Roundup: July 2022

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Current status and updates for all my active projects, both on and offline. For quick synopses of each of these books, check out my Wattpad info doc: it's linked in my profile bio and in the intro chapter of this book.

As the Crow Falls: Now posting weekly! If you've noticed a sudden shift in my announcement day (from Wednesday to Friday), this is why. My least favorite thing about having so many books as is that I need to pick one to promote or else no promo is effective... this book is my current promo darling. Sorry, Song of the Deep!

Song of the Deep: Posting steadily, and if anyone knows who keeps eating the weeks as fast as I can mentally register them, I would love to have a word with them. How is it July already? My buffer for this book is down to a month and a half, but that's okay, because it's Camp NaNo again, and I have a writer-friend to blame for the absolutely bonkers goal I'm setting for it. Which isn't actually that bonkers because it's my third time doing this, but still. Book will see words soon! Book likes words. It's 4am here, don't judge me.

Can You Cook a Dragon (Flash Fiction Collection): Wow, I totally said I'd post on this daily for the month of June, and then totally fell off the bandwagon. The truth is, I missed a couple days and then caught the executive-functioning brain rot again, at which point this became one too many things to juggle and I gave it up on purpose. Don't know when I'll pick it up again. Looks at my works-in-progress list below. Probably not soon.

Rocks Can Dance: She's moving again!!! I complained back in May's roundup about how much work this book takes to reboot when it's been paused for a while, and that proved absolutely true. It took me two days to reread it, but in doing so after a 6.5-month break, I realized its plot is actually a lot stronger than I was beating myself up for?? And that self-flagellation was part of the reason it's been paused for so long, so wow, my motivation really came back on this one. I also miss its characters dearly. They're so much fun. There are so many short jokes. I'm so sorry, Alex, I'll give you opportunities for revenge.

Red Rover: The who what when now? OOPS. Okay, this hasn't gotten its own post in this book yet because it's been flying under the radar for everyone who doesn't follow me on Discord (or on Wattpad, in which case you probably saw the teaser launch), but yes, I have another new WIP. I started it on June 2nd, which is why it's not in my last roundup. It is now. Coughs. Almost halfway done. This is the brainworm that has occupied me for most of June, and I'm hoping to finish it by the end of July. It's got 45k words left out of an 80k total. Totally doable. It's fine. Everything's fine. I definitely won't be posting three books on a weekly basis starting August 1st. Why am I like this?

Super Secret Mystery Project™ That Will Remain A Mystery Until Launch: Wow, okay, I just realized that I might have four books posting weekly by early next year. We're just... gonna ignore that fact for now. This book's taken a backseat to the others at the moment, mostly because it needs plotting work and Red Rover is a brainworm. Sigh.

The Wall of Imanti: Akjfaksbdfahsdfbaksjdbsk I love this book so much! Not much to say here because it will probably be years before any of you see this one posted anywhere, so I'll just say this: I'm fresh off of writing an ace-ace Romance and got hit in the face with a very allo character in this one, they're flirting up a storm, what am I even doing, SEND HELP

Hattu Empire Series (aka Desert Epic): You know, this one's probably just going to occupy this spot for the next two decades 😂 When will it ever not be under construction, even while its earlier books are in progress? That aside, I've got five WIPs at the moment, so suffice to say, further worldbuilding here did not occur in June. Yolo.

WOOP WOOP IT'S CAMP NANO TIME!!! And I finally have air conditioning in my apartment after almost four years without, so I might actually be productive this summer instead of melting on the couch because it's gofuckyourself degrees in here with a relative humidity of 127348% and a UV index of whyareyouwhitelolenjoyyourorderofsunburnwithasideofskincancer.

My little old cat has, for the record, not stopped trying to sit in my lap. He just gets hot and grumpy about it, then keeps doing it anyway.

NaNo updates got their own chapter because they're both a special challenge and a month-long thing, so I'll save that here. In other news, it's looking like I'll be submitting all the same books to the Wattys as last year, given that the submission window closes in August (the month) and I decided not to speed-post As the Crow Falls after all!

I made that decision based on three things. First is the fact that previously Shortlisted books are allowed to enter again so long as they didn't win. Second is the new Wildcard category, which I really want to submit White Crystal Butterflies to because it's more of a Sci-Fi-Paranormal-Thriller than a plain Sci-Fi book, and I'd like to see it compete in a category that suits it. And third is the fact that I already have all the submission materials written up and saved for all three books, so I have literally nothing to lose.

So that's fun! And given that the ONC is over and I never entered it to start with, I think that's all my news. Cya!

Little old cat does not know how to cat, but he has two brain cells, so it's fine.

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