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make sure you read chapter 41 before you read this!! They were updated simultaneously!!

enjoy, loves!

Thomas's pov

*18 years later*

"Because Dylan hadn't said goodbye. He just said see you later," I finished, smiling a tender, reminiscent grin down at the kids seated in front of me.

"That's not it, is it?" Riley asked from her seat in front of me. Her glasses had fallen off the perch of her nose and were resting lowly as she stared at me with a wide-opened jaw. She straightened, violently grabbing the leather-bound journal from my hand.

I chuckled lowly, replying, "I'm sorry sweetie, but I'm afraid that's the whole story."

"But--" beside her, Ethan perked up, "you didn't even get married! He barely even forgave you!"

"Would you have taken me back?" I countered, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course!"

I sighed, taking back the journal that Riley had just stolen. They were kids, I reminded myself. Children are forgiving and naive.

Riley's lip began to wobble and I quickly pulled her into my arms. She was light, thin, and blonde--characteristically very similar to me, despite being only adopted. Ethan, her older brother, crawled forward and placed his head on my knee.

"Listen, guys," I said, hushing Riley. "This story was never about Dylan and I falling in love. Do you understand why we told you this story?"

Riley shook her head, shoving her face into the crook of my neck. Ethan's eyes were staring accusatory lines out of the room, burning holes through the doorway.

I simpered. "I told you," I looked between them, "because I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. When you're older and are choosing between popularity, reputation, and who you really are, I want you to do what feels right. But most of all, I don't want you to get so caught up in yourself that you forget about everyone else. I was so focused on myself that I ended up losing the person I cared most for in the world. I don't want you to make the same mistake."

"Stupid Reggie," Ethan pouted. Despite just coming into his pre-teen, brooding years, he too looked affected.

I laughed. "Yeah, stupid Reggie."

Riley sniffled into my neck. I was prepared for her tears, but she startled me when she suddenly sprang to her feet with a yell.

"Mr. Dylan!" she exclaimed, marching over with fists bared. She charged into his waist with a huff, clawing at his pant leg. Dylan looked down at her in surprise, obviously not expecting to be attacked when he stepped through his kitchen doorway.

"You're mean!" she shouted. Her tiny, little four-year old fists pounded into his thigh to show her frustration. "You didn't forgive my Daddy!"

Dylan looked up at me with raised eyebrows. His hair had faded to a salt and pepper gray now that he was in his early forties, but he was still as undeniably lean and attractive as the first day we had met. My eye caught on his ringless left-hand--an exact copy of my own.

"Yes I did," he said, scooping her up into his arms. I couldn't help but notice the odd glint in his eye. "Your Daddy was just a real big idiot that made a few too many asshole mistakes."

"Dylan!" I scolded. I got to my feet and walked towards them, outstretching my arms for Riley. "Language, please."

Behind me, Ethan got up too. "At least you guys are friends still," he said, although he still looked disappointed.

Riley's head shot up at that, and she looked between me and Dylan with an excited smile. "Millie said that her Mommy and Daddy were friends at work before they got married! Can Mr. Dylan be our new papa, Daddy? Please? You said we would get a new one soon, but it's been like ten years already!"

Awkwardly, clearing my throat, I blushed a deep red. It hadn't been ten years since I made that promise, for the record. It had only been two years since my ex-husband and I split, and I got full custody of our children.

"I think it's bedtime," I said instead, ignoring both of my children's groans. Dylan laughed, stepping out of my way as I went upstairs to help them prepare. Ethan followed with an angry frown, likely dissatisfied with the way the evening had ended.

When I returned downstairs half an hour later, Dylan was nowhere to be found. Most of the lights on the main-landing were out, and for a moment, I thought maybe he too had retired to bed.

That seemed odd to me though. Ever since he had invited my family to his beach house a few days ago, the two of us had made it a tradition to stay up into the early hours of the night talking and laughing. Although we had kept in touch over the past few years, nothing quite compared to having all this time now, acting young and naive and like nothing had gone wrong at all.

From the corner of my eye I saw the slight movement of the balcony door curtains stirring in the breeze outdoors. Stepping towards the smell of saltwater, I followed the trail until I stopped just outside of the balcony, staring at the silhouette of Dylan's form. Bathed in moonlight, his back was to me as he looked out over the ocean.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Dylan nodded but stayed quiet. I had known him long enough by now to know that he would tell me when he was ready, so I resorted to stepping out onto the balcony, taking up the open space beside him. Our skin just barely brushed under the moonlight, the only warmth in the cool October breeze.

"That story just always gets me thinking, I guess," Dylan finally said. He licked his lips, still as pink and plump as the day we were freshly twenty-five.

"How so?" I asked.

He was quiet again, so I figured he would ignore me. Far off, the distant sound of the waves crashing on the beach made my heart beat steadily in sync. It was beautiful out, that was for certain.

"Are you happy?" Dylan asked suddenly, clearly ignoring my question. I looked over at him, but he was still looking out over the ocean. "With how we ended things, I mean."

"I don't really think we had a choice, Dyl," I said. "There's no way we could have been together again."

"Sometimes I just wonder though," he said, trailing off quietly. I glanced over, then sighed lightly.

"I think we needed it. I had to mature and earn your trust again, you had to learn how to let yourself trust in general. We both had to grow, and we couldn't grow together. Besides, if we were together, I wouldn't have met my ex-husband, and I wouldn't have gotten Riley and Ethan."

"You're right," Dylan nodded.

I thought maybe that was the end of the conversation.

"But what's stopping us now?" Dylan skipped the pause in the conversation, and his words came out abruptly and like he hadn't meant to speak.

My head turned to look at him in surprise. For a second, all I could do was gape.

"Do you mean that?" I asked. My voice had lowered to whisper, almost as if I was afraid I would speak too loudly and scare him away.

He turned to meet my heavy gaze. His eyes had aged, but they were still the same beautiful brown shade I had originally fallen in love with.

"We're not young and dumb anymore. You've proven time and time again that you're not going to hurt me, and I'd die before I intentionally hurt you or your children. You will always have a special place in my heart--so why not?" Dylan almost looked hopeful.

I blinked a couple times, sure that this was dream. With all the history between us, this just didn't feel real.

"You're sure?" I asked, more so to reassure him than myself.

"I promise I'm sure," he said.

He smiled at me and I smiled back. My heart was soaring. I thought perhaps he might lean in to kiss me then, might place his body firmly along mine--but instead he held out his pinky finger. Patiently, he waited for my promise too, a silent oath underneath the moonlight.





okay. wow. Here we are. The very final pages of Welcome To The Media.

I hope you're satisfied with the ending of this friends, because it took a whole lot of brainstorming to come out with anything not remotely sad. I'll be honest, prior to five hours ago when I began writing, Thomas and Dylan were not supposed to end up together. But alas, I am weak sucker for a happy ending, so this happened instead. I hope it didn't feel cheap or cheated.

I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank every reader for sticking with me all this time. It has been a hell of a ride, and I am sad to see it end. I honestly can't believe we made it this far! Go us!

On another note, I would also like to use this time to officially announce that I will no longer be writing fandom fiction. I have decided to give general fiction a try, so if anyone wants to hit me up over there, I'm typicallysam i will give you a big hug and all my love

Thank you thank you thank you. Really, from the bottom of my heart. You've all been so joyful and loving and positive, and it was an honor sharing my very first full-length novel with all of you.

I will love all of you forever and always xoxo

For the very final time,


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