24. Cast Parties

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37 days remaining

Dylan's pov

You know what's not a good look on me? Sweat. You know what I'm dripping in right now? Fucking sweat.

I stood in the corner of our trailer, straining in the scorching heat of June to clean up the mess Thomas and I had left. Not that we really had spent much time in here over the past month and a half, but we were two--rather immature--men. We hadn't exactly been cautious towards cleaning up our trash before we left each time. I thanked the Lord that Thomas had cleaned up a bit a few weeks ago, or gosh knows I'd be wallowing in a pile of grime up to my elbows. I shudder just thinking about it.

I scooped up some empty water bottles, grumbling slightly under my breath. You'd think I could hire someone else to do this for us, but when I voiced that idea to Wes all he replied was, "ya gonna hire someone to wipe your ass after you shit too?" That didn't exactly feel like an encouragement to hire help.

The only thing getting me through the back-breaking work and death-defying temperatures (okay shut up, I'm only exaggerating a little) was the little flutters of excitement that bit at my chest every time I thought about last night. About my...my date.

I blushed, even though I would have claimed it impossible for my face to heat up anymore with how hot I already felt. I couldn't explain it though, why a smile formed on my face as I recalled the night, why my heart seemed to flip whenever I pictured us dancing in the rain, why my cheek still seemed to tingle whenever I touched it. I'm sure I was just imagining it, but still; I hadn't been on a date that fun since my last serious boyfriend. By the time he had dropped me off at my door, I was just about ready to melt into a big, lumpy pile of mush.

I felt too much like a teenage girl, obsessing over her crush. It's not like I'm in love with him--gosh no. I have a small crush on him, a crush that keeps growing faster than I'd like. Kinda like a tumor. Yeah, Thomas is my tumor. A really cute, funny, charming tumor that takes me on blissful dates, but that's besides the point.

I bit my lip. It was really hard to stay grumpy about cleaning when I kept thinking about last night.

"Stop it."

Jumping, I spun towards the doorway. I fought another blush when I met Thomas's gaze; I didn't want seem like a complete puddle of mush around him all the time.

"Stop what?" I asked, releasing my lip.

Thomas smirked. He was wearing his leather jacket again (what the fuck--how???? Does he not get affected by heat????) and with that goddamn smirk, I could definitely see why he'd be mistaken as a 'bad-boy'. Of course, anyone who knows him would say he's really just a precious little puppy that needs to be protected at all costs--

That's my heat-infested mind talking, I swear. I would never think that if I was in my right mind.

"Stop biting your lip," he said casually, "it drives me fucking insane."

I stiffened, turning away to hide the blush that finally broke onto my cheeks. Maybe he didn't mean it like that--like he wanted to kiss me. Maybe he was just really passionate about dental hygiene and didn't want me to mess up my jaw. Either way, if I spoke up, I had a feeling that I'd only end up muttering something embarrassing, so I stayed silent instead.

"What are you doing?" he continued like he hadn't just melted my insides, stepping into our trailer. He left the door open like I had done, to allow a little bit of the breeze into the room.

"Cleaning," I answered with my back still facing him. I knew that if I said anything more I'd probably end up regretting it. I turned towards him again, squeaking when I almost bumped chests with him.

I stumbled backwards, trying not to seem too shocked with how close he suddenly was. I hadn't heard him approach. Now he stood just a yard away, but his heavy stare made him feel much closer. Calming slightly, I swallowed, my hands clenching around the water bottle still in my hand. He hummed in acknowledgement to my explanation, but I knew he wasn't really listening, nor did he really care. Subconsciously, I ran my teeth against my bottom lip, letting it release slowly.

Thomas stepped closer, his eyes and smirk never wavering. I took a step back, almost against my will. He had a predatorial gleam in his eye, and I, stuttering and blushing under his gaze, was his prey.

He glanced down at my lips. Then, he said quietly, "It's too bad we didn't spend more time in here together. You know, just me and you..." His voice was so soft, it was as if he didn't want to break the sudden unspoken tension between us, "Alone..."

Jesus Christ, he's fucking horny today.

He took another step closer. Again, I moved backwards. My knees hit the couch and I nearly lost my balance, but by some miracle I remained standing. Thomas only smirked. The bastard knew how much he affected me, and I hated it. He moved closer again, and with nowhere to go, all I could do was watch until he stopped with our chests barely touching. His eyes fell to my lips again.

"And what would we have done?" I choked, unable to look at anything but his own chapped lips just inches away.

"Learn to yodel of course."

Thomas pulled away, a pleased and triumphant smile curling on his lips. Fucking bastard.


