chapter 8

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Inks POV:

We found land and then got off the boat.The boat got some cracks and ripped flags (I forgot what they are called) but we are still okay.but man that was scary, if my paintbrush worked I would've made a portal and go through there, but I don't know why I can't use my powers or my paintbrush it's weird.

Geno: ok so we're out of that cold place and now we are right here, where are we

(This is where they are) :

Ok back to the story

Fell: I don't know where we are but it is warm here

Ink: it is,well let's see if we can find something here

Geno: ok

(Sorry inks POV is short,I have no ideas on this one (•_•)

Scis POV:

We kept walking around the city and I had my hat on my head so that no one will notice that I'm a skeleton,we found the forest and went to it.

Alter: ok so now that we are out of there, what next?

Fresh: honestly dude,I have no ideas on this one

Bird sans: me niether,we got to think of something

Sci: but what?

Fresh: maybe we ca-

* Paper fly's into fresh's face*

Fresh: REALLY!!? AGAIN!?ok that is so unradical

Bird sans: calm down that only happened to you three times already

Fresh: how is that fine to you!

Bird sans: honestly I don't know

*Face palms*

Epics POV:

The bruhs have been walking for ours and I keep complaining about stopping because I'm tired.

Epic: can we please stop bruh

Outer: no

Epic: please

Outer: no

Epic: please

Outer: no

Epic: pretty please

Outer:I said no and thats final


Blue: how far are we

Outer: we are kind of close to them but not that close

G: well I want to get out of this place

Outer: we do to but we need to find the sanses

G:uggggh fine

Dream: AHHHHHH!!!

Epic: bruh what was that


Epic: bruh where?!

Dream: ON G's BACK!!!

Epic: ok bruh stay right there and don't move *gets a stick*

G: (._.) why me out of all the things

Epic:* points the stick where the spider is*

Spider:*gets on the stick*

Epic:*throws it at the tree*

Epic: ok bruhs,we can go now

G: at least I didn't get bitten


Blue: so where do we need to go now?

Outer:hmm according to this map we need to go north west

Blue: ok

Dusts POV:

The winged lizard decides to sleep but I'm not sleeping,I decided to stay gaurd just in case something happens.
I tried not to fall asleep but I failed I went to sleep.

*Police noices*

Dust: zzzz h-h-huh whats happening?!

Dust:*sees police cars stopping by and flashlights flashing and helicopters flying*

Dust: how did they find us!? I got to wake up dragon sans

Dust:*runs to dragon sans*

Dust:dragon! Dragon!!wake up!the police are here and there's tons of them!wake up!*shakes him*

Dragon sans:*still asleep*

Dust: why aren't you waking up!*sees that his crystal is glowing bright orange*

Dust: *sigh* great,your in a deep sleep

Dust:*grabs dragon sans and runs*

In dragon sans nightmare or depression nightmare:

Dragon sans: *is in a dark room crying while cutting himself with a knife*

Dragon sans: one for losing my brother.
One for making my three best friends evil.
One for not saving my step parents.
One for bieng stupid.
One for bieng a useless bieng.
One for hurting people.
One for lying to people that I'm okay.
One for not bieng there for everyone.
One for not saving people.
One for bieng a sans.
One for bieng born.

Dragon sans:*crys and crystal glows really blue* why mother,why can't I just be a normal not worthy for this I can't deafet the demons*sobs*just tell me what I'm doing wrong,just tell me what to do,just tell me how to make things right*sobs more* just tell me please,please,please,just tell me

End of nightmare

Poor dragon sans he needs help

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