceus -_-
ranger: you should said giratina instead
A/N: your right, arceus is god and giratina is satan but in hh/hb satan is Lucifer, so giratina is lucifer for them
axl(imp):so are we going?
ash(Hellhound): is that giratina?
ren(owl): are we gonna see our art?
A/N: everyone hop in!
*everyone on giratina*
A/N: where going to hell/distortion!

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*couples of minutes later*

A/N: welp were in hell and its time, ready?
ash(hellhound): yeah!
axl(imp): lets go!
ren(owl): who's next?
A/N: before we start I have 2 version, the canon version and my version of it
ren(owl): whats the different?
A/N: well in the canon version which I researched it especially the age part for the canon from helluva boss and hazbin hotel
axl(imp): does affect us?
A/N: well depending the description I'm giving you guys
ash(hellhound): so depending which does it meant different timeline and au?
A/N: yup and its your turn ash

(Credit to poliwiki_draw from Twitter)
A/N: this is ash a hellhound with a special fire power and he used his phone as a communication and book-ish spell, he also work for the imp assassin company and he was the best assassin ever
ash(hellhound): I like this and my girlfriend is loona
A/N: here come the 2 version, the canon version that loona is 18+ and so I make ash age to 19 but in my version both of them are 21
ash(hellhound): so whats the other au and timelines?
A/N: well in others au and timelines is that you and loona are best friends, other is that you are loona unofficial big brother
ash(hellhound): let me guess blitzo is my father figure?
A/N: yup and mother figure if you count the genderbend version of them
ash(hellhound): well there are different version of them from peoples that make books and story, so this is normal
A/N: your personality is a tsundere with fire power abilities, you only trust peoples/demons are worthy for you, even with peoples/demon you with you have more positive and nice to them but a ramdom demon/peoples that you meet you are stone cold and never let your guard down unless they need to earn your trust if they are worthy
ash(hellhound): huh neat
A/N: hell even loona barely call blitzo dad but you call blitzo dad very casual and blitzo would loved as a father figure
ash(hellhound): what about my fire skill and weapons choice?
A/N: well you prefer melee weapons and your claws, as for your fire skill well I'm gonna take some rpg magic power
ash(hellhound): huh which video games that you gonna give me?
A/N: well this is gonna take a while, lets began pk fire a row of area attack have 4 level of pk fire, alpha, beta, gamma and omega, alpha is the weakest attack and omega is the strongest one those pk power come from earthbound . next is agi a light fire damage for 1 foe, agilao medium fire damage for 1 foe, agidyne heavy fire damage for 1 foe and blazing hell severe fire damage to all foe (basically very huge area attack) those spell come from persona series and smt games. firewall to protect the user and others
ash(hellhound): so what about my melee weapons?
A/N: you have your claw/paw as a melee
ash(hellhound): true any other melee weapons
A/N: you have megaman zero weapons z saber, triple rod, chain rod, recoil rod, shield boomerang. your weapons have fire damage added since your using your fire spell, you have zero dash and attack pattern

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(Ignore the buster)

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(0:17-0:27 for the chain rod)

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(0:52-2:09 imagine his attack have fire on it to add for extra damage, 2:12-2:39 for recoil rod and fire added)

ash(hellhound): good thing we played megaman x dive techniques and others megamans game franchise
A/N: yup and next is axl
axl(imp): [[50%]] yeah!

