7. Bad News

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Dylan's pov

Well, I'm a shitty person.

A short breath of air escaped my lips as Thomas stormed away, an unknown feeling grabbing hold of my gut. He didn't look back as he left, but I didn't call out for him either; he simply disappeared out of the doors, like a speck of dust drifting out of the sunlight.

I blinked dumbly until a voice wrenched me from my stupor. "Ouch" I met the eyes of Will Poulter, who gave me a pitying look. "You really struck out on that one, mate."

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Maybe..." I said. "But maybe he deserved to hear it." Even as I said it, I knew I was the only one at fault here. No matter how much I hated Thomas, calling him a terrible person crossed an unspoken line. It was the first day I had met him: perhaps I was being unfair.

"No offense, but you don't seem like the kind of guy to be so rude to someone. Did he do something?" Kaya asked from across the table.

I tilted my head. "Yes." Then I grimaced, reiterating, "No." I groaned. "I don't know. Maybe?" I put my head in my hands, frustrated that I couldn't put my thoughts into words.

Ki Hong patted me on the shoulder. "We'll just pretend like that made sense," he joked, sensing my frustration.

I groaned. Thomas was a jerk: that much I was sure of. I could tell he thought less of the cast and I because we weren't A-List actors like himself just from the look he had given me when we first met. It was almost as if he had expected me to kneel down and kiss the ground beneath his feet, and when I didn't, his puny little brain couldn't handle it. But still, I wasn't a victim of his actions yet, so I didn't necessarily have a solid reason to hate him. Yet every part of me did, from my fingertips to my toes, and every atom in between.

"He didn't do anything to me, per se...," I finally continued, ignoring Ki Hong. "He's just got a habit of screwing people, I guess. And..." I trailed off, not wanting to voice my other thought aloud. It hadn't struck me until I had met Thomas in person yesterday, but ever since it had, I couldn't shake the feeling it had left. My dislike had increased tenfold upon greeting him, and by the time we were done speaking, I had felt like I might throttle him.

"And what?" Ki Hong asked.

I sighed. "Nothing. Not that I want to, but should I apologize?"

"Not if it's going to be insincere," Will reasoned. He, in particular, was growing on me. He seemed like a well-rounded guy, but also had a sense of humor that matched mine quite well.

"At least someone finally stood up to him," Ki Hong muttered. I cast him a curious glance.

"What, is that not normal or something?"

Ki Hong looked at me like I was stupid. "Dude, he's like, the most beloved actor in Hollywood. Everybody knows he could ruin your career just by saying he doesn't like you. You've got to watch yourself around him."

Great, I thought. I ruined my career before it even started.

The others turned back to their conversations. I sat quietly, thinking to myself. Their dim chatter barely broke my thoughts, questions about their lives, their jobs: basic attempts to get to know each other.

I stared at my sandwhich, suddenly losing my appetite. Did Thomas deserve what I said? Was I being too harsh? For any other person, I would have said yes, but Thomas was different.

Deep down, I knew the actually reason I hated him. My stomach clenched and my eyes glazed over, suppressing ugly memories.

I couldn't let those thoughts plague me from my future, though. I knew I had to attempt to be nicer to him if I wanted to survive in Hollywood, but I was never one to lie to people about my opinion. I wore my heart on my sleeve, and I had every intention of keeping it that way. Yet, at the same time, if a fake smile and some small talk could get me more credit in work, could it be worth it? I was an actor after all; I'm sure I could pull off a fake facade.

No, I can't do it. I can't force myself to be nice to someone just to benefit myself. I can't even imagine what drives someone to use another person for their own personal advantage, especially within their career. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's being lied to. I'd be a complete hypocrite if I was fake nice to Thomas in order to get my name out in Hollywood. I'd rather he hate me for being myself, then like me for someone I'll never be.

"You coming, Dylan?" Kaya called from the distance. Surprised, I looked up, shocked to find the seats around me vacant. The rest of the cast stood behind her, looking at me expectantly. I must have been locked in my thoughts for so long that I didn't even notice everyone else get up.

I stood from my seat with a heavy heart. As I tossed my empty soda in the trash can, I took a deep breath, vowing silently to never, ever let Thomas mess with my thoughts again.



I'm a fucking idiot.

Why didn't I see this coming?

I stood alone in the middle of the trailer lot, spinning in hopeless circles. I couldn't see nor hear anyone around me, as though everyone had simply dissipated into thin air.

How did I get myself into this predicament you may ask?

Well, here's how shit went down:

After lunch, Wyck and Wes had decided to show the cast the set. We still had about two weeks before we started filming, and most of the set was still being constructed, but Wes wanted us to be able to invision our surroundings when we were practicing our lines. At first everything went pretty well; we got some free moments to peruse the field we would be working in, and the April weather felt amazing after being cooped up inside for so many hours.

