Welcome to hell (2)

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A/N: *look the calendar on sunday* HOLY ARCEUS! its almost time I should prepared it

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A/N: speak of the giratina

satan: so........... *staring at giratina*
giratina: what?
lucifer: welp this is awkward
god: yes this is awkward there is like 2 version of us
arceus: we have the same one but different entities

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*back to A/N place*

A/N: nice poliwiki finish it, nice
ranger: that neat those 3 that you pick for commission
A/N: yeah good thing kevin grown up and almost finish up his skill thanks to his brother
battlecat: thats pretty cool
A/N: gonna bring manzana for this, ranger can you bring giratina to transport?
ranger: on it

*at hell*
axl: ren and ash, we should let manzana have more power up
ash: yeah your right we need to repay you back manzana
manzana: thanks guys even though I took the blame at least you guys got to showcase
ren:very true and its was awesome
*suddenly giratina came through a portal*
A/N: hey guys!
ash: hey A/N what are doing here?
A/N: well I got the art for manzana and I have surprise him
manzana: what surprise?
A/N: well you need to come with me and before we began!
* to unknown location*
A/N: surprise!

(Credit to poliwiki_draw from Twitter)

manzana: wow but why do I look more human sinner than being a demon and also why do I have corn?
A/N: well because thats your good side and reference
manzana: wait what?
A/N: yeah you have 2 personality, your good side and bad side, lastly your last resort
manzana:can you explain to me?
A/N: sure! lets start your good side, on your good side your very friendly to other on the hotel and very trusted if you earn it.
manzana: trusted?
A/N: your a bodyguard for charlie and the hotel
manzana: interesting and my 2 version?
A/N: the canon version is that you are charlie bodyguard and the only men that vaggie trusted you also as a bonus you know spanish to you communicate with her in spanish sometime and felt like almost like home for vaggie
manzana: buen
A/N: since charlie is 146+, vaggie and you are 20 on the canon
manazana: your version?
A/N: well my version your age are 20 but charlie keep her official age
manzana: ok
A/N: my version that charlie is dating you and vaggie
manzana: so does it mean me and vaggie are?
A/N: you and vaggie are best friend, no love interest only friendship and charlie is happy
manzana: thats interesting
A/N: I would be keep going on but your protect and full demon mode need to wait especially since I have an idea for you, ash and ren
manzana: protect and full demon mode?
A/N: yeah but I need to wait more poliwiki commission to open again and need to draw your protect and demon mode
manzana: how about ash, ren and axl?
A/N: lets bring them

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A/N: you guys are here
ash: so.... *see manzana design* why is he more like a human sinner?
A/N: well I let manzana if he want to be a sinner or hellborn?
manzana: how about both?
ren: are you sure?
manzana: I mean it would be funny if they don't know which one, when a demon tell me I'm a sinner, I just tells them I'm a hellborn. when a sinner ask I'm a demon, I just tell them I'm a sinner. making everyone in hell get confused which am I, A sinner or a demon.
ash: *laughing* this is a perfect trolling
manzana: I know right
A/N: now since your in the hazbin hotel or happy hotel I'm introduced for you for all available characters

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A/N: lets start the radio demon, so you and alastor are best friend since he is interesting to manzana and entertaining when he is using protect mode but his favorite one is full demon mode
manzana: so I don't have to make a deal to him?
A/N: no actually he give you a free one if he wanna see your full demon mode which you did and he is very impressed
manzana: oh beans
A/N: next its husk you and him are drinking buddy, you trying help him to find a alive loved. also did you know that drinking alcohol and wine is not a sin but being drunk is a sin
manzana: but I need to drink carefully and without getting drunk
A/N: yup, husk rarely happy but with you he's chill well except alastor and angel dust
manzana: ok that make sense
A/N: next is nifty she asking if you need a girlfriend but you already have one
manzana: does nifty does something crazy?
A/N: nope anyway and lastly angel dust
manzana: something telling me this is gonna be weird
A/N: yup
manzana: lets get over this
A/N: ever since you are with charlie and vaggie, he wanna try you but you declined heavily
manzana: then he keep coming does he?
A/N: yup, angel dust still take a "free private" for you just in case

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A/N: I know but thats it for your introduction well kinda
manzana: ok so what about the corn?
A/N: oh your right I almost forgot about it

somewhere from a corn place

bambi: who stole my f**king corn! you!
bf: beep?

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back to A/N and manzana place

A/N: ok so do you know why I add corn?
manzana: please explain to me
A/N: I can't believe no one including the readers that corn come from mexico and their ancestors aztec worship the god Chicomecóatl that brought corn to survived everything and remember I'm mexican american so I add it for the god part
manzana: what next?
A/N: your name manzana is apple in spanish and remember the apples from the morningstar especially lucifer have apple references and related
manzana: unholy crap!?!?!?
A/N: yup, anyway thats the introduction for manzana, well except his protect and demon mode, thats a an other time
ash: thats pretty good actually
axl: me too
ren: so what now?
A/N: you guys should be training while I start something special on sunday
ash: ok * took out his z saber and practice it* what if I combine my fire for extra damage and ranger? lets test it
ren: your right I should start practicing my healing spell for goetia family since I need to protect via and her family *left to practice his healing magic*
A/N: manzana and axl lets see you rap battle while manzana trying his demon mode, even his demon mode is not started to draw since I need draw it
manzana: ok
axl: *holding a mic* ready!

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(manzana on the left using his "demon mode" and axl on the right, ignore the girl)

A/N: welp thats the concept for his demon mode and 2 doll look alike, so yeah I need to draw his protect mode and demon mode
battlecat: its almost time A/N the special day on sunday
A/N: your right, welp anyway see yah next chapter!


battleblox: not really.

*a portal appear*

???: megaman where are we?
megaman EXE: I don't know lan, we suddenly teleported here
lan: your right megaman we gonna find someone to help us to return home
megaman EXE: lets never give up hope, together we gonna find a solution to return to ACDC town
lan: *smirk and smile* lets do this. BATTLE ROUTINE SET!!!
megaman EXE: EXECUTE!!!

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