(Credit to poliwiki_draw from Twitter)
A/N: this is axl a imp he's a imp but a good overlord
axl(imp):yup I bring imps and hellhounds more welcome due of them being the lowest rank in hell also I do look like a teenager but actually I'm older never understatement me if I look weaker for being a imp
A/N: he is best friend with blitzo since axl act more childish and entertainments for example video games, social media hanging around with others and bring positive and helping his workers
axl(imp): true thanks to blitzo I'm became more a fun dad figure for the younger demon and pups but that's doesn't mean I'm weak, I have business with the others overlords
A/N: well for axl why did he become a overlord? thats easy lets just he got his habit from demoman especially demoknight since axl can be crazy and very powerful when he is drunk
axl(imp): true I can copy any video game characters power and ability but need to limit myself for not too op, also I can use guns for my first option and my demoknight power is my last resort when any trouble come
A/N: for my choosing he will have demoknight ability, when using eyelander sword every killing that he did will increase his power, speed and health increased by 1.5% it can stack up when killing more demons
axl(imp): but this is my last resort and I'm very good at any guns and business
A/N: remember don't drink alcohol, do you remember the last time you got drunk
axl(imp): no I don't remember it
A/N: you almost kill 1 millions demon after you won 5 alcohol bottles and you drank it all
axl(imp): sorry?
A/N: at least your personality is a goofy person that like video games, act like a kid but your know to off guard your enemies
axl(imp): I may be a goofy and act like a kid but I know to do business stuff and I wasn't stupid for others shady deals they think I'm an idiot to fall for it, joke to them I already know it
A/N: well for others that axl want for example a mega buster from megaman but since its just a game, axl looking someone to invest to make it reality and found sir pentious to create it, it was a successful so axl invest even more to sir pentious
Axl(imp): I got many weapons from any video games and good thing my phone have some magic energy but I only used it for research any materials or create one that never existed only in games stuff
A/N: where did you get the money?


Lee: man I have so much dark money in dark world I have pay my rent in advance for 12 years and still have so many dark money
axl(imp): wanna give me your money? I can take 80% of your money
Lee: well for the exchange money rate sure I have nothing to do and wait for more deltarune chapters

*flashback end*

A/N: -_- seriously
axl(imp): anyway I can sing especially friday night funkin
A/N: *sigh* you have super dense for any woman that want you
axl(imp): well most of them want be my friend or help them since I'm a good overlord and rest of them its just lust, I can ignore them and have something better to do
A/N: you know that womans that you befriend them just wanna be with you
axl(imp): no that were hanging arounds
A/N: your dense and doesn't matter
axl(imp): I have many young imps and pups call me dad, uncle or cousin and their parents are thankful especially single parent, some moms want me to hangout and take care their kids I don't mind being a father figure to them and the single mothers giving me some weird look at me and some single fathers did the same but they give me tight hug to me
A/N: your still dense
axl(imp): I went ozzie since asmodeus is still shocked and pissed that Im resistance to lust
A/N: and then the alcohol
axl(imp): hey! Don't blame me they give me free drinks, those incubus and succubus try acting at me and they are shocked then I try to sing and [[50%]] verosika try to flirting to me again, so I bet her if she wanna song off she said yes but little did she knows I'm already won. I give her no mercy to a sing off, good thing there is cameras to record

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(0:30-3:34 left side is axl and right side is verosika)

axl(imp): after a epic song battle that I won, verosika is mad and impress then suddenly got invited by asmodeus with fizz and he ask me a question. if I wanna be blessed by him to give me a harem which I said

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A/N: that pretty impressive and angel dust would be mad at you
axl(imp): anyone after that event I have my important meeting for overlord stuff, which I know the catalogue of these businesses beside guns and others, I'm a delivery business for them without any territory issue only me and my crew/workers I got they sign a agreement. for valentino business, axl need to deliver clothes from rosie. vox business is velvet using the social media and recording it while axl crew delivered them to tv stations, same with valentino for adult entertainment, rosie clothing shop to deliver. alaster business is territory with valentino and vox, alaster and rosie chilling and safe to walk for they territory. velvet business is social media for Valentino workers and vox tv stuff, rosie clothes trending while axl crew delivered them before the clothes sold out. rosie business to supply valentino workers clothes for axl crew to deliver, advertisements for vox and velvet while axl crew getting supply for rosie, alastor and rosie having some tea time and give axl crew and his workers a coffee and pastries shop for their break and under their protection.
A/N: for the canon version and my version axl is 22 for both version and remember he's not a teenager look alike he's an adult, he's dense but a great father, uncle, cousin figure and a nice overlord that respect imps and hellhounds
axl(imp): I'm very excited for the future chapters and where is manzana?
A/N: oh he is with lee for a therapy