The cast was getting along much better than I ever dreamed too. Kaya had picked up a snake with a stick and had chased Ki Hong around (he screamed like a little girl), Will and I had found the biggest tree possible and climbed it (Will screamed like a little girl when an ant climbed onto his shoulder), and Dexter was found waving at cars that passed on the highway, sqealing like a little girl everytime they honked for him.Everyone seemed to genuinely be enjoying themselves. Even Thomas, who kept sending me dark glares, would occasionally joke around, and though I hate to admit it, he was actually hilarious.

And then things went south.

I'm obviously the most inexperienced actor on the set. This was my first ever major role, and everyone else had starred in countless movies. I, being the naive person I am, had expected everyone to guide me through this whole process, to basically show me the ropes.

However, apparently, that's not how it works in Hollywood.

As soon as we had arrived in the lot that held all of the trailers, where we would be able to rest in between scenes, my castmates had split to go find their personal trailer. I had been in the back of the group talking to Wes and was too stupid to glance at where they were all heading, nor ask Wes to point me in the correct general direction. When I finally came to my senses enough to realize I was lost, Wes was gone too.

So now, here I am, standing in the middle of the trailer lot looking like an absolute idiot.

I decided to take a shot in the dark and started wandering to my left. Mentally scolding myself, I wished I had at least looked to see which way the cast had departed. I walked for a minute, looking for signs I was going in the correct direction, when suddenly the sound of footsteps breached my ears.


Spinning around, my eyes met those of smug-looking Thomas. His arms were crossed and he gave me a brooding, knowing look.


I scoffed. "No, of course I'm not."

"Then where are you going?" Thomas pushed, obviously seeing right through my lie. He stepped closer, eye contact never wavering. That stupid smirk--does he ever stop smirking?

"None of your business," I said. I squinted at him in the light of the day, the wind barely rustling my hair.

"So...You're lost."

"Im going to my trailer, duh," I said, gesturing over my shouder like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I tried to look as confident and believable as possible.

Thomas nodded like he believed me. "Oh really?" He questioned in a lofty tone.

"Really," I muttered, eyes narrowing. Now I remembered why I hated this guy. He obviously thought he was better than me.

"Then why are you heading towards the make-up department?"

I opened my mouth to attempt to stutter an excuse but found myself unable to think. And then, because fate hates me or something, I had to have the absolute worst possible reaction in the history of reactions.

I blushed.

Hardcore, ears tinted, face beet-red, embarrasing blushing. I felt the heat rising in my neck, then crawl into my face, until my whole body was hot and pink.

But it got worse.

Thomas started laughing at my idiocy. It started as a chuckle and slowly got louder, until he was laughing so hard he had to bend over to clutch at his stomach. His reaction to my slip up only worsened my blush, and I couldn't even defend myself I was so flustered. Thomas fell to the ground, still cackling, his laughter echoing in the empty area.

And if you can believe it, it still got worse.

My castmates started peeking their heads out of trailers parked around the lot, curious to the commotion. They raised an eyebrow as they approached, not sure what was so funny, but chuckling anyway. Ki Hong met my eyes and sent me a look that clearly read, what the hell just happened here?

I knew how Thomas and I must look right now. Standing only feet apart, one collapsed in laughter, the other a flaming red. Anyone with eyes could jump to a conclusion.

We looked like friends.

"Shut up," I said so only Thomas could hear. This resulted in another bout of laughter, and I saw him wipe a tear from his eye.

When the rest of the cast saw that Thomas wouldn't be stopping anytime soon, they sent me knowing glances, then shuffled off in another direction. Thomas continued clapping his hands and squealing like a pig until finally I decided I had had enough.

"Just get up and show me where I'm going," I said in embarrassment, reaching down and hoisting him up by the shoulder.He was surprisingly muscular, I noticed, for such a thin frame.

Thomas's laughter died slowly, replaced by a clearly discontented look. Part of me was glad he was back to normal, though part of me liked seeing him so open, so carefree and relaxed.

I ignored that second part.

"Yeah...," he said, "about that..."

He trailed off, scratching behind his ear.

"What?" I demanded, dreading the worst.

Thomas's face became stone cold as he began to explain. "The budget of the movie is pretty small, and Wes couldn't afford trailers for everyone. So..."

My heart dropped. Please don't say it, please don't say it, please don't say it.

And then Thomas spoke, 11 words that sent ice through my veins and spiked fury in my blood.

"Guess we'll be spending quite a bit of time together, roomie."



This is short and awful and a terrible filler and has like no plot so I'm sorry it sucks. I have so much plot that Im excited to get to but I have to get through a few bumps first.

Sorry this chapter is like 300 words shorter than normal, and sorry its such trash but let's be real Im trash soo

Um yeah still haven't seen Scorch Trials bc my friend bailed on me.

Wow, this was a depressing author's note.

Sorry, friends.

Love you all lots, thank you for your support :)

That's it.

*rolls away*


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