Time Draws Near

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Sans was back at it, helping out with those ultimate moves and such. He took a shortcut from student to student, helping where he could, watching them progress. Nezu were assessing the others' magic, so they weren't in the gym today. It was a shame because Sans wanted to ask about how the girls slept in the dorms. He would have to figure that out later when he wasn't in the middle of training students. He was currently sparring with Mashiro and helping him improve his martial arts with his tail. Sans could certainly say he was good at it, but there was also certainly room for improvement. Thus, Sans did not go easy on the student as he blocked and dodged his appendages. He wondered if the others had VML's, they would be acquiring like Sans did. It reminded him of the oncoming field trip, the answers he'd been waiting to get. What happened to them, and how was Gaster involved? Sans barely dodged past Mashiro's in his thoughts and snapped back to reality as he accidentally slipped off the ledge. Luckily, summoning a blaster to catch himself was second nature at this point.


"You were distracted again." Shota checked Sans over as the practice ended. Sans had to get ready for his soul studies class, but let his boyfriend worry over him. "i had some things on my mind..." Sans replied quietly. "What sort of things?" Shota asked as he picked Sans up and started walking him to class. "a lot of things. do my bro and friends have vml's? will i get answers on what happened to us on that day? why?" Shota hummed. "I know for certain the others do have VML's, Nezu is getting them renewed. As for the rest... that's kinda what this trip is about, so try not to worry too much about it. You have a class to teach." Sans leaned into Shota. "thank you, babe..." Shota kissed his skull softly. "Of course. Would a date after work make you feel better?" There wasn't an ounce of hesitation from the skeleton as her replied with a hyped, "yes!" Shota laughed and set Sans down in front of the classroom door. "Just come get me from my sleeping bag when school is over." Sans chuckled and smiled warmly at his lazy boyfriend. "can do, nap well!" He waved as Shota retreated to his classroom to sleep.


Sans went over the power of a human soul versus a monster souls and the estimated power of a meta human soul versus a monster soul. To say meta humans were much, much stronger was debatable, Sans suspected that to be the case, but then again, meta humans also could be traced back to monster genetics, so there was a slim chance they were weaker than human souls. Sans simply didn't know. "izuku, i want you to come here when you're done eating to... discuss your grade in this class." Seemed like a good reason to want to see him after class. Izuku looked scared and many of the students 'oooed', but it wasn't like he was actually in trouble. Sans went to his desk and sat down, leaning back in the chair to put his feet up. His gaze traveled to the chunk of Void crystal. The first hint to the deeper goings on of their entrapment. General Studies would be coming in, which meant Hitoshi Shinso was coming in. Hitoshi was a bright young mind that reminded him of Shota. He was top of his class in soul studies too.


"Y-you wanted to see me Sans? Is it bad? Can I get extra credit to raise it-" Sans stopped Izuku right there and closed the door behind him. "this isn't about your grade, that was just an excuse. no, we are going to start tapping into your soul today." Like the flip of a dime, Izuku was suddenly excited, eyes shining. He almost looked like he was going to cry- "have a seat and get comfortable. we need to get you acquainted with your soul first before we can do any of the cool stuff." Izuku was quick to sit. "close your eyes, focus on the center of your chest. focus on your breathing, your heartbeat. slowly, you will start to become aware of a sort of energy in the center." Once more Izuku did as he was told and the room became quiet. "It... feels like electricity, sparking in the center of my chest..." Sans nodded. "that is your soul. you've unknowingly tapped into it many times before when activating your quirk. you can access it easier than before with being able to feel your soul. next we will work on your 'check'.


They worked on check until lunch was over. Izuku was only a beginner, and could only see a name and atk and def, but that was as good a start as any. Over time Izuku would learn to see more like Sans could. Sans taught the rest of the classes, 2-B, the support students, and the management students. After, he went to get Shota. "I'm awake... wanna go swimming..?" Swimming? Sans supposed it was decently warm for a human. "yeah, sounds like a good date to me. let's go!" Shota got out of his bag and rolled it up before they went to car to go to the beach. Sans hadn't been to the beach yet, he was pretty excited! Shota loved to see that smile. "So... as a skeleton, you have to wear a shirt instead of shorts?" Sans nodded immediately. "i don't have squishy human parts like you do, there's nothing to hide down there." Shota hummed thoughtfully. "Will you ever show me your soul? When you are ready?" He wanted to ask about the red lines without Sans finding out he'd peeked. Sans immediately turned away, not flustered like Shota would have thought. He actually seemed more scared. "i-i don't know, shota..." Shota gave a small, reassuring smile. "That's ok, no pressure. Let's focus on having fun, ok?" Sans glanced back at him and smiled himself. "ok, shota... thanks."

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