Some Answers

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Ebbot was new to everyone, so they started with a grand tour of the major sites of the city. While the students and teachers alike enjoyed the tour, taking pictures and talking to their American brethren, Sans and the other monsters couldn't help getting deja vu. Like they'd been to these locations before, a hundred years ago. Considering what Sans knew of the dream/memory, the Void crystal, the MVL they had all been in, they probably had been. Sans separated from the group when they were passing a library and shot Shota a text, giving his boyfriend his location. The more information he could get, the better off he was. He found himself at one of those newspaper archive machines, going way way back. 'APPEARANCE OF MONSTERS?!' Was the headline that let Sans know where he was. September 15, 2015, monsters came out of Mt. Ebbot. October 19th, 2015, monsters gained their rights in America and started to travel. December 26th, 2015, monsters start getting VML's in order to work. Slowly, they started to move to the surface rather than just coming out to sightsee, so to speak. April 3rd, 2016, monsters start to die from unknown causes.


Sans left the library feeling sober. By their one year anniversary of being on the surface, Asgore had been the last survivor of the magic deficiency that had killed off the monsters. He had died on the 17th of September in 2016, putting the monsters as extinct until a young hybrid had gotten lost in the woods in the summer of 2019 and kept climbing up. They had figured if they were on Mt. Ebbot, the vantage point would help them to be found. They had stumbled into the Underground and found the Crystal. They were shipped off to Japan a few months later. Sans still didn't understand, though. If they were all dying in hospitals and Gaster was still in the Void, how'd they get to the Underground? Just how did Gaster Crystalize them? There were still blanks in the story! Sans was looking forward to Thursday, when they would be going to the  Underground. He had a feeling that was where he would be getting the rest of his answers. "Sans?" Seeing his boyfriend looking at him like he was filled Shota with a sense of sadness and sympathy. It had probably been hard for him to find what he had. Shota decided to bring his boyfriend to their hotel.


"I can't believe it's late already!" Denki complained in the lobby. "Aizawa Sensei and Sans is back!" Mino chirped. "Brother..?" Papyrus - no, all of them knew that something was wrong. The joyous mood was quickly dampened. "Midnight, All Might, Mic, can you get the students sorted out? We can meet you at the pool." Shota requested. "Yes, of course." Shota took them to the highest level in the hotel to look out a window in the hallway. "You found what you needed..?" Sans shook his head. "not... everything... only what we already knew..." Shota nodded softly. "You're sad and disappointed?" Sans nodded again. "we didn't... didn't even stay on the surface for a year before most of us..." Shota hugged his boyfriend. "I'm sorry... but..." Sans looked up at him. "We still have a whole week to find out what happened, yeah? And besides, you and your brother, your friends... you didn't just survive one year... you survived for hundreds! How's that for survival?" Sans faceplanted his boyfriend's shoulder. "thank you, babe..." Shota nodded softly as he looked out at the setting sun.


Eventually, they got their keys from Mic. "I hope you're feeling a little better, Judge..." Sans smiled and nodded. "still a little down, but nothing a little swimming won't fix. the kids are really good at making things better in the worst situations, ya know?" Mic agreed wholeheartedly. They ended up getting a suit on the fourth floor. The entire fourth floor was for the UA students and teachers. There was just enough rooms. Lucky for them, honestly. Sans wasn't really thinking as he started to strip to get on his swim shirt. He was still preoccupied with his questions... and answers. Shota tried to look away as Sans stripped, but the question burned in his head about Sans' soul. He couldn't ask now though... he was going through enough. He would find the time eventually... he just had to be patient. Shota went to the bathroom to change into his trunks. Sans realized himself that Shota must've seen- but he he hadn't asked a question about it... Sans really didn't feel like he deserved Shota... now he most certainly owed him answers... after they went to bed for the night.


The night ended in pizza and pool time as everyone relaxed and unwound. Starting tomorrow, it was back to the reason they were here. They would be spending the morning with Sans and the city hall, learning about the history of monsters, then the students would be dividing into groups and going with a teacher to a American Hero Office to see how the Americans did their Hero work. There was five Hero Offices in Ebbot City so they would be going in groups of four... which left Sans to do more sleuthing. Once it his 11 pm and the pool closed for the night, they all went to their rooms to rest. Sans got in his pajamas and got on their bed, watching Shota get ready to sleep. "What's up? You've been staring for like- five minutes." Sans grabbed at his shirt. "you saw, right? my soul... i wasn't very careful this time..." Shota paused and walked over, kissing his skull. "I didn't want to make you feel more uncomfortable... you don't have to tell me until you are ready." Sans really didn't deserve Shota. "i, uh, i'm gonna tell you anyway. i... almost died when i was... i fell off a drop that was bigger than i thought. to save me, my dad injected my soul with determination to... to keep it together. that drop was what made my stats..." Shota kissed Sans. "I'm glad you're alive..."  Sans kissed back. "me too..."

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