"Kaya!" I called as soon as she entered the dining hall a few hours later. My voice was loud, echoing over the light chatter in the room and drawing quite a few stares. Kaya's head spun around as if she were an owl, looking for the speaker of the voice amongst the dozens of people in the room.

I waved my arms to get her attention. "Over here!" I shouted.

Kaya's eyes met mine, and worry filled her gaze immediately. She looked over her shoulder as if I was calling for a different Kaya, but when her search came up empty she turned back to face me. She looked hesitant to approach, each footstep tentative and afraid, like a child venturing into the darkness.

"Hi," I greeted when she stood in front of me.


And that was it. That was all she said. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, her usually clear blue eyes clouded in thought. Though she tried to hide it, I could see the confusion on her face, wondering why I had called her over. I would be bewildered too, if I were her; after all, the last time we had spoken, we ended up in a fight. I had made it pretty clear how much I didn't want to be anywhere near her.

But Thomas had been right last night when he said I needed to talk to her. I had to hear her side of the story. Besides, after how great my date had been, I couldn't exactly say I was mad at her anymore; I just wanted my friend back.

"Sit," I sighed, gesturing to the empty seat across from me. "We should talk."

Kaya still looked slightly afraid, but she pulled out the chair and sat down as I instructed. She didn't say anything still, and that's how I knew she was still upset from our fight. Usually Kaya wouldn't shut up.

It was awkward at first, I'm not going to lie. Kaya kept her gaze on the table, like a child waiting to be scolded. The silence between us was only broken by the conversations of everyone else in the hall, though they felt miles away from where Kaya and I sat. This needed to be done though, despite my growing desire to run and hide.

"I'm sorry," I finally broke the silence. Kaya met my eyes but didn't reply, so I went on, "I shouldn't have yelled at you--"

"--No!" Kaya interrupted, clearly louder than she intended. Reiterating, albeit quieter, "No. I deserved it. I shouldn't have--"

"Don't," I crossed over her. I shook my head. I really didn't have to hear her apology. I knew she was sorry; I could see it just in the way she held herself, as if she was disgusted.

"No," she replied just as quickly. She was always stubborn, that Kaya. "You need to hear it. I'm sorry, Dylan. Really, I am. If I had known that you would be upset, I wouldn't have said anything to Thomas, I swear. I know it's really not an excuse because I shouldn't have said anything to him whether it hurt you or not, but--"

"Kaya, it's okay--"

But she continued to babble, "--the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you, I swear on my life. I just saw something between you guys so I interfered and I'm sorry. I promise next time I just won't get involved and--"


"And I'll keep any secrets you tell me--"


"I just wanted to help you find love, Dylan, I'm really, really--"


Kaya stopped. She took a deep breath, reigning herself back in after her near hysterical outburst. She looked as if she had been barely keeping all of that in, like a dam fit to burst. And when she cracked, everything came leaking out, every regret and remorse that had been building up inside of her for days.

"It's okay. I forgave you already," I finally said. Her shoulders immediately relaxed, and she slumped forward.

"Are you sure?" she asked, still hesitant.

"Yes. We're cool, okay?" I smiled, and Kaya gave me a relieved grin back.

Leaning on her elbows, she moved closer to me from across the table. "Good," she said, her usual Kaya-attitude rising immediately, "Because I've been dying without knowing what happened on your date with Thomas. Did you kiss? Use protection? Did he ask you to marry him? How many children are you having? When--"

Ah, there's the Kaya I knew and loved. Despite her onslaught of questions, I couldn't help but just be happy to have my friend back.


Kaya and I ended up speaking all afternoon; as it turns out, a lot had happened in both our lives in the short amount of time that we had been fighting. After I finished filling her in on (every. Fucking. detail.) of my date, Kaya went on to tell me how she had gotten into a fight with her fiance too. I couldn't help but feel bad for her, but she was quick to reassure me that it was just because he missed her and hated the distance between them, and they resolved it quickly enough. Then she told me her sister was pregnant so she'd soon be Aunt Kaya.

She accompanied me up to my room shortly after, where we spent the next hour getting ourselves ready for the cast and crew party that would happen later tonight. I felt nothing short of a highschool kid preparing himself for his first ever highschool party. I guess to an extent that's all I really was; a young boy straying into a territory he's never experienced before. Prior to The Maze Runner, I've never had the opportunity to go to a cast party anyway.

Kaya left at 6:30, claiming she needed to change her clothes before she went. I told her she looked fine, but all I got in reply was 'shut the hell up asshole, you have zero fashion sense'. I rolled my eyes and let her leave, but as soon as she had gone, I couldn't help but crave her company again.

