chapter 12

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Hey guys it's been long since I haven't updated it.I decided to not make it discontinued because I guess one of you guys liked it and I don't want to make you sad.also I am sorry I didn't get to update my other books because I was doing a lot of things like going to school, playing with friends, doing other fandoms, and other things. So I decided to keep writing this book for you guys.

Nightmares POV:

We all got nervous by the stares we are getting and it makes me worried.
But instead of Mexicans freaking out they just went back to what they were doing.

Classic: weird why did they not freak out

Error: they probably think we are one of them cause of our skeleton faces.
They think we are wearing skeleton costumes

Killer: oh well that makes sense

Nightmare: come one guys! Let's get out of here before they realize what we really are

Cross: he's right let's go

*After running away from the city*

Horror: well what now? We don't know what else is there far away

Cross: we'll just keep walking until we find the sanses without getting caught by humans

Classic: well one problem though

Cross: what is it?

Classic: I can't use my magic anymore

All: WHAT?!

Killer: what do you mean?!

Classic: for some reason I can't summon bones, Gaster blasters, or even teleport

Nightmare: really

Classic: yup

Killer: if he can't use his magic then. . . . Oh no! we can't use our magic either

*Everyone snaps their fingers*

Horror: *gasp* I can't see magic!!

Nightmare: well we're doomed


Killer: wait but nightmares tentacles is working . . . How?

Nightmare: um they are part of ME.
They are not magic they are just other parts of my form

Killer: oh

Cross:*panic* what are we going to do?!!! We can't use our magic!! We are dead!!!

Classic: yo calm down Cross *pats his back* it's not the end of the world ok, we just can't use our magic here but we can do an adventure without using magic

Horror: and how are we going to get food?!

Error: *sees strawberry's* here

Nightmares: oh we could just get strawberry's. Did everyone bought a bag?

All:. . . . . .

Classic: I have a clean backpack *grabs a mini backpack from pocket*

Killer: wait this whole time you had a backpack!!

Classic:Sci made it for me just in case something happens *makes the backpack into a normal size*

Classic: *zips it open* grab all the strawberry's and put it in this bag

All: ok

*After putting all the strawberry's the bag is full*

Error: well that should be enough

Horror: *eats a strawberry he has in his hand*

Classic: *zips it closed* ok we should be fine for many days

Cross: but what about wa-

Classic: nuh ah ah we are fine without water

Cross: bu-

Classic: shhh *puts one finger on his face where his mouth is* just get over it

Cross: ok

Classic: besides we're skeletons. We don't need water to be Hydrated.

Error: then why do we need food?

Classic: good question cause idk.

Error: . . .

Everyone: *groans*

Classic: oh c'mon guys! It'll be an adventure think about it! We get to see what's there in the world

Killer: says the person who gets lazy and tired

Classic: . . . Tru but still

Nightmare: fine let's go guys

G's POV:

We walked a long way and my feet is starting to hurt.
I wish I can use my magic! cause I tried it once when Ganz was still asleep on the beach and it didn't work.

Ganz: how much farther?

Outer: I think like twenty minutes but we are getting close

Blue: where are we now?

Outer: we are still in Bensalem but we are in trees

G: we have been in trees since we came to Pennsylvania

Epic: yea bruh are you sure we are going the right way

Outer: I'm sure

Epic: if you say so

Blue: gasp guys look! *Runs to footprints* footprints!!

G: and who's is it?

Outer: hold on I think this thing has a footprint scanner *scans footprints*

Dream: who's is it?

Outer: it's Dragon sans and Dust's footprints

Blue: where does it lead?

G: look!

Everyone: *turns to what G is pointing at*

Ganz: it's a trail

Epic: that's where those bruh's are going

Outer: well let's follow the path and see where they're going


All sans:* turns their heads to a police*

Cop 1: YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! *Is pointing the gun to them while other police is too*

Blue: how did they know?!

Outer: but i thought they already left!

*Every policemen and woman surrounded the skeletons while helicopters is flying above them and FBI people using their sheilds just in case they do something. All the dogs were barking and growling at the same time, and flashlights flashing at them*


Ganz: we will never tell you!!

Cop 1: then we'll make you! ZAP THEM!!

All cops: *zaps them*

G: ow!!! It hurts!!

Epic: bruh why you do this to us??!!!

Dream: the pain!! Make it stop!!!

Ganz: Outer!! Don't you dare!!

Outer: alright alright we'll tell you!

Cop 1: that's what I thought

Ganz: *sigh*

Outer: sorry Ganz but it's the only way

Ganz: we're gonna have a serious talk on the way

Cop 1: *walks to all of them* get up

Sanses: *gets up*

Blue: please don't take us to the sciencetists!! We just want to go home!

Cop 1: we're not taking you to the scientists you all are going to use that map and lead us to those two skeletons.

Outer: hey! We are skeletons too, so why are we not going to the sciencetists

Cop 1: because you are not the wanted skeletons! The dragon kind skeleton is the one we need to catch! And you are helping us! If you don't we'll make you!

Ganz: most wanted?! What are you talking about?! Dragon has never been here before, he doesn't even know you!!

Cop 1: oh he does know us! We almost got killed by him because of his fighting skills and he escaped because of his power!

Epic: bruh we don't even know what you are talking about

Dream: you're wrong! Dragon never lies to us! He doesn't know about this world and Epic is right we don't know what you are talking about!

Epic: exactly

Cop 2: we have the tape! *Is carrying a computer* we'll show you the proof, but you got to promise us

Blue: what is it?

Cop 1: . . . Bring us the skeleton and we will let you go, but we are going to need your help when we deal with him.

G: why?

Cop 1: don't worry about it

Blue: *is really confused*

Cop 1: so where is the trail going

Outer: this way

*Everyone follows Outer as he follows the trail*

G: // out of all the things why us? But the most important question is why would Dragon lie to us? I have never heard him lie even the other sanses so why would he lie to us. Whatever secret he is keeping he better tell us//

Blue: wait what about the tape?

Cop 1: oh yea that one. Everyone stop!

*Everyone stops walking as Cop 1 which is a women takes the laptop and places it on a car do it doesn't fall and break. She opens it clicks on the video and we all watched*
In the video:

It started at a police station.

Cop 1: tell us who you are

Dragon sans: why should I?

Cop 3: tell her now or we will shoot you *pointing the gun at his head*

Dragon sans: *sarcastic ghost noise* like that's going to scare me

Cop 1: stop it with that sarcasm and tell us what you are!!

Dragon sans: listen I'm not trying to make a scene but I have more problems to deal with than some humans expecting me to talk about my information

Cop 2: you are not going anywhere! *Ready to shoot him*

Dragon sans: nice gun you have. . But are you good at aiming?

Cop 2: . . .

Cop 1: you know what, shoot him!

*Every cop started shooting*

Dragon sans: *is dodging everything and he started fighting one of the cops*

*The camera glitches out and the video stops*

Cop 1: now do you see what happened?

I didn't say a word neither did the sans I was horrified of what dragon did to them. I can't believe he lied to us.

Ganz: bu- but why?

Cop 2: we don't know but that's why we need your help

Dream: *sigh* fine. We'll help you. But you got to promise us too.

Cop 1: say it

Dream: bring him back when you're all done with him. We will deal with him when we all go back to where we were

Cop 1: thanks

Epic: no problem bruh. Besides bruh us and the winged lizard are going to have a really serious talk.

*All the cops started following Outer and the sanses*

Well Dragon is in trouble now.

I hope you like it.

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