Night 8

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DAD!!! IT'S ME!!! BON- AHHH!!!!!

Those screams...they were agonizing as Bonnie was torn to bloody bits by the swing of the axe. Fritz didn't seem to hear them, haunted by the thought of the robot rabbit who hit him coming back to kill him off permanently.

In the end? He lost the one thing that he loved. His daughter. Bonnie's mother left a long while all Fritz had was his daughter.

And now? Because of him. She was gone. Fritz barely had the strength to bury her, let alone be at her funeral service. He didn't have the strength to not cry or say a eulogy.

They all told him 'the only way to heal is to accept' or 'she is always with you'.

But oh, how badly did he want to tell them: 'You weren't the one who swung the axe.'

Fritz went into his office and then practically slumped into his chair...he then slammed his head against the desk. It took all of his strength just to drive over, that he didn't even bother to look nice or professional. He was just in a brown jacket, white shirt, no tie, and black pants.

He then noticed a photo on his desk...and he went silent. It was of Bonnie and him, when Bonnie was 5 years old. Bonnie had stolen his phone and found out how to take pictures, and the rest of that hour was spent goofing off.

"Come on! One more! One more!" Bonnie said, holding the phone to her father.

Fritz laughed. "Alright, alright, one more." He then made his eyes go cross and stuck out his tongue, and Bonnie took a picture.

She began to giggle, nearly crying tears of laughter. She turned the phone around and made an even sillier face, messing up her hair quickly and drooling like a zombie.

Fritz snorted and laughed. "Sweetie! It took me hours to do your hair!"

"Well, I like it this way!" Bonnie said with a giggle.

Fritz laughed before standing. "Alright. I need to get back to work."

"Back to work on what?" Bonnie asked, tilting her head.

Fritz hummed. "'s grown up stuff." He said, hiding away the purple skull so his daughter wouldn't get scared.

Bonnie then began to pout. "Can we keep playing...? Just a little more?"

Fritz wanted to say no, but once he saw his daughter make her puppy eyes...he smiled and knelt down. "Fine. But just for can wait."

Fritz began to cry before he stood from his chair, grabbed the photo and threw it against the wall. He then grunted and flipped his desk onto the ground without any effort, not caring if any of the customers heard him.

Fritz Glade then fell to his knees, sniffling and crying. "Oh...Bonnie...I-I'm s-so sorry..."

"...It's not too late, you know."

Fritz's eyes widened and he looked to the side of his office and then he screamed, backing up. "S-Simon! Who-?"

"Opened my door?" Simon asked. "That doesn't matter...but what does is that I saw ALL of that."

Fritz was silent before he looked away from Simon. "...a reminder of my brother is the last thing I need..."

"I'm sorry, Father." Simon said. "But...there's nothing I can really do as of now. I could change my name if you'd like."

"And why would you?" Fritz asked.

Simon gritted his teeth a little. "You know, you don't need to be so harsh. You are the one who locked me up, while I did nothing."

"...How the hell are you even online?" Fritz asked, dodging Simon's question and request completely, as if he wanted to ignore it.

"Answer me." Simon said.

"...No." Fritz growled before turning around again.

"...Fine. I suppose you don't want the one way your daughter returns." Simon said, smirking as he talked.

Fritz's eyes widened and he slowly turned to him. "What...?"

"Remember Freddy's? Oh, of course you do. The spirits, murdered by the Purple Man...William Afton...possessed the robots. I could build a robot body for your daughter...her spirit is still here." Simon said. "It roams."

Fritz just nodded, slowly crawling over to Simon since he didn't have the strength to stand.

"Your daughter did some research and told me. She thought of me as a lifeless skeleton robot you built. One she could vent too." Simon smirked. "Her research? That when a human is murdered...on purpose? Karma and nature itself will give you a second chance at life. As a ghost. A spirit. And given how your daughter was in love with this place...her spirit continues to roam."

"I...I-I...I can bring her back?"

Simon grinned and nodded. "Yes...just give me access to WeaselWare...and free me."

Fritz stood, determined...and vulnerable. He grabbed a key from his broken desk and then walked over. And then? He slowly inserted the key.

Turned it inside the locks.

And the chains came loose. Simon hopped down, moving around his wrists. His boney and skeletal fingers were finally free.

Fritz then grabbed something from his desk again and plugged it into his phone for a few seconds, and then into the back of Simon's head. " have full access."

Simon nodded. "Good...there is a 3D Printer in here. Yes?"

Fritz nodded and pointed. "...She'll come back? As an animatronic?"

"Yes. That is the only way." Simon said as he hacked himself into the printers. His eyes glowed blue and he smiled. So much knowledge and power...he could command and build an army just by thinking.

With a snap of his fingers, he could learn anything he wanted about this place.

With a simple smile, this pizzeria could become a fortress.

Simon then closed his glowing eyes and the printer started to work itself to death. With each second, it printed out a grayish and glowing white piece. First? He printed out an entire Endoskeleton...then? An animatronic rabbit.

"Put them together." Simon said.

Fritz nodded slowly and knelt down, putting the robot pieces together. He then stood. "N...Now what...?"

"We wait..." Simon said as he turned his back...and then smirked. "Thank you, Jeremy."

Fritz's eyes widened at the mention of his old name. "H-How did you-!"


The rabbit animatronic's eyes suddenly glowed completely white and SHE stood.


Bonnie growled and got on all fours, pacing around her father like a wild animal.

"B-Bonnie...! BONNIE! BON- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

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