chapter 4

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Razz POV:

I was walking with king sans and reaper ,I wanted to go home but I can't cause I'm stuck in this stupid place with sanses.

King sans:"hey look,there's a river"

Razz:"well let's go see what's there"

I ran towards the river seeing alot of fish swimming by.

Reaper:"that's alot of fish in there"

Reaper said as he grabbed three fish,how is that possible?the fish died because of reapers death powers.

Reaper:" want one?"

Razz:"ew!no thank you I don't like raw fish"

Reaper:"well I can cook it for you guys if you want it"

King sans:"I don't like fish,but I can try"

Reaper:"ok I'll go get a campfire,also razz are you Shure you don't want to eat raw fish"

Razz:"yes I'm shure,the only sans I know that eats raw fish is dragon sans,I mean who would want a raw fish,and how does dragon sans not get sick!"

Reaper:"dragon sans is half dragon and we're skeletons,we can't get sick"

Razz:"good point but still!!ew"

Reaper:"well I'll go get some sticks and wood,you guys stay here"

Bird sans POV:

I was flying around looking for the sanses,but I never saw them.
I expected dragon sans to fly to look for us too,but he didn't.

'he probably hurt his wing again' I thought as I flew down where Alter,fresh,and sci we're.

Alter:"did you find someone?"

Bird sans: "nope,I didn't even saw dragon sans he probably hurt his wing when we all got teleported here"

Fresh: "well we need to find our Broski's and see what's going on"

Sci:"yeah I agree,I don't like this place and I don't know where the others are"

Bird sans: "well we need to find them and be careful too,who knows something bad is out there"

Alter:"well we should go and find them quick"

Bird sans:"ok"

We walked until I saw tall buildings up in the sky.

Bird sans:"what is that?"

Alter:"I don't know but I see buildings there"

Sci:"it's a city!"

Fresh:"well we need to hide something unradicle might come to kill us"

Alter:"he's right,let's hide before we get caught"

We hid where branches are and trees blocking us.

Dragon sans POV:

I was walking with dust,I wanted to fly to see where the sanses are but my wing hurts.we saw something and it was tall buildings.

Dust:"look buildings!"

Dragon sans:"I'll check it out"

As I was about to fly dust grabbed me by the arm and pulled me.

Dust:"no,your wing is hurt and you can't fly remember"

Dragon sans: "oh"

Dust:"I guess we'll walk and see what's going on"

Dust:"also put your hood on and your thingy"

I put on the blindfold over my forehead hiding the Crystal that was on my head as dust put my hood on.

We started walking as we saw alot of humans walking and running at the same time.'why does this place look familiar to me' I thought.

There was snow falling dust was cold too(even if he's a skeleton),he started to hug me feeling the warmth on me,I know I don't want to be touched but I guess I could give him a chance.

I was the only sans that had really warm temperature on me whenever it's cold outside.

It was really windy too and I had to hold my hood on,so did dust.when I didn't notice a strong wind flew by it took off my hood and everyone stared at me in shock.

There was a police there and it was running right at us.


I was scared and dust can tell that because my Crystal glowed a bright pink (means he's scared) so dust took my hand and ran past everybody.alot of cops showed up trying to catch us but he was faster than humans.

We were cornered to a wall and the cops had their guns out.dust grabbed me and teleported back to the forest,but near the city.

It was snowing outside still.

Dust:" you okay?the cops almost shot us,we are lucky we got out"

He let go of me.

Dragon sans:" yeah I'm okay,well that was a bad idea"

Dust:"I know right?"

Dust:"maybe we'll just find something else on our way but we need a rest,we walked far enough"

We both sat down and talked a little,but I still didn't tell the sanses the truth about me and my depression though,I never wanted to.

Wow some sanses found cities a I guess dust and dragon sans we're almost killed or almost arrested too.

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