Down the rabbit hole

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Trying to actually get back into the swing of things because I have way too much info, I might just unpublish a bunch of chapters that contain old info or just generally cringy stuff, some stuff has changed and I don't think I can hold it back anymore for the sake of my own sanity. 

 This is to just to try to get back into writing as it has been forever that I have written something, sorta glimpse into what Lynn's childhood was like after they fell. Some of this will be changed in the future and more planned out. 


It's been a day, or perhaps two, that Lynn has been stuck in the mansion. It was honestly hard to keep track of time as the place seemed to be dark with a few dim lights and outside was not much of a help either as it seemed to be always gloomy. Lynn sat on the bed that the tall man had placed them on with the promise of returning with food, though they couldn't help but wonder why they couldn't just come outside with them. The question left their head quickly as it came as the door knob jiggled before the faint cursing outside was heard, Lynn curiously looked over at the door though they couldn't help but also feel tense. It was the tall man, Sins, home wasn't it? Then why couldn't he just open the door? Then again he didn't even seem to use the door as he just phased through it like some sort of ghost.

Lynn quickly snapped out of their thoughts as black liquid began to squeeze itself underneath the crack of the door and began to take shape of a cat, patches of white and black fur began to sprout and popping sounds were heard as bones formed Lynn gasped a bit from shock as the cat fully formed, two yellow-orange eyes started at Lynn with shock " Lynn? " The cat asked in confusion " What are you doing here?! What happened to you?! " The cat asks, quickly taking note of their new features. Lynn didn't answer, shifting their gaze away from the cat with guilt in their eyes, the cat stared at them before sighing and shaking his head once he realized he wasn't going to get an answer.

" Nevermind the last question, what are you doing here? '' I...I don't wanna talk about it, " Lynn finally spoke, their voice hoarse and quiet" Where is Mathew? " The cat asked " I don't wanna talk about it, " Lynn replied again, this time a bit louder before they started to cough, the cat only stared in worry. " Why are you here? " Lynn mumbled " I thought I smelt food, " was the only reply that they got before the cat changed the subject " Come on, let's get you home, this place is off....and not in a good way...." the voice of the cat turned cold at the end as their eyes flickered beside him. Lynn quickly stood up, towering over the odd cat, their hands clenched with their whole body shaking " NO! NO! Don't take me back! " They shouted before their legs buckled causing them to fall to their knees. The cat backed up shocked by the sudden outburst

..what had happened to them?

The question didn't seem to have an answer though, Lynn looked at the cat, their eyes teary and their cheeks starting to turn red " Please Dev don't take me back.. " Lynn whispered, the cat Dev, only nodded before getting closer to them " I suppose I won't..but I'm not leaving you here either! " He said not wanting to abandon Lynn. Lynn nodded, pulling their legs up to their chest as they leaned against the bed, silence fell over the two before the sound of faint clicking was heard. Lynn perked up before quickly using their sleeve to try and wipe any tears that may have fallen.

" I'm back~ " a new voice was heard as a tall man phased through the door a wide smile on their face as he held a plate of hot food, Dev took a step back, his fur standing on end and his tail now bushy, Sin gave a small glare at the cat, his smile faltering before returning even wider " Oh? A cat? How did you get in? '' Sin asked, the cat only hisses in response and backed up to Lynn, " It was outside the window and wouldn't stop meowing, " Lynn said quietly running their fingers through Dev's fur in an attempt to calm him down " Can we keep him? " They asked, looking up at Sin. Sin didn't say anything for a few seconds before sighing a bit and fully phasing through the door " I suppose, at least for the moment, it looks filthy, " Sin said kneeling down in front of Lynn to give them their plate of food, Sin paused and looked at Lynn " Kid is everything alright? '' Sin asked, noticing that their eyes were still teary, Lynn didn't say anything, only snatching the plate out of his hand and began to devour the food.


Lynn, once more sat in the bedroom alone, waiting once more for Sin to be back, though it seemed to be taking longer than usual, he said he would be back with food, like normal. Their stomach grumbled at the thought of food making Lynn groan, their hands wrapping around their stomach in pain before they stood up and walked over to the door looking up at it, they weren't quite tall enough to open the door. Then again the house seems to have weird proportions...that or they were just really short...but they knew they couldn't just stay in the bedroom for god knows how much longer, especially since their hunger was killing them. As they pondered what to do they felt something slimy touch their foot, quickly they pulled back away in disgust and looked down seeing that same black liquid as before seeping through the door crack.

" Dev! " Lynn happily exclaimed, relieved that at least someone was coming in and checking on them and could also reach the door " Can you unlock the door please? " . The black liquid seem to pause for a bit before it began to rise, taking shape of a humanoid figure this time, unlocking and opening the door for Lynn before falling back to the ground and forming back into a cat, Lynn smiled happily saying a quick thank you before picking up Dev and walked out of the room " Does he always keep you locked up in that room? " Dev asked looking up at Lynn with concern " Not always, sometimes he takes me out and brings me to a different section...but he says that it's for my safety so I don't get lost...or injured.." Lynn replied, mumbling the last part before noticing the concern on Dev's face " But it's fine! I don't really like it out here anyways, " Lynn quickly added on in a feeble attempt to try and ease Dev's nerves.

" Lynn if you don't want to be here you can just tell me, I'm sure tha- " Dev was cut off " No. " Lynn's grip tightened as they stared off into the distance before they began to walk in a random direction " Lynn can you just tell me what happened?! Do your parents even know you are here?! " Dev asked his voice, raising a bit as he tried to wiggle his way out of their grip now even more concerned on what had happened, though Lynn didn't respond instead their grip tightened more as they sped up their walking pace now just trying to distract themselves from Dev's questions. Dev opened his mouth to say something though the air was knocked out of him as they ran full force into someone, Lynn fell to the ground quickly, letting go of Dev in the process, " Oh! Lynn...w-what are you doing out of the room? " A nervous Sin asked, Dev's nose wrinkled a bit as he looked up at Sin, there was something off about the way he smelt.

Is that the smell of blood? Dev thought, Lynn quickly grabbed Dev again looking up at Sin " Hungry. " Lynn mumbled " Oh right! I have it cooking don't worry, " Sin said bending down to scoop Lynn up " Let's get you into the kitchen then, " Lynn nodded and leaned up against Sin, their face scrunching up " You smell funky, " Sin laughed, shifting his gaze to the side for a minute, a small nervous smile on his face " Might because I accidently cut my finger which is why the food was taking so long, "

For some reason Dev felt like he was lying.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the kitchen, despite the many turns, twists and stairs there were, it also didn't take long for Dev to notice that the kitchen reeked of blood, though granted it was very faint, for the most part. Lynn was sat down on the counter while Sin attended to the food " Please don't put your friend on the counter, " Sin said with his back turned to them, Dev glared a bit at him letting out a small huff while Lynn said a small ' okay ' before letting go of Dev, quickly he jumped off their lap and landed on the floor walking around curiously before stopping at the fridge.

It reeked of blood...and...was that souls he sensed?! A shiver ran down his spine before turning to look at Lynn who happily swung their legs around waiting for food to be finished cooking, his attention then turned to Sin.

Is he planning on eating them? 

Dun dun dun, cliffhanger because I physically cannot bring myself to write more. Literally lost all idea after the first day but It was so short that I just pushed myself to go forwards with it.

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