Night 2

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When the daytime passed once more, Strings felt himself wake the chair once again.

"What?! You gotta be kidding me!!!" Strings exclaimed, once again trying to free himself.

Was he gonna be trapped there? Forever? For all of time?

Strings felt himself begin to panic, and it was only rising. He screamed and tried to use the skills he learned yesterday night, and looked out the window.

At the night sky, the stars, and some kind of crow animatronic standing outside-

Strings' eye widened and he began to panic again. "What is an animatronic doing out there!?! No, no, no, no- Wait...wait! I remember! He can't move!"

He then scratched his head. "Why...why do I have a feeling that he can't move?"

He looked at the animatronic crow outside, waiting for him to move...but after nearly 10 minutes, he didn't move a muscle.

Strings sighed in relief before turning to the stage. All three were still there...but looking at him.

Strings took many deep breaths, despite having no lungs. "Can't...panic! I can't...PANIC!"

He then grabbed the phone at his desk again. "J-Just listen to the call! Yeah! Listen to the call!"

Strings took a deep breath before placing his finger on the phone, starting the message his creator left for him.

Was Fritz even aware that Popgoes was trying to build...something? And why did Fritz build him to...panic?

It wasn't nice and certainly didn't feel nice either. But just then, snapping Strings out of his thoughts, Fritz's message began to speak.

"Right! Hello again! I hope the first night went well. But what am I saying? Your job is just pressing buttons on a phone. Not many jobs require that, y'know. But don't be slacking off on that phone, alright? I'm watching, and I always am-

That sounds really creepy. Sorry bout that, I tend to ramble on and on. But just, focus on your job. Don't start slacking off. At the end of your first week, I'll be reviewing your progress to see if your fit to continue your job or not. If you do your job ESPECIALLY well? Then, I might even give you a bonus! Ah, but I guess there, uhh, actually isn't much for you to do, huh? I know I haven't actually given you much work to do, since this is more of a test run."

"A test run?" Strings asked before looking behind him...and then gasping when he saw Popgoes was missing.

He grabbed the phone and began tapping through the cameras until he found Popgoes at one of the 3D Printers.

And in a flash, he pressed the 'ROOM SHUT-DOWN', turning the room dark as Fritz continued speaking.

"But! There is something for you to do if you get bored. And, well, I'm not gonna treat you like I do the robots behind you. So! We're entering the Winter. Beautiful, isn't it? How the snow just falls from the sky.

Winter does get real cold though. I dunno if you noticed this yesterday, but I've also given you access to the ventilation, which means you should be able to turn on the heating grid. Just once in a while to warm up the place.

They'll stay up for about a minute, but that's enough time to get warm, right?

Bear in mind, the vents go around the building's perimeter- Ah, you'll figure it out. Good luck, kid."

And then, like yesterday, the three questions appeared.

Why can't I keep the heating on the ventilation?

Can't the robots sort out the heating?

How does the heating work?

Strings, hoping that somehow this message would convince Fritz to make the robots do something else (mostly Popgoes) during the night. He was beginning to panic again.

So, he chose the second question.

"I don't know. They already do so much! You think I'm gonna send them into the vents when someone gets chilly?

Alright, alright, I'll admit. I tried that once with one of the squirrels. Sara and Saffron, by the way. Saffron's the red one and Sara's the yellowish ones. They're sisters.

But yes, I tried it with...uhh, Sara. Yes, that was it. I tried it with Sara. But...come on, I don't want to give them even more to do! They run the whole restaurant by themselves. They deserve a break during night, since they do EVERYTHING during the day. Popgoes and the others are supposed to be resting. Okay?

...granted, Stone rests all the time. Stone's outside your window. He's the crow that holds up the sign for the drive-thru or for the entrance. He's ALWAYS resting. He physically can't move out of his birdcage, which is where he's always standing. His programming prevents him."

Strings sighed in relief as he looked out the window to see Stone again, still holding his sign up and staying completely still. "That's...reassuring. Phew!"

"Anyway, the vents are just for air to travel around the building. It could be dangerous if someone, especially a plastic covered robot, got stuck in there or touched the heating lasers.

And yes, they're lasers. Not just lights. They don't melt your face off, but hey! They look cool! Cya tomorrow."

Strings then looked at the time. 1 AM. He must've not been there for very long, so he got to work with watching the place, as his job ordered him too.

There wasn't much as the hours passed, other than Popgoes trying to build that strange and completely black robot.

What was that anyway? Popgoes never finished the head, so he couldn't tell what he was trying to make. A demonic master or mistress? A killer robot? Or perhaps a new vessel for a spirit? Something like that?

Strings sighed. "Maybe Popgoes is just glitching. Yeah! He's just glitching!" He then hummed. "Come to think of it do I know them? And more importantly, why can't I move? If I'm a security droid, shouldn't I be able to move? And, what is-"

He then took another deep breath. "Okay. Getting ahead of myself. Just...figure out the questions later. Maybe you won't shut down this time."

He looked at the time. 3 AM.

Strings then turned around and saw Popgoes walk onto an empty stage after another attempt to build whatever he was building-

Wait...empty stage?

"Where are Sara and Saffron!?!?" Strings screams as he whipped back around and checked through every camera.

Finally, he saw the two sisters in the employee's lounge, walking past the multiple empty mugs of coffee and tables until...they made it to a vent.

Saffron's eyes glowed pink before she ripped off the covering, letting them inside. Sara crawled in first, with Saffron following soon after.

Strings began to panic and looked at the options on his phone. "What do I do!?"

After pretty much smashing the phone with his robotic fingers, he remembered Fritz talking about heating lasers. Maybe, just maybe, he could somehow find a way to turn those on!

So, after fumbling around a hit, he found a button for the lasers, of which he turned on.

And after looking at the vent cameras, he saw Sara and Saffron crawling through the vents until they were met with the heating lasers.

Strings grinned, feeling his panic become replaced with confidence. "HAHA! THAT'S RIGHT, SUCKA! EVEN THOUGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!"

The two squirrel sisters then began crawling back to the employee's lounge, and they were finally gone.

Strings laughed. "Well! This is easy! I can just keep the lasers on, and just handle Popgoes for the rest of the night! Piece of cake!"

Then! The heating lasers shut off...and his phone showed him a message called 'cool down'.

"WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN COOLDOWN!?!?" Strings cried. "HOW LONG!?"

He then remembered what Fritz said. The heating would stay on for about a minute before needing to cooldown.

"That wasn't a minute!!! That was 10 seconds!!!" Strings cried as Sara and Saffron walked back to the stage.

But just as the two sisters went back to being lifeless puppets, Popgoes began to leave again.

Strings growled. "I'm becoming less panicky and more annoyed with you!!!" He cried, grabbing his phone and waiting for which room the weasel would head into.

"Oh...Oh! I get it! His name is a pun!" Strings laughed as he tapped the 'ROOM SHUT-DOWN' button when Popgoes tried using the 3D Printer in the art room.

And then, the 6 AM tune began to play from his phone, which Strings also realized was the children's song 'pop goes the weasel'.

"Popgoes! Pop-goes the Weasel!" Strings laughed. "I get-"

And? Much like yesterday, he shut down, dropping the phone, and then walking away into a dark room.







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