*at the therapy*

lee: thats why it feel like its my fault even though I witness it
manzana(hh/hb): thats a good start (thank you charlie for your recommendation is very useful)
lee: do you guys ever felt guilty killing those?
manzana(hh/hb): not really everything is trying to kill you everyday and this world is kill or be kill in hell, so its normal
lee: *remembered flowey quote* I'm not murder, I'm not murder, I did not started genoside route, I do not kill my friends, I did not kill them in cold dust..... *keep repeating it*
manzana(hh/hb): oof this is gonna take a while and hope A/N should start updating my design

*back to hell*

A/N: now lastly ren a owl that's been mistaken as a part of a goetia marriage with octavia
ren(owl): to be fair blame the persona 3,4,5 character with there stats maxed
A/N: I should start the canon version first, so the canon version is that octavia is 17 and I made ren be 18. for my version both of them are 21, in other timeline and au he is octavia only trusted best friend and unofficial big brother, he risk his life to protect his best friend life and others stuff
ren(owl): yup and where is my art?

(Credit to poliwiki_draw from Twitter)
A/N: so this good clothe style for you and Octavia
ren(owl): via will gonna love this clothes style
A/N: your personality is being a romance and flirty person but with a silver tongue that helped you from any danger from getting information or spilling the information
ren(owl): thats sounds good
A/N: your weapon of choice are explosive and you love to hide it without any suspicious and cause some chaos especially for royalty stuff
ren(owl): so I used it to protect my girlfriend and her family, so I technically I'm have some royalties connections
A/N: yup since you no magic your girlfriend helped you to learn some magic but just for healing only for emergency
ren(owl): how about my relation with her parent are we good term?
A/N: huh..... here come the different version due of your acting like a gentleman and a noble many mistook you as a royalty or others think your a unwanted noble been ignore for many years
ren(owl): so this is a blessing in disguise
A/N: yes, but hey thats the trade off for it
ren(owl): I can't imagine if stolas and stella felt in love to me in others au and timeline, it would be disaster
A/H: yup I would never do that unless its for april fools day chapter or not
ren(owl): I remember when I was singing with via she excited to listen me,I remembered when I challenged robo fizz before the loo loo land burn down

ren(owl): ok you rip off clown leave my girlfriend/friend and her alone!
R.Fizz: HAHAHAHAHAHA! your with that imp loving father don't make me laugh
ren(owl): *angrier* you know what! *holding a mic* you gonna down sellout jester
R.Fizz: HAHAHAHAHA! ok lets play your little game with "fair game" BRING THE CAMERA!
ren(owl): (he wasn't playing fair and so I'm gonna counter it) you gonna lose and humiliation on live robo fizz!

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(0:00-5:17 robo fizz on the left and ren on the right, ignore the girl on the speaker. Every time when R.fizz attack, ren dodge it and counter attack)

ren(owl): take that robo fizz your out
R.Fizz: *angry* why you!
ren(owl): (time to copy captain falcon move even though it won't work) FALCON PUNCH! *falcon punch to R.Frizz*
R.Frizz: *knock out*
ren(owl): get karma! ( it's actually works?!?!)

*flashback end*

ren(owl): good times
A/N: you also helped axl popularity for being a good overlord and control imp city under his protection
ren(owl): at least axl got more recognition and fear him
A/N: fine since your my oc forms


octavia: hey ren my dad found a nice restaurant for both us to hangout and eat
ren(owl): thats awesome but I have feeling that some demons wanna kill your dad maybe you for ransoms
octavia: I have you to protect me
ren(owl): damn right lets go!
*at the restaurant*
ren(owl): pretty just for only me and you via
octavia: well except that demon look kinda familiar
???: well well well its my future wife and queen
octavia: ugh! suitor those princes and nobles only want me for there rank
ren(owl): you jerk leave my friend/girlfriend alone!
prince/noble: your a commoner peasant and I will challenge you for the right with octavia
ren(owl): *holding a mic* lets do this pretty boy
prince/noble: your on!

