Roundup: December 2022

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Current status and updates for all my active projects, both on and offline. For quick synopses of each of these books, check out my Wattpad info doc: it's linked in my profile bio and in the intro chapter of this book.

As the Crow Falls: Nothing to report. Complete offline, posting weekly.

City of Coral: Nothing to report. Complete offline, posting weekly.

Red Rover: Nothing to report. Complete offline, posting weekly.

Can You Cook a Dragon (Flash Fiction Collection): See November's roundup! On hold until the new year when I'm out of school and my life schedule stabilizes.

Rocks Can Dance: I love looking back at my previous goals for books and finding that I called myself out already. This book will not be done by the end of 2022. I didn't even make my follow-up goal on it. I got soundly hijacked by a different WIP, but more on that below!

Super Secret Mystery Project™ That Will Remain A Mystery Until Launch: On pause. Likely to be a spontaneously-sprinted novel that I toss at my profile at some point in 2023.

The Wall of Imanti: You know how I said last month that, a) I would tackle this one after Rocks Can Dance is done, and b) it's harder for me to make space for WIPs that are a long way out from posting anywhere?

Friends, I could be done this book by the end of the year.

On a scale of brain hijacks, Wall of Imanti's NaNoWriMo 2022 shenanigans rank somewhere between "hotwired a racecar and took off down the Autobahn at 200 km/h" and "may or may not think it is a rocketship that is also on fire." I went into November not expecting to work on it, then promptly set a one-month writing record, almost entirely on this WIP. There's about 50k left. The book will be 230k total. I went into NaNo with 25k words on it, and wrote about 20k of City of Coral first before I switched WIPs.

I'll let you do the math.

This book still won't hit Wattpad until I'm at least three books into its series. But holy hell, I was NOT expecting to clear the first one in what could be as little as seven months.

Stay tuned, I guess?

Hattu Empire Series (aka Desert Epic): HAHAHAHA okay, so. I've said before that this series was going to be about 2M words start to finish. I have revised that number, as the length of its first book has become clear. It's gonna be 2.5-3M. Fuck my life 😂💀

Water Will Rise: Well, I could give an update here, but the honest answer is that nothing's changed thanks to WOI taking over my brain, so no news!

I said I would write 50k for NaNo.

The universe is laughing at me.

That was easily the best month of chaotic writing productivity I've ever had, and authorelizasolares is entirely to blame for it. How did I manage this while also in grad school? I'm not sure I want to know. Suffice to say, chaos buddies are fun, there's no food in the house, and I only mostly slept. I'm now 70k over my yearly writing goal, Red Rover is on the Wattpad homepage AGAIN, I'll be done school forever in about two weeks, and I've committed to posting queer stuff in here for the month of December?

It's been a good month, friends. It's been a good month. 

The face Pinto makes when he wants you to believe his dad is neglecting him.

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