At 7:00 I took a deep breath and forced myself out of my room. It wasn't that I was necessarily dreading seeing all of my friends, I just didn't quite fancy the idea of a party like this. Kaya had told me that since yesterday had been our last day of filming and tomorrow we'd leave for the first beginnings of press, today was 'celebration day'. All of the cast, including even the most minor of characters, and all of the crew (whom had been exceptionally supportive and creative behind the scenes) would gather one last time together before we split ways.

When I found myself in front of the doors leading to the room where the party would be held, I couldn't help but freeze. It was really a bittersweet moment for me; one one hand, this was my first cast party! I knew it would be fun, no matter what. And filming was over, so I didn't have to dread any more long days on set.

But on the other hand, this was really a goodbye party. There was no guarantee that we'd be cleared to film a second movie, so far right now, we had to assume that this was it; that we'd never work together again. That thought alone made me more upset than it should have. I really did enjoy--

But my thoughts were interrupted as the door in front of me flew open, and then a searing pain flamed up in my poor nose.

"Ah--fuck!" I muttered, stumbling backwards. I clenched at my nose with both hands, going blind to my surroundings as I focused on the pain. Motherflubbing fans, that hurt.

"Oh--shit--" I heard a familiar British accent curse. "Did I hit you with the door? Oh--fuck, Dyl, I'm sorry--I was just coming to look for you--"

"Well, you found me." I turned to glare at Thomas in his frantic form. He had his hands outstretched like he wanted to help, but he wasn't quite sure how.

Thomas looked mortified, muttering apologies over and over again. I guess he eventually just couldn't take standing there doing nothing, so he came closer and put his hands on my face, muttering, "Why were you just standing behind the door anyway?"

"I was making love to the door, what do you think I was fucking doing?" I hissed back. The pain in my nose ceased a bit and I didn't feel any blood, so I let my hands settle back down at my sides. It was then that I fully became aware of the situation; Thomas still looked horrified that he had hurt me, but his hands had yet to move from cupping my cheeks, his thumbs creating lazy circles subconsciously. I relaxed into his touch.

"Are you okay? What can I do to make it better?"

A weird surge of confidence overtook me, like an ocean wave I hadn't been expecting. I fake pouted, than replied, "Kiss it better."

Honestly, I couldn't help it. After he had so cruelly denied me a kiss this morning, and ever since he had pecked my cheek last night, I had been craving another ever since. Thomas's concern melted slowly from his face as he processed my demand, and then, as if he knew what I was thinking, he smirked.

"Your wish is my demand." And he leaned down to peck a soft kiss to the bridge of my nose. My eyes flicked close as his warm lips made contact with my pulsing skin.

Without even opening my eyes, maybe out of embarrassment, maybe because I was too blissed-out, I muttered, "I think you missed."

"Did I?" Thomas asked coyly, though his voice was quiet, almost shy. "I guess I better try again."

I waited. I felt his breath ghosting across my lips, my heart dropping and flipping and doing the salsa all at once. I gulped, waiting, waiting waiting--

"Oi! Lovebirds! Get your butts in here!" Kaya's voice shattered our moment, and my eyes flew open as an unintentional groan left my lips. I blushed immediately, and when I looked towards Thomas, I was surprised to find his cheeks tinged pink as well.

He had pulled away when he heard Kaya's voice, and we both simultaneously looked awkwardly towards the door that was slightly ajar across from us, giving Kaya (and half the crew shit) an uninterrupted view of our little scene. I don't think I've ever blushed more.

"Er..." Thomas muttered awkwardly, and it was only then that I realized how uncomfortable the tension between us had become. He reached up and scratched the back of his neck, and I almost wanted to laugh, had I not felt so embarrassed; it was weird seeing Thomas--Mr. "I'm Too Cool For Everything"--looking so slight and out of place. Clearly he didn't have experience with awkward disappointments.

But I, as my entire life was one big awkward disappointment, didn't feel quite as lost. "I guess we should go inside," I said, ignoring the catcalls and wolf whistles from the cast.

"Um--yeah," he said slowly. I rolled my eyes and led us into the party.

Immediately we're swept in opposite directions; Thomas went off with Aml and Ki Hong, while I'm forced to endure the motherly-stares of Kaya and Will. I shake off their questions easily, my face still glowing with the same heat as a first-degree burn.

I make a beeline for the punch bowl, though I know Will and Kaya trail behind me like lost puppies. I end up stuffing my face with as much food as possible so as to avoid answering their questions. When I turn back, after wholeheartedly disregarding all of their interrogations, I smiled through a mouthful of food, and suggested that we dance.