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(0:00-1:49 prince/noble on the left and ren on the right side, octavia chilling next to the speaker little bit worried for ren safety)

prince/noble: after this rap battle song I'm taking with octavia and you commoner die in a ditch I don't care
ren(owl):someone is salty *smirk*
prince/noble: this is your last chance!


ren(owl): just give up already, you interrupt I already won
ren(owl): what ever just go your mommy and daddy *ren and octavia both laugh*
prince/noble: * holding detonator* if you can't agree to me and NO ONE CARE! *pressed the detonator*

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(lol and rip the restaurant)

ren(owl): *protect octavia from a explosion* you ok via?
octavia: ren... your hurt
ren(owl): I'm okay as long your safe with me
prince/noble: WTF! how the [[50%]] did you survive it!
ren(owl): you are so dead and I'm gonna kill you
prince/noble: JUST DIE!!!

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(7:05-9:34 ren is protecting octavia from prince/noble)

noble/prince: *defeated* you won for this just kill me and my family will start a war!
ren(owl): glady *getting some spare part and making a strong bow with 1 arrow* any last word jerk?
princes/noble: time start the war!
ren(owl): I'm gonna call this a pro gamer move *shoot at the knee* how about bring your guards to defeat me
prince/noble: [[50%]] you!
ren(owl): meet me at that location at imp city, lets go via I'm gonna call a friend
*couples of hours later at the imp city*
ren(owl): its time axl did you bring the drink?
axl(imp): yeah I have squirt soda, limes, salt and ice
ren(owl): got the tequila bottle, remember you always drink quirt soda to prevent your drunk power
axl(imp): *making the mexican drink* I'm ready ren
ren(owl): I'm drinking squirt soda since this is part of the ingredient
axl(imp): I have my eyelander sword ready
*both them drink*
prince/noble: *on the wheelchair* guards destroyed them!
ren and axl: HYBRID KNIGHT!!!!
*axl kill many demons guard while ren using his explosives weapons to assist*
prince/noble: SHIT!
ren(owl): well well well, we won and time to finish him
prince/noble: do it with your blood on your hand

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prince/noble: what?
ren(owl): axl is a overlord so he need to boost his rank
axl(imp): *ready to strike noble/prince to the head* goodbye
prince/noble: NNOOO!!!!!!
axl(imp): *getting closer*

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(I'm sorry I can't resist it)
ren(owl): *recorded everything* now thats very good prank
prince/noble: .............
axl(imp): get humiliated! and now I'm more popular and trustful overlord
ren(owl): I'm gonna sent it to the internet, lets go

*flashback end*

A/N: axl is very happy and he need to drink squirt soda, I do not want him to drink alcohol to create chaos
ren(owl): yeah I know that, so how long will manzana finish with lee therapy?
A/N: depending

*meanwhile at the therapy room*

Lee: man I'm still guilty about it
manzana(hh/hb): yeah but remember its not your fault
Lee: I know but still I'm feel like I'm responsible for it even though it wasn't
manzana(hh/hb):welp time is over, lets go and get some good night rest lee
Lee: thank you manzana and I'm sorry that you didn't make it
manzana(hh/hb): its okay at least I'm getting a update version
Lee: you know white day is coming on march 14 you should bring charlie and others out for dinner specials for white day
manzana(hh/hb): sounds amazing, see yah
Lee: you too

*back to A/N*

A/N: well I need take a rest since I need this is a long day for myself
ren(owl): yeah your right, well see yah A/N
*ren left*
A/N: thank you for everyone that read my hh/hb ocs this is the longest to write that I ever have, thank you *looking at at 3 of them together on the picture frame*

(Credit to poliwiki_draw from Twitter)
battleblox(roblox): A/N just go get some rest
A/N: fine and also happy 1 year anniversary for funky Friday
Battleblox(roblox): nice


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