Sans First Fight and All Might's Last Fight

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He'd been so close. He'd almost had the kid. But they got away... with Katsuki. He and Explodo Boi never exactly got along, but Katsuki was still his student, under his care. And he let them get away with him. On top of that, Izuku, Toru, and Kyoka still didn't get out despite his efforts and one of the Pussycats were missing. Sans wasn't exactly taking it well. His first assignment as a teacher and he screwed it up horribly. So he was chilling in the faculty lounge, reflecting on it while Nezu was planning their next moves. Papyrus was there at least. He hugged Sans even though he didn't quite understand why Sans was blaming himself. He did his best which was more than he ever did in his life! "BROTHER, DO YOU WANT TO MAKE THIS RIGHT?" Sans nodded as he looked up at his bro. "yeah pap, i do... he was my responsibility..." Papyrus stood up, making his usual confident pose. "THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! DON'T JUST SIT HERE AND MOPE!" Sans lifted his skull to look at Pap. "YOU ARE A HERO, RIGHT?" He set his expression to a determined one. "yeah. i am. ok, let's save him."
"That was the plan." Nezu had come in to update Sans.


Sans waited on the roof of the villains lair, ready to get that hot headed kid back. He was more than ready and was packing all his fire power this time.  He wouldn't make the same mistake twice. Shinji swung down and used his Chain whatever Prison to bind their enemies. Sans took a shortcut and turned their souls blue to ensure they stayed put. "you ok kid?" Katsuki nodded, shaken though he was trying not to show it. "come on-" He felt the warp moments before it happened. "nonono-" Not again, he had to save him! Sans jumped away as Nomu started coming in. All Might was already gone, Sans wanted to back him up... after these were taken care of. He summoned his blasters. "take care of these things!" Sans ordered as blasters started to rip and blast at the inhuman creatures without catching a hero in the crossfire. They would help in there. Sans jumped out the window to try and catch up, but there was more in the streets below. He had no choice but to shortcut down the rest of the way and help in that battle.


He hoped he wasn't too late. All Might was easy to track, all he had to do was have a blaster follow the news copters. It wasn't All Might he saw first. It was the kids. "what the hell, they shouldn't be here!" Izuku, Momo, Shoto, Tenya, and Katsuki was flying through the air. Sans growled as he summoned his blasters yet again to act as a defense and catch them. Those kids were soo in trouble when this was all over! They recognized Sans magic from the USJ Incident when he turned their souls blue and lowered them onto the blasters. He gave them a stern look for being here but he couldn't be bothered to reprimand them now. They had to get out of here. He looked down to the shrunken shell of what was once a buff man. "hang in a little longer, i'll be back man..." Sans mumbled as he took the students out of the battle zone. "IS ALL MIGHT GOING TO BE OK DOWN THERE?!" One of the students, Katsuki Sans believed, yelled out. "he's gotta be." Sans replied.


Sans took Papyrus home and gave him the spare bedroom. He was exhausted. Not just from all the magic he'd used in the Rescue Mission, but from the events that had unfolded after. For one, All Might was done. He couldn't do hero work anymore after that last battle. His soul no longer looked superhuman. Shota got real busy after that while Nezu insisted that Sans take a reprieve after that battle. He didn't really like it, but he couldn't say no. At least everyone was alive. "You Did Very Good Out There. I Watched On The TV." Papyrus knew Sans could use magic, he just never knew how much he could use or the extent of control. It was an amazing spectical to behold! Papyrus didn't ask why he never used that raw power Underground. He simply sat beside his brother and waited for him to talk. "thanks bro."
"You Rescued The Boy, All Of The Children Actually. You Did Good." Sans sighed. "i feel like we lost a lot too. all might-"
"Was Doing His Job, Same As You." Realistically, Sans knew that. There was risks to this job. All Might knew what he was doing. Sans sighed. "thanks bro." The skelebros hugged it out.


Sans and Papyrus were in bed when Shota got home, not that he was doing much sleeping. He was thinking about relationships. Izuku and All Might we close, like they had known each other longer than the others... on a personal level. Sans was almost positive now that Izuku was All Might's protégé. It was the end that sold him. They'd watched the remainder of the fight on one of those giant public tvs. All Might had said a single phrase that sent the crowd cheering and Izuku balling. "Now it's your turn." Izuku had known the true meaning, unlike everyone else. It was his turn to take All Might's place as symbol of Peace. That was a lot for a kid to take on... but Sans was willing to help out if he could. The kid still had much to learn. The bed sank on the left side of Sans as Shota joined him in bed. "What are you thinking about?" Sans immediately cuddled into him. "how cozy you are." The Skeleton replied. Shota chuckled and wrapped his arms around Sans. "Have you told your brother about us yet?" Sans chuckled nervously. "he knows i'm dating.."
"You should really get on that."
"i know."
"Goodnight Sans, love you."
"love you too, shota, goodnight."

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