The music pounded around us, not too loud, but at the same time much too soft to have a proper dance-like feel. Not that any of us really cared though--we were too busy doing the wobble or the cotton-eye joe to really care how loud the event was. I was surprised by the amount of people already dancing when Kaya, Will and I merged onto the area cleared. Usually, it takes a few brave souls to break the ice, but to me, it looked as if everyone had simply skipped that stage.

And just like I expected, the next two hours pass in a blur of laughing, dancing until my feet fall off, and mingling with everyone. I caught glimpses of Thomas every once in awhile, but most of my time is really spent grinding on Kaya (jokingly of course) and reminiscing about stunts and funny things that happened on set. Every so often I'd glance around just to see how everyone was enjoying myself, though it was clearly obvious that most everyone was having fun.

I just wish that I was having fun with a certain blond guy by my side.

God, could I sound more desperate?

At half past nine my poor feet couldn't handle standing any longer, so I collapsed down at an empty table. Kaya and Will were trapped in a conversation with an executive producer (please pray for them) so I watched them silently, waiting for them to join me. I didn't have to wait long though to find myself in company.

"I knew you'd show up eventually," I said as Thomas sat down opposite me.

He huffed. "I've been putting up with boring business talk for the last two hours. I deserve a break."

"Aw, poor baby," I mocked, jutting out my bottom lip. "How will you ever survive?"

"Honestly, it's so hard being me sometimes," Thomas said with a shake of his head. I snorted, and though he was obviously fighting hard not to let it happen, the corner of his mouth jerked up.

I took a sip of my water bottle, letting my mind roam. I'm glad that Thomas got over his awkwardness from before--imagine if that ruined--whatever we are. I think I would have just died.

My eyes fell on Wes across the room. I eyed him for a moment, scrutinizing his every move. Surprisingly, I hadn't managed to get to speak to him tonight, as everyone in the room seemed set on congratulating him for finishing filming. I knew he still had a lot of work to do, and clearly he knew it too; tired lines etched around his eyes, deep and stressed.

"What do you think Wes did before he was a director?" I asked Thomas suddenly. I'm not even sure why I really cared; however, now that that had occurred to me, I simply couldn't picture him as anything but a director. He wasn't that young, so I knew he had to have had another job.

"Oh, he was definitely a stripper."

My neck snapped to the right and I smacked Thomas on the shoulder as he laughed. He held up his hands as if he was innocent, but his devilish smirk kind of defeated the purpose.

"Thomas!" I scolded, but I was fighting down laughter. "If anything, Wes was a beekeeper."

"What?" Thomas asked indignantly, his face scrunching up in mock disapproval. Then he continued, "Wes would never stoop that low."

I shook my head, rolling my eyes. Then I sighed, "You're right, he was probably a prostitute."

"Who was a prostitute?" Kaya interrupted, plopping down in a chair next to me. Will and Ki Hong decided to join us at the moment too.

"Thomas," I lied, as Thomas said at the same time, "Dylan."

We glared at each other as the other's laughed, but I had to look away as Thomas's heated stare began to make me blush. Thomas: 1 Dylan: 0

I glanced at my other friends, who all looked amused, though slightly miffed. Obviously they were sick of talking business all night. I couldn't exactly blame them; this was supposed to be a party after all, not a business meeting. I swear, old people just don't know how to have fun.

Just as I decided I'd distract them with some poor humor, Thomas's phone began to buzz where he had set it on the table. My eyebrows crinkled in as I watched him quickly scoop it up, his fingers tightening around the small object in what--maybe I'm mistaken--seemed to be fear.

I looked up just in time to see Thomas's face pale as he stared at the caller I.D., his reaction so striking it was like the devil himself was calling. He muttered a shaky, "I have to take this," before he pushed his chair out and stumbled away, leaving the rest of us in a confused silence.

Then, surprisingly, Kaya got up and followed him.


im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry this is the very definition of filler and im vvvvv sorry like legit nothing happened until the last two paragraphs im vvv sorry

but on the bright side it's only been 4 FUCKING DAYS SINCE I UPDATED THAT'S GOTTA BE A RECORD

I promise the next two chapters will have actual plot in fact ive been looking forward to writing them since i started this book yikes

I recommend voidabrams book, Dynasty (Newtmas and Dylmas Oneshots). Ive only had a chance to read a few so far but they're vvv creative and well written and she's a true talent, so you should head over there

Did you guys hear about the kidnapping at school??

It's okay, he woke up ;)

thanks shanks, hope you're doing well

also I remembered to brush my teeth *cheers*

until next time,


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