chapter 2

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Inks POV:

Me and error got all of the sanses here but one.....we can't get dragon sans or find him.
Nightmare said he can find him,but I told him to be careful cause dragon sans au will be hard to find and there would be some bad things trying to kill him.
As everyone came I told them what's happening and told them about the mysterious circle that is floating around glowing.

Classic: "nope,I don't know what that is"

Fell:"me too,I haven't even seen a thing like that"

Geno: "me too"

Every sans said that they don't know what it is

Dust: "well whatever that thing is,we should stay away from it and figure out how to get rid of it"

Horror:"dust is right,we need to get rid of it before something bad might happen"

Cross:"I agree,also where's nightmare?he's taking to long to find dragon sans"

Killer:"that's a good question"

Blue:*gasp*"did he got killed?!"

G sans: "probably not,I think he's having a hard time catching him"

Outer: "that is true,I remember the time where dragon sans keeps giving nightmare a hard time before"

Error:" well we just got to wait.."

Few minutes past

Nightmares POV:

I finally caught dragon sans he is really quick and hard to catch too,even a sans can't catch him
I went through the portal as I put him down and ink told me that none of the sanses know what the circle is.
We told dragon sans if he knows but he said no 'well no one knows what it is' I thought.

Sans: "well I don't think we can destroy it it's probably gonna do something bad,even if we touch it"

Ink:"probably but how are we gonna get rid of it"

Geno: "maybe error will use his delete buttons to delete this circle"

Fell:"um,that's not how it works dumb*** a delete button won't work,not even a powerful wepon!"(sorry if I spelled it wrong)

Geno:"um yes it does,it will work and I seen it alot of times.remember the part where there was a unbreakable sword and error used his delete button? It did work so it might work in this one!"

Fell:"that only works on weapons!!that thing is not a weapon,it's a circle!!"

Geno:"well maybe it will still work and maybe errors delete button doesn't only delete weapons and other things!!"

Fell:"it is not going to work!!"

Suddenly Fell pushed Geno and he fell on top of the circle.

All sanses except Fell and dragon sans: *gasp*

Fell: I-I d-didnt mean to-

A flash of light filled the entire void and every sanses was teleported to a different place

Ho boy! And the adventure begins! I got to go to sleep now and I don't want my dad or mom to catch me on my phone so yea.i will probably still be awake this night I don't know but maybe?
I hope you like this chapter and I will write more so see ya

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