chapter 7

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Dusts POV:

I was healing dragon sans wing with an aid kit this time cause dragon sans can't fly if his wing is hurt.

Dragon sans: you know I can heal it myself right?

Dust: yes but you don't heal yourself completely,you gotta learn how to heal yourself completely with an aid kit

Dragon sans: dust I'm fine my wings don't matter right now ,what matters is that we find the sanses and get out of here and go back to where we belong

Dust: nope,I'm healing it and that's final

Dragon sans: *groans*

*After healing dragon sans*

Dust: there,now your wing should be fine

Dragon sans:*flaps wings five times*....thank you..

Dust: no problem

Dust: so,where are we suppose to go?we probably have a lot of cops chasing us so we can't go back there

Dragon sans:hmm well the only way to go is to find a safe place and hopefully the sanses might find us

Dust: but that's just a waist of time tho

Dragon sans: maybe they know what they're doing besides I need somewhere safe so I can think about something

Dust: why do you need to think about something,do you have depression or something?

Dragon sans: no,it's something else

Dust: ok

Dragon sans: *mumbles* even tho I do

Dust: pardon?

Dragon sans: u-uh n-nothing!

Dust: ok (mind:something's off,im getting worried about him.)

Dust: well let's go that way,but we're gonna have to fly there and I don't have wings

Dragon sans: get on my back,I can fly us there

Dust: are you shure?cause I just healed your wing

Dragon sans:yes I'm shure

Dust:okay*gets on*

Dragon sans: ok,hold on tight cause this will be a high flight

Dragon sans*fly's up high*

Dust: woah!!

Dragon sans* flying around without getting caught*

Dust: *is looking around* there!!that should be a safe place!

Dragon sans: *fly's down*

Dragon sans *lands*

Dust: woah,your a fast flyer

Dragon sans: uh,thanks?

Dust: your welcome

Dragon sans: *sits on a rock*

Dust: *sits down on the snow*

Outers POV:

We've been following dragon and dust but they keep moving and we can't keep up because we are far away

Ganz: they keep moving

G: yeah they are

Dream: where are they now?

Outer: they're in some kind of place called 'bensalem' I forgot what the other is called

Blue: is that a state?

Outer:no,it's in Pennsylvania

Epic:we are already in Pennsylvania bruh, how far is it bruh?

Outer: pretty far

Ganz: well we need to keep up,even if we are far away we still need to catch up to them

Epic: I agree bruh

Dream: me too

Blue:me three

G: count ME in

Outer: I do to,but we have to follow the map and see where they're going

Ganz: hey look they stopped

Blue: hey!that could be our chance to catch up to them

Outer: well then let's go c'mon!

Fells POV:

We found the edge of the land but we didn't see anything else but ocean and ice.

*Sees nothing but ocean there and ice*

Geno: oh come on!!

Ink: well we are stuck in this place

Fell:there's got to be something we can do *thinks*

Geno: wait! We can make a boat!

Ink:*gasp*good idea I'll use my paintbrush

Ink:*grabs paintbrush and creates it but nothing works*

Ink: huh?what's happening *swipes it again but it only paints the floor with colors*

Geno: your's not working!

Ink: but my paintbrush always works,how can it not work here

Fell: well looks like we need to find another way to do it *looks around and sees trees*

Fell: yes!!that's what's we need

Geno: wait wait wait,we're BUILDING a boat

Fell:uh yes,just grab some wood and start building

Geno: ok

*After building the boat*

Geno: ok,this should better work

Ink: it should!!I still had my super glue,so it should work

Fell: ok three,two,one, push!!

Everyone:*pushes and gos in the boat*


Fell: yes!! It worked

Ink: good job fell I'm proud of you

Fell: eh,it was no biggie

Geno: well then we'll just go and see where the water takes us

If you guys want to know why the sanses can't use magical powers and stuff it's because,magic in reality doesn't work here and magic and powers don't exist.

So because magic and powers don't exist,the sanses can't be able to use them,that's why inks paintbrush doesn't work.

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